Questions tagged [android-query]

Android-Query (AQuery) is a light-weight library for doing asynchronous tasks and manipulating UI elements in Android.

The goal of Android-Query (AQuery) is to make Android coding simpler, easier, and more fun!

96 questions
1 answer

ContentProvider with mulpitle tables, all kind of errors

I've built a single ContentProvider as a frontend for my 3 table sqlitedb. It's my first ContentProvider and i can't find a good tutorial on how to built it. The schema is actually very simple. CONTROLS: _id, title, text, last(time)used,…
3 answers

(Android)Load an image asynchronous in listview from an URL

My boss said I have to use Android Query, and i found this site: But i tried with:""); In my code, but i…
rosu alin
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1 answer

Meaning and Purpose of " = '1' " in ContentResolver Query

String selection = ContactsContract.Contacts.HAS_PHONE_NUMBER " + " = '1''"; String[] selectionArgs = String.valueOf(1); Why do we put " = '1' " in the Selecion Query ? and Also the Reason for String.valueOf(1);
1 answer

ManagedQuery causing nullpointerexception

I am working on a project and want to read call logs and write them to file and send it to server. My code for reading call logs in working fine in a separate project. But it causes NullPointerException when integrates code with original project.…
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2 answers

java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Failed to allocate a 3225612 byte allocation with 886384 free bytes and 865KB until OOM

Really having this issue. Sorry because this question many times has been asked. but it was needed. I am displaying large images after scale down. So My app looks like as Flipboard app. User can flip the pages right or left. I used recycle() so it…
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1 answer

Get an element from SQlite Db, App forced close

so I am new to SQLite and the programming world. I want my app to find the username from DB, if it is found, then show a it's name, else show not found. but somehow my searchUname method is force-closing my app. Here's where the method is called…
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