How can you find out which process is listening on a TCP or UDP port on Windows?

Ben Voigt
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    Currports is a tool that helps search + filter too https://www.nirsoft.net/utils/cports.html – Blue Clouds Sep 23 '18 at 05:00
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    I ran into this while trying to run Tomcat in debug mode under IntelliJ, the best solution for me turned out to be changing the debug transport configuration (File->Settings->Build/exe/deploy->Debugger) from "socket" to "shared memory". – TMN Mar 28 '19 at 15:28
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    ```netstat -aof | findstr :8080``` (Change 8080 for any port) – David Jesus Jun 11 '20 at 17:18
  • @DavidJesus doesn't show process on windows 10. – Smit Johnth Feb 16 '21 at 22:14
  • @SmitJohnth I use `netstat -aof | findstr :3306` to find the MySQL process on Windows 10 and works like a charm. – David Jesus Mar 13 '21 at 07:39
  • @DavidJesus and for me it doesn't work. Windows 10 too. – Smit Johnth Mar 19 '21 at 20:35
  • it might be so that your process might be trying to bind to a reserved port. See this answer to find the list of blocked ports: https://stackoverflow.com/a/64988942/8919607 – Pradeep Anchan May 28 '21 at 06:17

33 Answers33


New answer, powershell


Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort YourPortNumberHere).OwningProcess


Get-Process -Id (Get-NetUDPEndpoint -LocalPort YourPortNumberHere).OwningProcess

Old answer, cmd

 C:\> netstat -a -b

(Add -n to stop it trying to resolve hostnames, which will make it a lot faster.)

Note Dane's recommendation for TCPView. It looks very useful!

-a Displays all connections and listening ports.

-b Displays the executable involved in creating each connection or listening port. In some cases well-known executables host multiple independent components, and in these cases the sequence of components involved in creating the connection or listening port is displayed. In this case the executable name is in [] at the bottom, on top is the component it called, and so forth until TCP/IP was reached. Note that this option can be time-consuming and will fail unless you have sufficient permissions.

-n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.

-o Displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.

