I just uninstalled MySQL server, restarted my laptop and reinstalled MySQL server on Windows 8.1.

When I tried to configure it, it said "Port 3306 is already in use" (or something). I know I can use another port number, but I wanted to know how to set 3306 port free and use it.

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2 Answers2


Actually the port should not be in use anymore.

Did you try out who uses that port? try netstat -ao. Will return you a list of opened ports plus the process id of the program that uses that. You can check which program it is in Task Manager.


Obviously there must be some process binding to the port.

Have a look at this answer on a similar topic to find out which process it is:


Once you have the info in hand you can deal with the process - whether it is a remainder of the old mysql installation or something else.

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