Questions tagged [android-query]

Android-Query (AQuery) is a light-weight library for doing asynchronous tasks and manipulating UI elements in Android.

The goal of Android-Query (AQuery) is to make Android coding simpler, easier, and more fun!

96 questions
2 answers

Set cookie using Android-query & AjaxCallback

I'm looking for ability of holding session using aQuery, that starts from first HTTP request. I'm getting cookies and storing them, but how to add them to new request, so server will know that same user with same session trying to reach…
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0 answers

AQuery - use cache when offline?

I'm using AQuery and referencing with this page: Is there a way that when the device is offline, an ajax call can use the cached data, but still let that expire when the device gets back online?…
Devin Rodriguez
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1 answer

Android-Query(AQuery) is used for SQLite Databse?

I want to fetch data from my sqlite database using AQuery. But I don't have any idea about that. So, Is it possible to fetch data from database using AQuery?? If yes, then How ?
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How can I fetch only a part of a webpage from the net rather than downloading the whole page

At the moment I am using a third party library called Android Query. I use it to download the webpage, then I parse the html for the bits that I want. These bits are mostly in one small part of the page, so the rest is discarded. each page is about…
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1 answer

In-App Version Checking - Android-Query

I am using In-App Version Checking, and I would like to test the dialog if it's working. If I try: ms.locale(Locale.getDefault().toString()).force(true).level(MarketService.MINOR).checkVersion(); it works great, but this is a force alert dialog,…
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0 answers

ContentResolver.query() method throws "Invalid token limit" error

The following error occurs on Pixel devices with build number RQ1A.201205.003 or later. I would like to know the cause of the error and how to deal with it. Is this a bug or a spec change? ■code ContentResolver resolver =…
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Android ContentObserver- determine the SMS status

I've registered a ContentObserver to the URI of Telephony.Sms.CONTENT_URI, in order to be notified every time the user sends or receives a new SMS message. For successfully-sent and received messages, this works fine - but for messages that have…
Yoav Feuerstein
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0 answers

Android: Bitmap doesn't get added to ArrayList

I create a Bitmap using Android Query like this: ArrayList bitmapArray = new ArrayList(); aq = new AQuery(HomeCategoryActivity.this); aq.ajax(currentUrl,Bitmap.class,0,new AjaxCallback(){ @Override public void…
0 answers

Android Query: Trying to retrieve Bitmap Image from URL?

I'm trying to retrieve a Bitmap image from a URL using Android Query. However I'm left with no Bitmap whatsoever. This is my code: Bitmap.Config conf = Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888; private int w = 700, h = 480; private Bitmap bmp =…
1 answer

How I can use substring in cursor?

I have a Cursor that Select from sqlite, in this query I do a substring but I can'y use from substring it don't get me any error but show me listView empty. try { String value = editText.getText().toString(); cursor =…
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1 answer

Aquery - getCachedImage return null

I am using Aquery getCachedImage to cache the image url from my server, but I am facing some problem. If I run it twice in a same function and the first cache is successful but the second will return null. When I close that page and run again and…
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0 answers

Implement AndroidQuery for getting last version of my app on Google Play

I would like to check by code if the app installed on device is the last update. I've tried many things but does not work. Finally I've found this interensting API: I'm trying to implement it but…
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3 answers

Listview create all elements instead of visible ones

I have an issue which I didn't found any solutions on stackoverflow (or anywhere else so far). Summary : I have scrollview and inside of it a ListView with visibility gone (Can switch with a TextView). When I set the adapter content, in my activity…
7 answers

Android Query - detecting location

I am using Android Query to detect user's location. For some reason, when I try to retrieve my latitude and longitude, it shows my previous location which is a couple hundred meters away, as if it was cached. What could be the issue here? public…
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2 answers

Load images from server html sourse with android-query

I have a html-content String with img tags. For having image urls I use: Spanned htmlSpan = Html.fromHtml(item.message, imgGetter, null); descriptionView.setText(htmlSpan); Html.ImageGetter must implement method getDrawable which should return…
Danil Onyanov
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