Tereza Tomcova
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Brad Wilson
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    and taskkill /PID to then terminate the process, using /F if appropriate. – BitMask777 Mar 04 '13 at 20:03
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    You may have to run your command line shell as administrator, otherwise you may get an error message about insufficient privileges. Use the "Run as administrator" option when right-clicking cmd.exe. – Gruber Jul 29 '14 at 11:20
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    Works but requires elevated permission. Shift+right click on command icon -> run as administrator – Christian Bongiorno Jun 18 '15 at 20:53
  • When using -o to show PID, you can then pipe it to grep for the port number (if cygwin or msys installed) as the pid is shown on the same line as opposed to the process name which is shown on a separate line. – qwertzguy Nov 21 '15 at 19:37
  • Sometimes I can't run my Apache httpd server because PID 4 is taking port 80 for some reason. Problem is the process with PID 4 is well The "System". Restart helps but if anyone knows the reason or a way to find out why System is taking port 80 I'm all ears. – sebastian_t Jun 15 '16 at 12:11
  • @BradWilson "-b" is an invalid option please use netstat -a -d – Sathish Mar 08 '17 at 12:07
  • @BradWilson and @Sathish It appears netstat's options are not that standard. I had to use `netstat -a -n -p`. The -b and -d options are not available. The -o option was for timers. The -p options displayed the program name and PID. (on debian 8). – Seth May 19 '17 at 17:25
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    netstat 1.42 (2001-04-15) has no flag -b – paradox May 25 '17 at 22:16
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    Having got the PID - let's say it's `1234` - then you can use `tasklist /fi "pid eq 1234"` to find out the name and other details of the process. – Steve Chambers Nov 28 '17 at 10:32
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    On my system, the output from this command, besides being horribly difficult to read due to wrapping, overflowed the command prompt's buffer. I normally prefer command-line tools (although I'm admittedly much more comfortable in a Linux command line than Windows), but in this case, I found the Resource Monitor GUI suggested by @bcorso much more useful. – CarLuva May 06 '18 at 02:51
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    @sebastian_t For the System process (PID 4) there's `netsh http show urlacl`. It shows system URL reservations. – Tereza Tomcova Aug 02 '18 at 15:04
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    use `| grep :80` is useful for search for specific port. if installed `grep`. – Nabi K.A.Z. Aug 03 '18 at 18:08
  • netstat -a -b overflowed the whole cmd screen. I couldn't find the pid i was looking for before it went away. What i needed was a way to find the port of a specific process using pid. – Talha Imam Dec 14 '18 at 07:01
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    PowerShell code doesn't actually work, I get this error: Get-NetTCPConnection : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'LocalPort'. Cannot convert value "portNumber" to type "System.UInt16[]". Error: "Cannot convert value "portNumber" to type "System.UInt16". Error: "Input string was not in a correct format."" – Rodion Sychev Jun 05 '19 at 11:42
  • This doesn't work in PS3.0 - why do windows people never list versions anymore? What powershell version are those commands for? – Znamor Jun 12 '19 at 17:40
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    @RodionSychev The powershell command is expecting you to replace "portNumber" with the port number you are looking for. The error states that "portNumber" isn't a number. – MattOG Sep 24 '19 at 08:50
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    Wow, only Microsoft could come up with a syntax so thoroughly impossible to remember no one every will remember it. – MikeKulls Apr 01 '20 at 12:18
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    Get-NetTCPConnection : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'LocalPort'. Cannot convert value "portNumber" to type "System.UInt16[]". Error: "Cannot convert value "portNumber" to type "System.UInt16". Error: "Input string was not in a correct format."" – gmlvsv Jun 20 '20 at 18:12
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    I get an error. Any ideas? "Get-NetTCPConnection : No MSFT_NetTCPConnection objects found with property 'LocalPort' equal to '49923'. Verify the value of the property and retry." – Dan Csharpster Sep 15 '20 at 21:35
  • Also, check the excluded port range on Windows 10 by `netsh int ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp` – foal Apr 09 '21 at 08:46

There's a native GUI for Windows:

  • Start menu → All ProgramsAccessoriesSystem ToolsResource Monitor

  • or run resmon.exe,

  • or from TaskManagerPerformance tab.

Enter image description here

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    Also shows the binding's firewall status (last column). Very util. – Raphael Jul 02 '14 at 17:34
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    You need to be an administrator (or in that group) to run this. – KrishPrabakar Jan 04 '16 at 07:40
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    @bcorso, What does binding to "[unspecified address](http://i.stack.imgur.com/s8TKi.png)" mean? – Pacerier Jan 22 '16 at 14:36
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    Can also be launched from Task Manager's Performance tab, at least in Windows 10. (Have not checked other versions.) – Mathieu K. Oct 09 '16 at 13:55
  • You can also start resource monitor from performance tab of Task Manager by clicking the `Open Resource Monitor` button. From run prompt `perfmon /res` command also works to open resource monitor. – RBT Apr 24 '17 at 07:31
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    The comment of @user4836454 above is NOT correct: Resource Monitor DOES show ports with listeners, even if there is no network connection to these ports. Just look into the section "Listening Ports" instead of the section "TCP Connections". – Jpsy Dec 28 '17 at 09:27
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    This seems to omit some of the TCP ports that are getting used sometimes, even if they're used to the extent that other applications that need them can't start. – Panzercrisis Feb 26 '18 at 13:54
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    For some reason, the pid i was looking for was not listed in the resource monitor. Had to run the netstat command eventually. – Talha Imam Dec 14 '18 at 07:03
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    @Pacerier A single Ethernet interface can have multiple IP addresses assigned to it (usually in servers). 'Unspecified' means that it is listening on the port at any address the server uses. The opposite would be to show the IP address(es) that the program will respond to. – Cliff Jun 06 '19 at 19:07
  • perfect. you saved my time. – vishwa Jun 10 '20 at 06:32

For Windows:

netstat -aon | find /i "listening"
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Use TCPView if you want a GUI for this. It's the old Sysinternals application that Microsoft bought out.

