Questions tagged [percolation]

Percolation theory describes the behavior of connected clusters in a random graph.

Percolation theory describes the behavior of connected clusters in a random graph.

113 questions
2 answers

How to create mazes on the hyperbolic plane?

I'm interested in building maze-like structures on the [5, 4] tiling of the hyperbolic plane, where by maze-like I mean something akin to a spanning tree of the underlying lattice: a subgraph of the lattice that's still connected (every cell can…
2 answers

The Gaussian moat problem and its extension to other rings in $\mathbb{C}$, $\mathbb{H}$ and $\mathbb{O}$

One of my favourite open problems in number theory, an area in which I enjoy only as a hobbyist, is the Gaussian moat problem, namely "Is it possible to walk to infinity in $\mathbb{C}$, taking steps of bounded length, using the Gaussian primes as…
Bennett Gardiner
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1 answer

The problem of the most visited point.

Represent the set $R_{n\times n}=\{1,2,\ldots, n\}\times\{1,2,\ldots, n\} $ as a rectangle of $n$ by $n$ points as in the figures below for example. How to calculate the number of circuits that visit a chosen point in this rectangle? What is the…
1 answer

Size of connected regions on a randomly-colored infinite chessboard

Consider an infinite chessboard where each square is colored white with probability $p$ and black with probability $1-p$. Suppose without loss of generality that the square at $(0,0)$ is white. We can consider the entire connected region $W$ of…
0 answers

Take an m x n grid, and in each box pick two opposite corners at random to connect. What can be said about the resulting pattern?

Inspired by the upcoming book 10 PRINT CHR$(205.5+RND(1)); : GOTO 10 by Nick Montfort et al., whose title derives from this particular example of emergent behavior. Here's an example: (Note that I'm considering the grey "negative space" here, not…
Daniel McLaury
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2 answers

Edge percolation on $\mathbb{Z}^2$: probability that two neighbouring vertices are connected?

I'm considering edge percolation on $\mathbb{Z}^2$ with parameter $p$, so that edges are present with probability $p$. Is it known how to express the probability $P(p)$ that $(0,0)$ is in the same connected component as $(1,0)$ as an explicit…
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Percolation and number of phases in the 2D Ising model.

Update. As my previous figure had conceptual mistakes I decided to change the picture to another, more instructive After a long time I came back to try to understand an article on the Ising model. The review article is Percolation and number of…
0 answers

Number of circuits that surround the square.

Consider a grid $G$ in the $\mathbb{R}^2$ plane formed by the points $(x,y)$ with integer coordinates i.e. $G=\{(x,y)\in\mathbb{R}^2: x\in\mathbb{Z},\;y\in\mathbb{Z} \}$. For $n>0$ let $B_n$ square centered at $(0,0)$ whose sides have length…
1 answer

Colored path in a randomly colored grid

A friend of mine asked this question a while ago which I couldn't find any appropriate answer for it. I'd appreciate any comment or help. If one colors each unit square with black/white of an $m \times n$ grid according to the outcome of a coin…
Ehsan M. Kermani
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1 answer

What is the average size of an island?

If you have a square grid, and each square* has probability $n$ of being ground. If the other squares are water, what is the average area of an island? If $n$ is small then the average island would have an area of about $1$. With large values of…
Infinite Planes
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1 answer

Site percolation model that cannot be obtained from a bond percolation model

It is easy to obtain a site percolation model from a bond percolation model on a graph $G$ using the covering graph $G_c$ of $G$. I wondered if one can obtain any site percolation model from any site bond and I read in the Geoffrey Grimmett's book…
2 answers

amenable groups versus amenable graphs

In operator algebras, one is often concerned with amenable groups, defined by one of many equivalent conditions. In percolation theory and "random geometry" one is…
0 answers

2d Brownian motion hitting a point

Let $\Omega\subset \mathbb C$ be a simply connected domain, $\tau = \exp(2\pi\mathrm i/3)$ and $a(\alpha),a(\tau\alpha),a(\tau^2\alpha)$ are some accessible points of $\Omega$. In this paper by S. Smirnov he writes (Section 2, p.4, after equation…
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0 answers

percolation - number of cycles around the origin

I try to study Percolation Theory by "A mini course on percolation theory" of Jeffrey E. Steif. I am very curios about Exercise 2.4. Show that the number of cycles around the origin of length n is at most $n4(3^{n−1})$. I need to this on lattice…
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1 answer

Placing spheres uniformly at random over $\mathbb{R}^3$

Put spheres uniformly at random all over $\mathbb{R}^3$, with density 1 sphere / unit cube. All spheres have the same radius $r$. What is the probability function $p(r)$, that that there is an infinite component, that is an infinite sequence of…
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