
A tag is a keyword or label that categorizes your question with other, similar questions.

Use this tag for questions in graph theory. Here a graph is a collection of vertices and connecting edges. Use (graphing-functions) instead if your question is about graphing or plotting functions.
21786 questions
Questions on partial (as opposed to ordinary) differential equations - equations involving partial derivatives of one or more dependent variables with respect to more than one independent variables.
20417 questions
Convergence and divergence of sequences and series and different modes of convergence and divergence. Also for convergence of improper integrals.
20247 questions
Optimization is the process of choosing the "best" value among possible values. They are often formulated as questions on the minimization/maximization of functions, with or without constraints.
20164 questions
This tag is for questions about rings, which are a type of algebraic structure studied in abstract algebra and algebraic number theory.
19658 questions
Questions about algebraic methods and invariants to study and classify topological spaces: homotopy groups, (co)-homology groups, fundamental groups, covering spaces, and beyond.
19110 questions
This tag is for questions seeking external references (books, articles, etc.) about a particular subject. Please do not use this as the only tag for a question.
18892 questions
Questions about the evaluation of specific definite integrals.
18339 questions
Questions involving complex numbers, that is numbers of the form $a+bi$ where $i^2=-1$ and $a,b\in\mathbb{R}$.
17599 questions
For questions about vector spaces and their properties. More general questions about linear algebra belong under the [linear-algebra] tag. A vector space is a space which consists of elements called "vectors", which can be added and multiplied by scalars
16664 questions
Questions about evaluating summations, especially finite summations. For infinite series, please consider the (sequences-and-series) tag instead.
16043 questions
For posts looking for feedback or verification of a proposed solution. This should not be the only tag for a question.
15527 questions
Intuitively, a continuous function is one where small changes of input result in correspondingly small changes of output. Use this tag for questions involving this concept. As there are many mathematical formalizations of continuity, please also use an appropriate subject tag such as (real-analysis) or (general-topology)
15514 questions
Questions about commutative rings, their ideals, and their modules.
15187 questions
Metric spaces are sets on which a metric is defined. A metric is a generalization of the concept of "distance" in the Euclidean sense. Metric spaces arise as a special case of the more general notion of a topological space.
14500 questions
For questions about the formulation of a proof. This tag should not be the only tag for a question and should not be used to ask for a proof of a statement.
14493 questions
A stochastic, or random, process describes the correlation or evolution of random events. It is used to model stock market fluctuations and electronic/audio-visual/biological signals. Among the most well-known stochastic processes are random walks and Brownian motion.
14381 questions
Eigenvalues are numbers associated to a linear operator from a vector space $V$ to itself: $\lambda$ is an eigenvalue of $T\colon V\to V$ if the map $x\mapsto \lambda x-Tx$ is not injective. An eigenvector corresponding to $\lambda$ is a non-trivial solution to $\lambda x - Tx = 0$.
13014 questions
Questions on numerical methods; methods for approximately solving various problems that often do not admit exact solutions. Such problems can be in various fields. Numerical methods provide a way to solve problems quickly and easily compared to analytic solutions.
12913 questions
Categories are structures containing objects and arrows between them. Many mathematical structures can be viewed as objects of a category, with structure preserving morphisms as arrows. Reformulating properties of mathematical objects in the general language of category can help one see connections between seemingly different areas of mathematics.
12790 questions
Use this tag for questions about fields and field theory in abstract algebra. A field is, roughly speaking, an algebraic structure in which addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division of elements are well-defined. This tag is NOT APPROPRIATE for questions about the fields you encounter in multivariable calculus or physics. Use (vector-fields) for questions on that theme instead.
12114 questions
For questions related to permutations, which can be viewed as re-ordering a collection of objects.
11768 questions
Question on the meaning, history, and usage of mathematical symbols and notation. Please remember to mention where (book, paper, webpage, etc.) you encountered any mathematical notation you are asking about.
11696 questions
Prime numbers are natural numbers greater than 1 not divisible by any smaller number other than 1. This tag is intended for questions about, related to, or involving prime numbers.
11585 questions
Use this tag for questions and problems involving vectors, e.g., in an Euclidean plane or space. More abstract questions, might better be tagged vector-spaces, linear-algebra, etc.
11465 questions
For questions whose answers can't be objectively evaluated as correct or incorrect, but which are still relevant to this site. Please be specific about what you are after.
11201 questions
Questions about maps from a probability space to a measure space which are measurable.
10873 questions
Use with the (group-theory) tag. The tag "finite-groups" refers to questions asked in the field of Group Theory which, in particular, focus on the groups of finite order.
10813 questions
Mathematical questions about Algorithms, including the analysis of algorithms, combinatorial algorithms, proofs of correctness, invariants, and semantic analyses. See also (computational-mathematics) and (computational-complexity).
10691 questions
Modular arithmetic (clock arithmetic) is a system of integer arithmetic based on the congruence relation $a \equiv b \pmod{n}$ which means that $n$ divides $a-b$.
10467 questions
In mathematics, a linear map (also called a linear mapping, linear transformation or, in some contexts, linear function) is a mapping V → W between two modules (including vector spaces) that preserves (in the sense defined below) the operations of addition and scalar multiplication. (Def: http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linear_map)
10279 questions
This tag is for readers who ask for explanation and clarification of some steps of a particular proof.
10133 questions
Fourier analysis, also known as spectral analysis, encompasses all sorts of Fourier expansions, including Fourier series, Fourier transform and the discrete Fourier transform (and relatives). The non-commutative analog is (representation-theory).
9505 questions
A vector space $E$, generally over the field $\mathbb R$ or $\mathbb C$ with a map $\lVert \cdot\rVert\colon E\to \mathbb R_+$ satisfying some conditions.
9416 questions
For questions about mathematical induction, a method of mathematical proof. Mathematical induction generally proceeds by proving a statement for some integer, called the base case, and then proving that if it holds for one integer then it holds for the next integer. This tag is primarily meant for questions about induction over natural numbers but is also appropriate for other kinds of induction such as transfinite, structural, double, backwards, etc.
9391 questions
Questions related to real and complex logarithms.
9332 questions
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