Questions tagged [induction]

For questions about mathematical induction, a method of mathematical proof. Mathematical induction generally proceeds by proving a statement for some integer, called the base case, and then proving that if it holds for one integer then it holds for the next integer. This tag is primarily meant for questions about induction over natural numbers but is also appropriate for other kinds of induction such as transfinite, structural, double, backwards, etc.

Mathematical induction is a form of deductive reasoning. Its most common use is induction over well-ordered sets, such as natural numbers or ordinals. While induction can be expanded to class relations which are well-founded, this tag is aimed mostly at questions about induction over natural numbers.

In general use, induction means inference from the particular to the general. This is used in terms such as inductive reasoning, which involves making an inference about the unknown based on some known sample. Mathematical induction is not true induction in this sense, but is rather a form of proof.

Induction over the natural numbers generally proceeds with a base case and an inductive step:

  • First prove the statement for the base case, which is usually $n=0$ or $n=1$.
  • Next, assume that the statement is true for an input $n$, and prove that it is true for the input $n+1$.

The following variant goes without a base case: Assuming the statement is true for all $n\in\mathbb N$ with $n < N$, prove that is true for $N$, too. This has to be done for all $N\in\mathbb N$.

9391 questions
9 answers

Prove that $\gcd(a^n - 1, a^m - 1) = a^{\gcd(n, m)} - 1$

For all $a, m, n \in \mathbb{Z}^+$, $$\gcd(a^n - 1, a^m - 1) = a^{\gcd(n, m)} - 1$$
Juan Liner
11 answers

Do we know if there exist true mathematical statements that can not be proven?

Given the set of standard axioms (I'm not asking for proof of those), do we know for sure that a proof exists for all unproven theorems? For example, I believe the Goldbach Conjecture is not proven even though we "consider" it true. Phrased another…
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6 answers

Induction on Real Numbers

One of my Fellows asked me whether total induction is applicable to real numbers, too ( or at least all real numbers ≥ 0) . We only used that for natural numbers so far. Of course you have to change some things in the inductive step, when you want…
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7 answers

What is the algebraic intuition behind Vieta jumping in IMO1988 Problem 6?

Problem 6 of the 1988 International Mathematical Olympiad notoriously asked: Let $a$ and $b$ be positive integers and $k=\frac{a^2+b^2}{1+ab}$. Show that if $k$ is an integer then $k$ is a perfect square. The usual way to show this involves a…
2 answers

What's the difference between simple induction and strong induction?

I just started to learn induction in my first year course. I'm having a difficult time grasping the concept. I believe I understand the basics but could someone summarize simple induction and strong induction and explain what the differences are?…
Jake Park
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10 answers

Surprise exam paradox?

I just remembered about a problem/paradox I read years ago in the fun section of the newspaper, which has had me wondering often times. The problem is as follows: A maths teacher says to the class that during the year he'll give a surprise exam, so…
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11 answers

Fake induction proofs

Question: Can you provide an example of a claim where the base case holds but there is a subtle flaw in the inductive step that leads to a fake proof of a clearly erroneous result? [Note: Please do not answer with the very common all horses are the…
8 answers

Dominoes and induction, or how does induction work?

I've never really understood why math induction is supposed to work. You have these 3 steps: Prove true for base case (n=0 or 1 or whatever) Assume true for n=k. Call this the induction hypothesis. Prove true for n=k+1, somewhere using the…
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16 answers

Proving $1^3+ 2^3 + \cdots + n^3 = \left(\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\right)^2$ using induction

How can I prove that $$1^3+ 2^3 + \cdots + n^3 = \left(\frac{n(n+1)}{2}\right)^2$$ for all $n \in \mathbb{N}$? I am looking for a proof using mathematical induction. Thanks
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9 answers

Good examples of double induction

I'm looking for good examples where double induction is necessary. What I mean by double induction is induction on $\omega^2$. These are intended as examples in an "Automatas and Formal Languages" course. One standard example is the following: in…
Yuval Filmus
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7 answers

Why doesn't induction extend to infinity? (re: Fourier series)

While reading some things about analytic functions earlier tonight it came to my attention that Fourier series are not necessarily analytic. I used to think one could prove that they are analytic using induction Let $P(n)$ be some statement…
David Z
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12 answers

All natural numbers are equal.

I saw the following "theorem" and its "proof". I can't explain well why the argument is wrong. Could you give me clear explanation so that kids can understand. Theorem: All natural numbers are equal. Let $a, b \in \mathbb{N}$, then a=b. Proof by…
13 answers

Proof that every number ≥ $8$ can be represented by a sum of fives and threes.

Can you check if my proof is right? Theorem. $\forall x\geq8, x$ can be represented by $5a + 3b$ where $a,b \in \mathbb{N}$. Base case(s): $x=8 = 3\cdot1 + 5\cdot1 \quad \checkmark\\ x=9 = 3\cdot3 + 5\cdot0 \quad \checkmark\\ x=10 = 3\cdot0 +…
29 answers

How to teach mathematical induction?

Some students are not convinced that a proof by mathematical induction is a proof. I have given the analogy of dominoes toppling but still some remain unconvinced. Is there very convincing way of introducing mathematical induction? I need something…
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15 answers

How can you prove that $1+ 5+ 9 + \cdots +(4n-3) = 2n^{2} - n$ without using induction?

Using mathematical induction, I have proved that $$1+ 5+ 9 + \cdots +(4n-3) = 2n^{2} - n$$ for every integer $n > 0$. I would like to know if there is another way of proving this result without using PMI. Is there any geometric solution to prove…
Chan C
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