Questions tagged [tetration]

Tetration is iterated exponentiation, just as exponentiation is iterated multiplication. It is the fourth hyperoperation and often produces power towers that evaluate to very large numbers.

The $n$th tetration of $a$, most often written $^na$, is defined as $n$ copies of $a$ combined by exponentiation in the style of . The evaluation proceeds right-to-left as is the norm for nested exponentials: $$^na=\underbrace{a^{a^{\ \dots\ ^{a}}}}_n$$ This classical definition works whenever $a$ (the base) is an integer or positive real number and $n$ (the height) is a non-negative integer. Alternative notations include $a\uparrow\uparrow n$ (Knuth's), $a\to n\to2$ (Conway's) and the text notation a^^n.

The alternative name hyper-4 for tetration reflects its place as the fourth after addition, multiplication and exponentiation. There are three main types of questions relating to tetration:

  • If the base is a natural number, the result of tetration will be a very large natural number and number-theoretical questions like "What is $^na\bmod N$?" are relevant. For example, computing the last digits of Graham's number involves computing the last digits of $^n3$ for sufficiently large $n$.
  • How can tetration be extended beyond the classical definition? Complex bases can be easily accommodated, while the extension to infinite heights ($^\infty z$) features a connection to the Lambert W function: $$^\infty z=\frac{W(-\ln z)}{-\ln z}$$ In contrast, there are several proposed extensions of tetration to real or complex heights, but none have been widely accepted.
  • How can tetration be reversed? Just as the two inverses of exponentiation are roots and logarithms, the two inverses of tetration are superroots and superlogarithms. As with tetration's extensions, there are many open questions relating to these two inverses.
447 questions
1 answer

Can $x^{x^{x^x}}$ be a rational number?

If $x$ is a positive rational number, but not an integer, then can $x^{x^{x^x}}$ be a rational number ? We can prove that if $x$ is a positive rational number but not an integer, then $x^x$ can not be rational: Denote…
4 answers

Are these solutions of $2 = x^{x^{x^{\:\cdot^{\:\cdot^{\:\cdot}}}}}$ correct?

Find $x$ in $$ \Large 2 = x^{x^{x^{\:\cdot^{\:\cdot^{\:\cdot}}}}}$$ A trick to solve this is to see that $$\large 2 = x^{x^{x^{\:\cdot^{\:\cdot^{\:\cdot}}}}} \quad\implies\quad 2 = x^{\Big(x^{x^{x^{\:\cdot^{\:\cdot^{\:\cdot}}}}}\Big)} =…
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14 answers

Why are addition and multiplication commutative, but not exponentiation?

We know that the addition and multiplication operators are both commutative, and the exponentiation operator is not. My question is why. As background there are plenty of mathematical schemes that can be used to define these operators. One of these…
rob levin
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3 answers

A new interesting pattern to $i\uparrow\uparrow n$ that looks cool (and $z\uparrow\uparrow x$ for $z\in\mathbb C,x\in\mathbb R$)

Many of you may recall "An obvious pattern to $i\uparrow\uparrow n$ that is eluding us all?", an old question of mine, and just recently, I saw this new question that poses a simple extension to tetration at non-integer values: $$a\uparrow\uparrow…
3 answers

Infinite tetration, convergence radius

I got this problem from my teacher as a optional challenge. I am open about this being a given problem, however it is not homework. The problem is stated as follows. Assume we have an infinite tetration as follows $$x^{x^{x^{.^{.^.}}}} \, = \,…
5 answers

$n^{th}$ derivative of a tetration function

I stumbled upon this very peculiar function last summer, namely: $f(x)=x^{x^{x^{...^{x}}}}$, where there is a number $n$ of $x$'s in the exponent, I tried to find the derivative for the function and I was successful, it turned out not to be the most…
3 answers

Is There a Natural Way to Extend Repeated Exponentiation Beyond Integers?

This question has been in my mind since high school. We can get multiplication of natural numbers by repeated addition; equivalently, if we define $f$ recursively by $f(1)=m$ and $f(n+1)=f(n)+m$, then $f(n) = m \times n$. Likewise, we get…
Ben Blum-Smith
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4 answers

An obvious pattern to $i\uparrow\uparrow n$ that is eluding us all?

Start with $i=\sqrt{-1}$. This will be $a_1$. $a_2$ will be $i^i$. $a_3$ will be $i^{i^{i}}$. $\vdots$ etc. In Knuth up-arrow notation: $$a_n=i\uparrow\uparrow n$$ And, amazingly, you can evaluate…
Simply Beautiful Art
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5 answers

thoughts about $f(f(x))=e^x$

I was thinking, inspired by mathlinks, precisely from this post, if there exists a continuous real function $f:\mathbb R\to\mathbb R$ such that $$f(f(x))=e^x.$$ However I have not still been able to come up with an answer. I would like to share this…
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1 answer

How do I calculate the 2nd term of continued fraction for the power tower ${^5}e=e^{e^{e^{e^{e}}}}$

I need to find the 2nd term of continued fraction for the power tower ${^5}e=e^{e^{e^{e^{e}}}}$ ( i.e. $\lfloor\{e^{e^{e^{e^{e}}}}\}^{-1}\rfloor$), or even higher towers. The number is too big to process in reasonable time with numerical libraries…
1 answer

Iterated exponent of $i$

WolframAlpha seems to tell me that $e^{e^{e^{e^{e^{e^{e^{e^{e^{e^{e^i}}}}}}}}}} = 1$, see link. Is this just an error or is it for real? Adding one more $e$ to the bottom of the tower gives me the number $e$, so it's specific to the 11 $e$'s I used…
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2 answers

What is the derivative of ${}^xx$

How would one find: $$\frac{\mathrm d}{\mathrm dx}{}^xx?$$ where ${}^ba$ is defined by $${}^ba\stackrel{\mathrm{def}}{=}\underbrace{ a^{a^{\cdot^{\cdot^{\cdot^a}}}}}_{\text{$b$ times}}$$ Work so far The interval that I am working in is $(0,…
Ali Caglayan
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6 answers

How to evaluate fractional tetrations?

Recently I've come across 'tetration' in my studies of math, and I've become intrigued how they can be evaluated when the "tetration number" is not whole. For those who do not know, tetrations are the next in sequence of iteration functions. (The…
Mr. Vubio
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3 answers

What is this operator called?

If $x \cdot 2 = x + x$ and $x \cdot 3 = x + x + x$ and $x^2 = x \cdot x$ and $x^3 = x \cdot x \cdot x$ Is there an operator $\oplus$ such that: $x \oplus 2 = x^x$ and $x \oplus 3 = {x^{x^x}}$? Also, is there a name for such a set of operators ops…
4 answers

Seems that I just proved $2=4$.

Solving $x^{x^{x^{.^{.^.}}}}=2\Rightarrow x^2=2\Rightarrow x=\sqrt 2$. Solving $x^{x^{x^{.^{.^.}}}}=4\Rightarrow x^4=4\Rightarrow x=\sqrt 2$. Therefore, $\sqrt 2^{\sqrt 2^{\sqrt 2^{.^{.^.}}}}=2$ and $\sqrt 2^{\sqrt 2^{\sqrt…
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