Questions tagged [string-theory]

For questions about string theory, which is a research framework in theoretical physics and mathematical physics that attempts to unify quantum theories and general relativity.

String theory is a research framework in theoretical physics and mathematical physics that attempts to unify quantum theories and general relativity. It is a contender for a theory of everything, a self-contained mathematical model that describes all fundamental forces and forms of matter. String theory posits that the elementary particles (e.g. electrons and quarks) within an atom are not $0$-dimensional objects, but rather $1$-dimensional oscillating lines ("strings").

81 questions
3 answers

String Theory: What to do?

This is going to be a relatively broad/open-ended question, so I apologize before hand if it is the wrong place to ask this. Anyways, I'm currently a 3rd year undergraduate starting to more seriously research possible grad schools. I find myself in…
3 answers

Areas of contemporary Mathematical Physics

I have often heard that some developments in Physics such as Gauge Theory, String Theory, Twistor Theory, Loop Quantum Gravity etc. have had a significant impact on pure mathematics especially geometry and conversely. I am interested in knowing a…
2 answers

Complex and Kähler-manifolds

I was woundering if anyone knows any good references about Kähler and complex manifolds? I'm studying supergravity theories and for the simpelest N=1 supergravity we'll get these. Now in the course-notes the're quite short about these complex…
1 answer

Algebraic Geometry in String Theory?

I'm currently studying String Theory and hope to do research in this area. I have now reached a point where even with a background in Mathematics instead of Physics, I have no clue what's going on mathematically. So I've (re-)started reading up on…
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Open questions in Topological K-Theory

I am interested in knowing about current research in the Topological K-Theory, especially its interactions with String Theory. About one and a half decade back, there were some papers by Physicists (e.g. 1, 2) about relation of Topological K-theory…
1 answer

Topologically, what is a 'string' from string theory?

To begin: I am not a crank. I am not sure how well-founded my titular question is, but it was interesting enough that I decided to bring it to MSE. For context: I am an undergraduate mathematics student. I am taking a course in algebraic topology,…
2 answers

Reference request: toric geometry

What is a good book on algebraic geometry, with focus on toric varieties, similar both in the philosophy and in the prestige of the authors to Modern Geometric Structures and Fields by Novikov and Taimanov? My background is from theoretical and…
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Solving numerically the equation of motion of D7 brane perturbation

I want to solve this equation $$ \partial_{\rho}^{2}\phi+\frac{3}{\rho}\partial_{\rho}\phi+\left(\frac{M^{2}}{(1+\rho^{2})^{2}}-\frac{l(l+2)}{\rho^{2}}\right)\phi=0 $$ numerically. I know that this equation can be transformed into the…
1 answer

Index of a subgroup of the Modular Group

The subgroup of $SL(2,\mathbb{Z})$ generated by $\begin{pmatrix}1&0\\1&1\end{pmatrix}$ and $\begin{pmatrix}1&5\\0&1\end{pmatrix}$ has come up in a research question in string theory, and I am interested in determining whether or not its index is…
1 answer

Riemann zeta-function regularization in string theory

First of all let me say that I am a physicist and therefore it is sometimes hard for me to understand some mathematical steps... Now, I've been trying to obtain the well known result for the zeta function $\zeta(-1)=-\frac{1}{12}$, but my string…
1 answer

Physical interpretation of categorical structures related to Dirichlet Branes

In Dirichlet Branes and Mirror Symmetry by Aspinwall et al, section 5.9 discusses various questions that remain open. In particular they say: "There are many constructions from homological algebra which played little or no role in our physics…
1 answer

What is a Gauge symmetry, intuitively (string theory)?

I'm writing an essay for a popular (but mathematically mature) audience on the history of mathematical physics, wherein I have a section devoted to string theory. Unfortunately, neither I (nor my audience) have the background to understand the…
1 answer

Non-trivial fibration of $SU(3)$ over $S^1$?

In String Theory it is well known that a string can propagate on backgrounds such as a $T^2$ fibred over a circle. This fibration can be non-trivial in the following sense: Given $T^2$ generators $J^i, \quad i=1,2$ (i.e. $U(1)^2$ generators) with…
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0 answers

Are there branches of mathematics that are unique to String Theory?

I have read that String Theory has developed “new” math but the sources do not specifically identify the math. My question: are there branches of mathematics that are unique to String Theory? By unique I mean not used in fundamental theories such…
Jim Johnson
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1 answer

Algebraic geometry and algebraic topology used in string theory

I am looking for a comprehensive book or notes in algebraic geometry and algebraic topology techniques used in string theory compactifications covering topics like orientifolds, orbiolds, Calabi-Yau manifolds and toric geometry, divisors, resolution…
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