Questions tagged [aws-fargate]

AWS Fargate is a service within Amazon Web Services that allows for running containers without managing servers or clusters. Use this tag for questions about AWS Fargate. For context, also tag your question with [amazon-ecs] or [amazon-eks] to denote which managed container service you're using.

AWS Fargate is a compute engine for deploying and managing containers without having to manage any of the underlying infrastructure (servers or clusters). AWS Fargate supports Amazon ECS and Amazon EKS.

Usage guidance

Use this tag for questions about AWS Fargate. For context, also tag your question with or to denote which managed container service you're using.


922 questions
4 answers

Is it possible to SSH into FARGATE managed container instances?

I use to connect to EC2 container instances following this steps, wondering how I can connect to FARGATE-managed container instances instead.
Stefano Messina
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10 answers

Aws ecs fargate ResourceInitializationError: unable to pull secrets or registry auth

I am trying to run a private repository on aws-ecs-fargate-1.4.0 platform. For private repository authentication, I have followed the docs and it was working well. Somehow after updating existing service many times it goes fail to run the task and…
NIrav Modi
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2 answers

Linking Container in AWS Fargate

I try to setup a little example on AWS Fargate and try to have one application container with one database container there. The task definition starts both containers, but my app container fails with getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND db db:3306. Therefore, the…
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2 answers

"One or more of the requested capabilities are not supported." AWS FARGATE

I'm getting "One or more of the requested capabilities are not supported." error when trying to mount a volume from Amazon EFS on AWS FARGATE.
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4 answers

Fargate vs Lambda, when to use which?

I'm pretty new to the whole Serverless landscape, and am trying to wrap my head around when to use Fargate vs Lambda. I am aware that Fargate is a serverless subset of ECS, and Lambda is serverless as well but driven by events. But I'd like to be…
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6 answers

AWS ECS error: Task failed ELB health checks in Target group

I am using cloud formation template to build the infrastructure (ECS fargate cluster). Template executed successfully and stack has been created successfully. However, task has failed with the following error: Task failed ELB health checks in…
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6 answers

ECS Fargate Scheduled Task not running

I'm trying to setup a scheduled task with ECS Fargate but I cannot figure out why it is not running. I can confirm the task works correctly using RunTask but when I try to trigger it on a schedule all I get is a bunch of 'FailedInvocations' with no…
4 answers

Persistence in AWS Fargate Containers

I have 2 containers in a Fargate task definition. One of the containers is a database server. I'm wanting to persist the data directory. However, Fargate doesn't support the Source Path field when setting up a volume in the task definition. Does…
Ira Klein
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2 answers

How do I associate an Elastic IP with a Fargate container?

I'm exploring using the new Fargate option for my ECS containers. One constraint is that the running task must always be accessible at the same Public IP address. My first thought was to allocate an Elastic IP but I can't tell what to associate it…
Gabe Durazo
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3 answers

AWS ECS Fargate Container Healthcheck command

I am trying to setup aws ecs fargate deployment configuration. I was able to run containers without container health check. But, I want to run container health checks too. I tried all possible scenarios to achieve this. But, no luck. i tried with…
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3 answers

How do I retrieve the public IP for a fargate task using the CLI?

I have a cluster running with services and am also able to launch fargate tasks from the command line. I can get the taskArn as a response to launching the task and I can wait for the task to be in the running state by using "aws ecs wait". I'm…
Mike N.
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3 answers

How can I run commands in a running container in AWS ECS using Fargate

If I am running container in AWS ECS using EC2, then I can access running container and execute any command. ie. docker exec -it How can I run commands in the running container or access container in AWS ECS using Fargate?
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3 answers

How to configure a Laravel based app on AWS ECS using Fargate?

Edit: My first question was "how to link containers inside task definition on AWS ECS using Fargate?" But, may be I'm wrong from the start, so I changed my question and keep the content below: I'm trying to deploy a simple Laravel based app on AWS…
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1 answer

AWS Fargate startup time

Currently I'm researching on how our dockerised microservices could be orchestrated on AWS. The Fargate option of ECS looks promising eliminating the need of managing EC2 instances. Although it's a surprisingly long time needed to start a "task" in…
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2 answers

Static outbound IP for AWS ECS Fargate task

I have a Docker container with a service which I want to run through AWS ECS with Fargate. Unfortunately the service I want to run needs to access an SFTP server of a partner where the IP needs to be whitelisted. My question is now: How is it…
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