Questions tagged [android-progressbar]

Android's ProgressBar widget displays visual work-in-progress indication to the user. A determinate progress bar displays how far the operation has progressed. An indeterminate progress bar just displays that work is being done.

Android's ProgressBar widget displays visual work-in-progress indication to the user. A determinate progress bar displays how far the operation has progressed. An indeterminate progress bar just displays that work is being done.

Android ProgressBar is often used in a Dialog using ProgressDialog.

ProgressBar has following different styles

1597 questions
8 answers

How to implement a material design circular progress bar in android

I want to make a material design circular progress bar like the one in Inbox by Gmail android app. How do I achieve this (in pre-lollipop devices)? Am trying to achieve a similar effect like this. Inbox by Gmail material design circular progress bar
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11 answers

Endless RecyclerView with ProgressBar for pagination

I am using a RecyclerView and fetching objects from an API in batches of ten. For pagination, I use EndlessRecyclerOnScrollListener. It's all working properly. Now all that's left is to add a progress spinner at the bottom of the list while the next…
8 answers

Add a Progress Bar in WebView

I am trying to add a progress/loading bar to my application that uses WebView. I am confused on how to implement a progress bar that appears every time a link is clicked. Current code: public class CULearnBrowser extends Activity { WebView…
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5 answers

ProgressDialog spinning circle

I want to implement ProgressDialog like this one, without additional frame.: But I'm getting this one. How could I change that? Here is my code for ProgressDialog. Thanks in advance private ProgressDialog mProgressDialog; ............ …
Andrew Rahimov
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4 answers

Practical usage of ContentLoadingProgressBar

I was going through developer site of android and I found a class named ContentLoadingProgressBar. By seeing this class I come up with some questions in my mind. It would be great if someone answers my questions. What is the difference between…
swetabh suman
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7 answers

How can I change the style of a ProgressBar to small?

I have some difficulties finding the correct way to specify that a progress bar should have the small indefinite style. I would be glad if somebody could provide an example for me and others that do a quick search for this information.
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3 answers

When is indeterminate progressbar coming to Android Support Library

My applications UI is built using the Android Support Library, but there is currently no AppCompat version of the (intederminate) progressbar, which my app really needs. I would prefer to not use any third party libraries to achieve material design…
12 answers

Android ProgessBar while loading WebView

In my application, I have a WebView which loads any URL from the internet. Now, sometimes due to slow networks the page takes a long time to load and the user sees only a blank screen. I want to show a ProgressBar while the WebView gets loaded and…
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5 answers

How to show a Horizontal Android Indeterminate Progress Bar

How to show an indeterminate horizontal progress bar in android? The animation of the progress bar should start from 0 to 100 and then go back from 100 to 0 continuously. I am not looking for the wheel progress bar.
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10 answers

How to change default ProgressDialog circle color in android

I am using ProgressDialog for showing progressbar ProgressDialog progressDialog = new ProgressDialog(context); progressDialog.setCancelable(false); progressDialog.setMessage(message); …
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3 answers

What's the meaning of android:progressBarStyle attribute in ProgressBar?

I've been looking through the documentation for ProgressBar class and found these attributes: android:progressBarStyle android:progressBarStyleHorizontal android:progressBarStyleLarge android:progressBarStyleSmall These four parameters are…
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3 answers

Android Circular Determinate ProgressBar

I want to create a Circluar Determinate ProgressBar, the kind which shows the Progress in the center of the Bar. Is there any default way to create this, or will i have to create my own custom one.
6 answers

Android: Start the circular progress bar from top (270°)

I have defined a circular progress bar using the following drawable "ciruclar_progress_bar.xml"
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2 answers

How to display progress dialog before starting an activity in Android?

How do you display a progress dialog before starting an activity (i.e., while the activity is loading some data) in Android?
3 answers

How can I display a holo-themed activity circle?

I've tried to show an indeterminate activity circle like this one: Here's the layout code:
Mridang Agarwalla
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