Questions tagged [endlessscroll]

Endlessscroll has been called autopagerize, unpaginate, endless pages.

Endlessscroll has been called autopagerize, unpaginate, endless pages. But essentially it is pre-fetching content from a subsequent page and adding it directly to the user’s current page.

80 questions
7 answers

How to implement setOnScrollListener in RecyclerView

How Do I show progress bar at bottom when user reached to items those are visible in a list. I have written a code in which i am getting data using web service, now i would like to populate partial records, because i have around 630 records in my…
8 answers

RecyclerView Endless Infinite Scrolling Issue

I am trying to implement Endless Infinite Scrolling with RecyclerView, but I am only getting first 10 records, not getting next 10 records and even not getting any progress while trying to scroll at bottom. Whereas I was suppose to get next 10…
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How can I identify that RecyclerView's last item is visible on screen?

I have one RecyclerView and I added list of data into the RecyclerView. I wanted to add more data in list, when last RecyclerView item is visible on screen. After that I want to make a web service call and update the RecyclerView data. How can I…
Rajesh Koshti
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4 answers

How to implement Endless scrolling using StaggeredLayoutManager

I already tried to implement the endless scrolling for LinearLayoutManager and it is successful and tried to copy the LinearLayoutManager implementation to StaggeredGridLayoutManager but it doesn't work. I just want to get the firstVisibleItem. in…
4 answers

Why RecyclerView.OnScrollListener is not an interface but an abstract class?

To implement Endless Scroll pattern in to the RecyclerView I want to create a class like public class EndlessScrollAdapter extends RecyclerView.Adapter implements RecyclerView.OnScrollListener { } Because…
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5 answers

Set notifyDataSetChanged() on Recyclerview adapter

I'm implementing an endless data loading for a RecyclerView. When software detects that last item is going to be shown, it downloads new items and call to the loadMoreData() function but new dataset is not showing. When I called…
2 answers

Dynamic Endless RecyclerView scrolling issues

I have to create following layout So far, I have successfully created the layout and populated all views. However, I am facing problem in the making ReyclerView Endless on first fragment. Consider the RecyclerView has 10 items on first load, now…
2 answers

RecyclerView scroll listener's method onscolled calls automatically without scrolling

While implementing pagination. I faced this issue. Without scrolling the onscrolled method continuously calling. Please check my code below. For reference, I'm using Endless Scrolling with AdapterViews and RecyclerView There is also one demo…
2 answers

Endless load more recyclerview inside nested scroll android

I have Recyclerview inside the nestedscrollview and I want to scroll the nestedscrollview to the buttom display loading and load more list to recyclerview. Here is my xml.
0 answers

Android RecyclerView Endless Scroll adding item throwing Exception For Android Support Library 24.2.1

I have implemented the Endless scroll with RecyclerView. When user hit the bottom I'm adding null object to display progress in AsyncTask onPreExecute and notify adapter item Inserted. This code I have been using for quiet some time already.…
1 answer

Android: Infinite Scroll to TOP in listview

I'm trying to implement an endless scrolling to top where I would load more data when the user is getting close to the top of the listview (like in a messenger app). I have a scroll to bottom class which works fine, but I don't manage to find a…
Kali Aney
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3 answers

Retrofit onFailure throws "Unexpected end of stream" message in scrolling a endless scroll listener

I am loading server data in my app in endless scroll recyclerView using pagination with retrofit 2 library. But unfortunately after scrolling some page retrofit onFailure method throw a message showing "Unexpected end of stream". This message shows…
0 answers

React-router v4 silently change url while using endless scroll

I have an article read page, which I can enter by using url like '/article/id'. In this article read I have endless scroll, which is uploading new articles when you scroll far down, and I want to change my url to currently viewed article url without…
Leonid Gordun
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4 answers

Implementing Endless RecyclerView

I want to implement an endless RecyclerView but so far all the implementations and tutorials I have come across describe loading data off a server then loading it or dynamically adding elements using a loop. In my case, I already have a large…
Alex Kombo
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