Peter Mortensen
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The -b switch mentioned in most answers requires you to have administrative privileges on the machine. You don't really need elevated rights to get the process name!

Find the pid of the process running in the port number (e.g., 8080)

netstat -ano | findStr "8080"

Find the process name by pid

tasklist /fi "pid eq 2216"

find process by TCP/IP port

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Ram Sharma
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You can get more information if you run the following command:

netstat -aon | find /i "listening" |find "port"

using the 'Find' command allows you to filter the results. find /i "listening" will display only ports that are 'Listening'. Note, you need the /i to ignore case, otherwise you would type find "LISTENING". | find "port" will limit the results to only those containing the specific port number. Note, on this it will also filter in results that have the port number anywhere in the response string.

Peter Mortensen
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    FWIW attempting to run this in PowerShell v2.0 yields error `FIND: Parameter format not correct`. You need to add a space after the find criteria. This will leave you with `netstat -aon | find /i "listening" | find "1234 "`. – self. Aug 25 '15 at 13:16
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    Replace "port" above with your port, ex "5000" – jbooker Jun 17 '17 at 23:58
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    @self. I still get that error with PS 5.1, even after adding the space after the pipe. Do you know what's happening? – Nicke Manarin Dec 22 '17 at 18:11
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    @NickeManarinin & @self either first change from powershell to cmd (just type cmd and press enter then redo the command) or in powershell use this command instead: netstat -aon |find /i "`{back tick}`"listening`{back tick}`"" |find "`{back tick}`"port`{back tick}`"" ( – Tristan van Dam Mar 05 '18 at 06:37
  1. Open a command prompt window (as Administrator) From "Start\Search box" Enter "cmd" then right-click on "cmd.exe" and select "Run as Administrator"

  2. Enter the following text then hit Enter.

    netstat -abno

    -a Displays all connections and listening ports.

    -b Displays the executable involved in creating each connection or listening port. In some cases well-known executables host multiple independent components, and in these cases the sequence of components involved in creating the connection or listening port is displayed. In this case the executable name is in [] at the bottom, on top is the component it called, and so forth until TCP/IP was reached. Note that this option can be time-consuming and will fail unless you have sufficient permissions.

    -n Displays addresses and port numbers in numerical form.

    -o Displays the owning process ID associated with each connection.

  3. Find the Port that you are listening on under "Local Address"

  4. Look at the process name directly under that.

NOTE: To find the process under Task Manager

  1. Note the PID (process identifier) next to the port you are looking at.

  2. Open Windows Task Manager.

  3. Select the Processes tab.

  4. Look for the PID you noted when you did the netstat in step 1.

    • If you don’t see a PID column, click on View / Select Columns. Select PID.

    • Make sure “Show processes from all users” is selected.

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Get PID and Image Name

Use only one command:

for /f "tokens=5" %a in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr 9000') do tasklist /FI "PID eq %a"

where 9000 should be replaced by your port number.

The output will contain something like this:

Image Name                     PID Session Name        Session#    Mem Usage
========================= ======== ================ =========== ============
java.exe                      5312 Services                   0    130,768 K


  • it iterates through every line from the output of the following command:

    netstat -aon | findstr 9000
  • from every line, the PID (%a - the name is not important here) is extracted (PID is the 5th element in that line) and passed to the following command

    tasklist /FI "PID eq 5312"

If you want to skip the header and the return of the command prompt, you can use:

echo off & (for /f "tokens=5" %a in ('netstat -aon ^| findstr 9000') do tasklist /NH /FI "PID eq %a") & echo on


java.exe                      5312 Services                   0    130,768 K
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    Good answer, but you should change it to`findstr :9000` if not,you would even find apps what contain the number (e.g. when you search "80" you would find apps on port 80, 800, 8000 too). – Radon8472 Feb 04 '19 at 14:16

First we find the process id of that particular task which we need to eliminate in order to get the port free:


netstat -n -a -o

After executing this command in the Windows command line prompt (cmd), select the pid which I think the last column. Suppose this is 3312.

