when I use the command

grunt -serve

it gets stuck at this point and not going ahead : enter image description here

any idea why this must be happening ?

1 Answers1


I think this happened to me when there was something else running on the port. You can use netstat to check what is running on ports in windows; follow this link for more on netstat. You will have to kill the process running on that port if it turns out to be the case.

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  • grunt -serve:compress is working, if that is helpful in anyway. Otherwise I will try your suggestion once – Pravesh Choudhary Jul 31 '15 at 07:42
  • When you run that command it will likely say something like `Running server: http://localhost:"a port number"` maybe 8100 maybe something else. That may give you a hint as to if 8100 is being blocked. Since compress works I am guessing it is not the code but the port. You could also change the port it is trying to use to something else. To do that look for `gruntfile.js` and use find to get to the part of the file that changes the port. – sitrucj Jul 31 '15 at 12:57
  • ok ya got it ! I had installed Apache HTTP server on that port thats why it was happening. Working now. Thanks ! – Pravesh Choudhary Aug 03 '15 at 04:52