Questions tagged [set-partition]

This tag is for questions relating to "partition of a set" or, "set-partition", which is a grouping of the set's elements into non-empty subsets, in such a way that every element is included in exactly one subset.

Partition of a Set or, Set Partition is division of a set of objects into a family of subsets that are mutually exclusive and jointly exhaustive; that is, no element of the original set is present in more than one of the subsets, and all the subsets together contain all the members of the original set.


A partition of $~S~$ is a set of subsets $~\mathbb{S}~$ of $~S~$ such that:

$(1):~$ $~\mathbb{S}~$ is pairwise disjoint: $~~∀~S_1,~S_2~∈~\mathbb{S}~:~S_1∩S_2=\phi~$ when $~S_1≠S_2~$

$(2):~$ The union of $~\mathbb{S}~$ forms the whole set $~S~:~~ \cup~\mathbb{S}~=S~$

$(3):~$ None of the elements of $~\mathbb{S}~$ is empty$~: ~∀~T~∈~\mathbb{S}~:~~T≠\phi~$.

  • The number of partitions of the set $~\{k\}_{k=1}^n~$ is called a Bell number.

  • Every equivalence relation on a set defines a partition of this set, and every partition defines an equivalence relation.

  • A set equipped with an equivalence relation or a partition is sometimes called a setoid, typically in type theory and proof theory.


671 questions
1 answer

Is this determinant identity known?

Let $A$ be an $n \times n$ matrix that is 'almost upper triangular' in the following sense: entries on and above the main diagonal can be whatever they want, entries on the diagonal just below the main diagonal all equal -1 and entries on even lower…
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7 answers

Partitioning an infinite set

Can you partition an infinite set, into an infinite number of infinite sets?
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4 answers

Understanding equivalence class, equivalence relation, partition

I'm having difficulty grasping a couple of set theory concepts, specifically concepts dealing with relations. Here are the ones I'm having trouble with and their definitions. 1) The collection of equivalence classes w.r.t. $R$ Def: Let $R$ be an…
3 answers

An Inequality Involving Bell Numbers: $B_n^2 \leq B_{n-1}B_{n+1}$

The following inequality came up while trying to resolve a conjecture about a certain class of partitions (the context is not particularly enlightening): $$ B_n^2 \leq B_{n-1}B_{n+1} $$ for $n \geq 1$, where $B_n$ denotes the $n$th Bell number…
Austin Mohr
  • 24,648
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1 answer

A partition problem

I want to enumerate the partitions of $\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ into disjoint sets $A$ and $B$ such that no subset of $B$ has a sum that is a member of $A$. For example, when $n=3$ there are $7$ such partitions:…
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2 answers

Split a set of numbers into 2 sets, where the sum of each set is as close to one another as possible

Given a finite set $P = \{ p_1, \dots, p_n \} $ of integers, I'd like to split it into two subsets $A = \{ a_1, \dots, a_m \} \subseteq P$ and $B = \{ b_1, \dots, b_r \} \subseteq P$, where $m + r = n$, and, for each subset, the sum of the numbers…
Alex Heyd
  • 231
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7 answers

Partition of N into infinite number of infinite disjoint sets?

Is it possible to have a countable infinite number of countable infinite sets such that no two sets share an element and their union is the positive integers?
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1 answer

Integer parts of multiples of irrationals

Let $\alpha>0$ and define $$S(\alpha)=\big\{\lfloor n \alpha \rfloor: n\in\Bbb Z^+ \big\}.$$ Here $\lfloor x\rfloor$ is the integer part of $x$ and $\mathbb Z^+$ the set of positive integers. Question. Is it possible to find…
6 answers

Can every infinite set be divided into pairwise disjoint subsets of size $n\in\mathbb{N}$?

Let $S$ be an infinite set and $n$ be a natural number. Does there exist partition of $S$ in which each subset has size $n$? This is pretty easy to do for countable sets. Is it true for uncountable sets? If (1) is true, can it be proved without…
Alexander Gruber
  • 26,937
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1 answer

Average Number of Blocks in a Partition Containing a Large Block

Notation Let $[n]$ denote the set of integers from 1 up to $n$, inclusive. Let $A_n$ denote the average number of blocks over all partitions of $[n]$. Let $B_n$ denote the number of partitions of $[n]$ (the $n$th Bell number). Question For any…
Austin Mohr
  • 24,648
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  • 115
1 answer

Does there exist a continuous partition of the sphere into sets of cardinality 4?

Define $X^{\{n\}}:=\{A\subseteq X:|A|=n\}$, the set of subsets of cardinality $n$. If $X$ is a topological space, $X^{\{n\}}$ can be given a topology by considering it to be a quotient of $X^n$ minus the extended diagonal. Define a continuous…
3 answers

What is the best way to partition the $4$-subsets of $\{1,2,3,\dots,n\}$?

Also asked on MO: What is the best way to partition the $4$-subsets of $\{1,2,3,\dots,n\}$?. Consider the set $X = \{1,2,3,\dots,n\}$. Define the collection of all $4$-subsets of $X$ by $$\mathcal A=\{Y\subset X: Y\text{ contains exactly $4$…
4 answers

How many ways to merge N companies into one big company: Bell or Catalan?

There's a famous interview question variously credited to Microsoft, Google and Yahoo: Suppose you have given N companies, and we want to eventually merge them into one big company. How many ways are there to merge them? Assuming you can merge…
2 answers

Topology on the set of partitions

Let $X$ be the set of all partitions of $[0,1]$ such that each element of the partition is Lebesgue-measurable. Let $Y$ be the set of all partitions of $[0,1]$ such that each element of the partition is a Borel set. Is there a standard topology…
1 answer

Is there some sort of correspondence between groups and partitions of a set?

Every group action on a set $S$ partitions the set into orbits. Conversely, for every partition of $S$ is there a group action such that the set of orbits of the group action equals the partition? My attempt. Let $P = \{S_1,\dots, S_k\}$ be a…
Abstract Space Crack
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