Now type

taskkill /F /PID 3312

You can now cross check by typing the netstat command.

NOTE: sometimes Windows doesn’t allow you to run this command directly on CMD, so first you need to go with these steps:

From the start menu -> command prompt (right click on command prompt, and run as administrator)

Peter Mortensen
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Pankaj Pateriya
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To get a list of all the owning process IDs associated with each connection:

netstat -ao |find /i "listening"

If want to kill any process have the ID and use this command, so that port becomes free

Taskkill /F /IM PID of a process
Peter Mortensen
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Monis Majeed
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It is very simple to get the port number from a PID in Windows.

The following are the steps:

  1. Go to run → type cmd → press Enter.

  2. Write the following command...

    netstat -aon | findstr [port number]

    (Note: Don't include square brackets.)

  3. Press Enter...

  4. Then cmd will give you the detail of the service running on that port along with the PID.

  5. Open Task Manager and hit the service tab and match the PID with that of the cmd, and that's it.

Peter Mortensen
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Nishat Lakhani
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With PowerShell 5 on Windows 10 or Windows Server 2016, run Get-NetTCPConnection cmdlet. I guess that it should also work on older Windows versions.

The default output of Get-NetTCPConnection does not include Process ID by some reason and it is a bit confusing. However, you could always get it by formatting the output. The property you are looking for is OwningProcess.

  • If you want to find out the ID of the process that is listening on port 443, run this command:

      PS C:\> Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 443 | Format-List
      LocalAddress   : ::
      LocalPort      : 443
      RemoteAddress  : ::
      RemotePort     : 0
      State          : Listen
      AppliedSetting :
      OwningProcess  : 4572
      CreationTime   : 02.11.2016 21:55:43
      OffloadState   : InHost
  • Format the output to a table with the properties you look for:

      PS C:\> Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 443 | Format-Table -Property LocalAddress, LocalPort, State, OwningProcess
      LocalAddress LocalPort  State OwningProcess
      ------------ ---------  ----- -------------
      ::                 443 Listen          4572            443 Listen          4572
  • If you want to find out a name of the process, run this command:

      PS C:\> Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 443).OwningProcess
      Handles  NPM(K)    PM(K)      WS(K)     CPU(s)     Id  SI ProcessName
      -------  ------    -----      -----     ------     --  -- -----------
      143      15     3448      11024              4572   0 VisualSVNServer
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To find out which specific process (PID) is using which port:

netstat -anon | findstr 1234

Where 1234 is the PID of your process. [Go to Task Manager → Services/Processes tab to find out the PID of your application.]

Peter Mortensen
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Talha Imam
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Just open a command shell and type (saying your port is 123456):

netstat -a -n -o | find "123456"

You will see everything you need.

The headers are:

 Proto  Local Address          Foreign Address        State           PID
 TCP                 LISTENING       1111

This is as mentioned here.

Peter Mortensen
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If you'd like to use a GUI tool to do this there's Sysinternals' TCPView.

Peter Mortensen
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Dave Webb
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  1. Open the command prompt - start → Runcmd, or start menu → All ProgramsAccessoriesCommand Prompt.

  2. Type

    netstat -aon | findstr '[port_number]'

Replace the [port_number] with the actual port number that you want to check and hit Enter.

  1. If the port is being used by any application, then that application’s detail will be shown. The number, which is shown at the last column of the list, is the PID (process ID) of that application. Make note of this.
  2. Type

    tasklist | findstr '[PID]'

Replace the [PID] with the number from the above step and hit Enter.

  1. You’ll be shown the application name that is using your port number.
Peter Mortensen
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Anatole ABE
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  • -a displays all connection and listening ports
  • -b displays executables
  • -n stop resolve hostnames (numerical form)
  • -o owning process

    netstat -bano | findstr "7002"
    netstat -ano > ano.txt 

The Currports tool helps to search and filter

Peter Mortensen
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Blue Clouds
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Type in the command: netstat -aon | findstr :DESIRED_PORT_NUMBER

For example, if I want to find port 80: netstat -aon | findstr :80

This answer was originally posted to this question.

