Hello people I have been stuck with a problem that plagued me for like 2 weeks and I don't know why. First I tought it was the symfony project I cloned from my partners repository but it has something to do with the php service I'm running it on. The console log shows this error:

[Tue Nov  1 15:16:57 2016] [200]: /frontend_dev.php

Besides that it says that it contains a lot of syntax errors.

I tried running the server on port 80 and It worked once. When I shut down te computer It says that another application is running on the port. Which makes sence,b but I would like to know why it worked once on port 80 and how to fix this problem because I was also looking around on the internet for answers, but nothing worked.

My enviroment:

  • Windows 10 with the ubuntu bash shell.
  • Symfony 1.4.20 propel
  • php 5.5.9
  • mysql 5.5.53

Installed packages:

  • Php5-cli
  • php5-common
  • php5-json
  • php5-mysql
  • php5-readline
  • php5-xsl
  • mysql-client
  • mysql-client-5.5
  • mysql-client-core-5.5
  • mysql-common
  • mysql-server
  • mysql-server-5.5
  • mysql-server-core-5.5

C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc:         localhost

/etc/hosts: localhost MY-PC-NAME

# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts
::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

I hope someone knows what could be wrong here.

  • Did you try to find out which process is listening on port 80? See [here](http://stackoverflow.com/a/23718720/4681654) – simon Nov 01 '16 at 15:03
  • @simon Thank you for sharing this. I tried killing the php5 proces running in the background on port 80 and now it works. There is only one problem. I'm using the command: "php -S localhost:80 -t web" but it doesn't seem to work on port 8000 which is the default port. – AutomataGeek Nov 01 '16 at 15:43
  • If you want to run PHP on port 8000 you need to use `php -S localhost:8000 -t web`. The documentation has more information about the [built-in web server](http://php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.webserver.php) – simon Nov 01 '16 at 15:56

1 Answers1


I don't think this version of Symfony will run on the PHP version you have installed. That could be your first problem.

To check this download the configuration checker at


and put in in your project root folder then run:

php check_configuration.php

For the port problem try to figure out which process might be using it.

Also consider using a newer version of Symfony for a new project.

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