Peter Mortensen
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netstat -ao and netstat -ab tell you the application, but if you're not a system administrator you'll get "The requested operation requires elevation".

It's not ideal, but if you use Sysinternals' Process Explorer you can go to specific processes' properties and look at the TCP tab to see if they're using the port you're interested in. It is a bit of a needle and haystack thing, but maybe it'll help someone...

Peter Mortensen
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Tony Delroy
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  • If you're not an admin you won't be able to use Process Explorer (or even Windows Task Manager > Resource Manager) to get this info from any process that is not yours to begin with. – Abel Jan 25 '17 at 11:52

I recommend CurrPorts from NirSoft.

CurrPorts can filter the displayed results. TCPView doesn't have this feature.

Note: You can right click a process's socket connection and select "Close Selected TCP Connections" (You can also do this in TCPView). This often fixes connectivity issues I have with Outlook and Lync after I switch VPNs. With CurrPorts, you can also close connections from the command line with the "/close" parameter.

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Follow these tools: From cmd: C:\> netstat -anob with Administrator privileges.

Process Explorer

Process Dump

Port Monitor

All from sysinternals.com.

If you just want to know process running and threads under each process, I recommend learning about wmic. It is a wonderful command-line tool, which gives you much more than you can know.


c:\> wmic process list brief /every:5

The above command will show an all process list in brief every 5 seconds. To know more, you can just go with /? command of windows , for example,

c:\> wmic /?
c:\> wmic process /?
c:\> wmic prcess list /?

And so on and so forth. :)

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Perl Fanatic
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  • PortMon (the link behind Port Monitor) is for monitoring *serial* and *parallel* ports, not network ports. – James Jun 02 '20 at 23:35

A single-line solution that helps me is this one. Just substitute 3000 with your port:

$P = Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 3000).OwningProcess; Stop-Process $P.Id

Edit: Changed kill to Stop-Process for more PowerShell-like language

Angel Venchev
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    You probably don't want to kill the process automatically. I would separate that kill command and explain it. Don't want some poor user copy-pasting that without thinking carefully. – TinkerTenorSoftwareGuy Feb 19 '19 at 20:27
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    And if you're going for the full PowerShell solution change kill to Stop-Process `Get-Process -Id (Get-NetTCPConnection -LocalPort 3000).OwningProcess | Stop-Process` – CubanX Dec 13 '19 at 16:02


netstat -a -o

This shows the PID of the process running on a particular port.

Keep in mind the process ID and go to Task Manager and services or details tab and end the process which has the same PID.

Thus you can kill a process running on a particular port in Windows.

Peter Mortensen
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For those using PowerShell, try Get-NetworkStatistics:

> Get-NetworkStatistics | where Localport -eq 8000

ComputerName  : DESKTOP-JL59SC6
Protocol      : TCP
LocalAddress  :
LocalPort     : 8000
RemoteAddress :
RemotePort    : 0
State         : LISTENING
ProcessName   : node
PID           : 11552
Peter Mortensen
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Using PowerShell... ...this would be your friend (replace 8080 with your port number):

 netstat -abno | Select-String -Context 0,1 -Pattern 8080

Sample output

>   TCP               LISTENING         2920
>   TCP    [::]:8080              [::]:0                 LISTENING         2920

So in this example tnslsnr.exe (OracleXE database) is listening on port 8080.

Quick explanation

  • Select-String is used to filter the lengthy output of netstat for the relevant lines.
  • -Pattern tests each line against a regular expression.
  • -Context 0,1 will output 0 leading lines and 1 trailing line for each pattern match.
Peter Mortensen
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Programmatically, you need stuff from iphlpapi.h, for example GetTcpTable2(). Structures like MIB_TCP6ROW2 contain the owner PID.

Michael Chourdakis
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To find pid who using port 8000

netstat -aon | findstr '8000'

To Kill that Process in windows

taskkill /pid pid /f

where pid is the process id which you get form first command

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In case someone need an equivalent for macOS like I did, here is it:

lsof -i tcp:8080

After you get the PID of the process, you can kill it with:

kill -9 <PID>

Benjamin Wen
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netstat -aof | findstr :8080 (Change 8080 for any port)

David Jesus
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For Windows, if you want to find stuff listening or connected to port 1234, execute the following at the cmd prompt:

netstat -na | find "1234"
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Use the below batch script which takes a process name as an argument and gives netstat output for the process.

@echo off
set procName=%1
for /f "tokens=2 delims=," %%F in ('tasklist /nh /fi "imagename eq %1" /fo csv') do call :Foo %%~F
goto End

set z=%1
echo netstat for : "%procName%" which had pid "%1"
echo ----------------------------------------------------------------------

netstat -ano |findstr %z%
goto :eof

Peter Mortensen
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You can also check the reserved ports with the command below. Hyper-V reserve some ports, for instance.

netsh int ipv4 show excludedportrange protocol=tcp

Daniel Genezini
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Based on answers with info and kill, for me it is useful to combine them in one command. And you can run this from cmd to get information about process that listen on given port (example 8080):

for /f "tokens=3 delims=LISTENING" %i  in ('netstat -ano ^| findStr "8080" ^| findStr "["') do @tasklist /nh /fi "pid eq %i"

Or if you want to kill it:

for /f "tokens=3 delims=LISTENING" %i  in ('netstat -ano ^| findStr "8080" ^| findStr "["') do @Taskkill /F /IM %i

You can also put those command into a bat file (they will be slightly different - replace %i for %%i):

File portInfo.bat

for /f "tokens=3 delims=LISTENING" %%i  in (
    'netstat -ano ^| findStr "%1" ^| findStr "["'
) do @tasklist /nh /fi "pid eq %%i"

File portKill.bat

for /f "tokens=3 delims=LISTENING" %%i  in (
    'netstat -ano ^| findStr "%1" ^| findStr "["'
) do @Taskkill /F /IM %%i

Then you from cmd you can do this:

portInfo.bat 8080


portKill.bat 8080

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    This might be a useful script. However, I tried it in CMD as well as PowerShell 6 with no luck. Perhaps you could improve your answer by providing a bit more details. – Manfred Dec 15 '19 at 21:27
  • Is the first part working? Is it only problem with "bat"? There are some differences in passing variables: (%%i ) – lczapski Dec 21 '19 at 11:00
  • @Manfred I have tried this on 3 different Windows 10. For example `.\portInfo.bat 800` in PowerShell it give something like this: `C:\work>for /F "tokens=3 delims=LISTENING" %i in ('netstat -ano | findStr "800" | findStr "["') do (tasklist /fi "pid eq %i" ) C:\work>(tasklist /fi "pid eq 4" ) Image Name PID Session Name Session# Mem Usage ========================= ======== ================ =========== ============ System 4 Services 0 1,820 K` – lczapski Dec 23 '19 at 07:55
  • Sorry, no luck. I put that command into a fiile named `portInfo.bat` in a powershell terminal, then executed `.\portInfo.bat 8080`. The output was just the content of the batch file. Very well posslble I'm overlooking something. Note, I'm using PowerShell 6.2.3 on Windows 10. I also tried it in a regular command prompt, but the result was the same: Output of the content of the script. I'm sure I'm missing a crucial piece of information to make this work. – Manfred Dec 28 '19 at 07:15
  • @Manfred The content of file should be printed, as I showed this in previous commit. Maybe there weren't anything on port 8080. Did you try the first command? And did it return something for this port? `for /f "tokens=3 delims=LISTENING" %i in ('netstat -ano ^| findStr "8080" ^| findStr "["') do tasklist /fi "pid eq %i"` – lczapski Dec 28 '19 at 13:54
  • 1
    Why not add `/nh` : `@tasklist /nh /fi "pid eq %i"`? And precisely the door: **`Findstr ":8080"`** – It Wasn't Me May 19 '20 at 02:36