Questions tagged [number-theory]

Questions on advanced topics - beyond those in typical introductory courses: higher degree algebraic number and function fields, Diophantine equations, geometry of numbers / lattices, quadratic forms, discontinuous groups and and automorphic forms, Diophantine approximation, transcendental numbers, elliptic curves and arithmetic algebraic geometry, exponential and character sums, Zeta and L-functions, multiplicative and additive number theory, etc.

Number theory is concerned with the study of natural numbers. One of the main subjects is studying the behavior of prime numbers.

We know that by the prime number theorem, the number of primes less than $x$ is approximately $\frac{x}{\ln(x)}$. Another good approximation is $\operatorname{li}(x)$. Despite these estimates, we don't know much about the maximal prime gaps. The weaker conjectures, such as Legendre's conjecture, Andrica's conjecture and Opperman's conjecture, imply a gap of $O\left(\sqrt{p}\right)$. Stronger conjectures even imply a gap of $O(\ln^2(p))$. The Riemann Hypothesis implies a gap of $O\left(\sqrt{p} \ln(p)\right)$, though proving this is not sufficient to show the RH. The minimal gap is also a subject of research. It has been shown that gaps smaller than or equal to $246$ occur infinitely often. It is conjectured that gaps equal to $2$ occur infinitely often. This is known as the twin prime conjecture.

Another subject in number theory are Diophantine equations, which are polynomial equations in more than one variable, where variables are integer valued. Some equations can be solved by considering terms modulo some number or by considering divisors, prime factors or the number of divisors. Other equations, such as Fermat's Last Theorem, are much harder, and are or were famous open problems. Recent progress usually uses algebraic number theory and the related elliptic curves.

Another subject is the study of number theoretic functions, most notably $\tau(n)$, the number of divisiors of $n$, $\sigma(n)$, the sum of divisors of $n$ and $\varphi(n)$, the Euler-phi function, the number of numbers smaller than $n$ coprime with $n$.

For questions on elementary topics such as congruences, linear Diophantine equations, greatest common divisors, quadratic and power residues, primitive roots, please use the tag. This tag is for more advanced topics such as higher degree algebraic number and function fields, Diophantine equations, geometry of numbers / lattices, quadratic forms, discontinuous groups and and automorphic forms, Diophantine approximation, transcendental numbers, elliptic curves and arithmetic algebraic geometry, exponential and character sums, zeta and L-functions, multiplicative and additive number theory, etc.

38388 questions
2 answers

Solved Problems in Algebraic Number Theory

I'm not too sure whether this is the right place to ask this (and please correct me if it is not), but I'm currently studying a course in Algebraic Number Theory and would like to be pointed in the direction of any solved problems that can assist in…
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1 answer

Characterization of Volumes of Lattice Cubes

Here is a problem that came up in a conversation with a professor. I do not know if he knew the answer (and told me none of it) and has since passed so I can no longer ask him about it. Let $C$ be a lattice cube in $\mathbb{R}^n$. Characterize all…
Stella Biderman
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3 answers

How related is the distribution of primes to the Riemann Hypothesis?

I do not grasp all concepts of the Riemann Hypothesis (better yet: as a layman I barely grasp anything). However, I understand that there is a certain link between the Riemann Hypothesis and prime numbers and their distribution. My question…
1 answer

Does $\lfloor(4+\sqrt{11})^{n}\rfloor \pmod {100}$ repeat every $20$ cycles of $n$?

I recently came across a post on SO, asking to calculate the least two decimal digits of the integer part of $(4+\sqrt{11})^{n}$, for any integer $n \geq 2$ (see here). The author presented a Java implementation using a BigInteger class and so…
barak manos
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1 answer

Solve the Diophantine equation $a^2(2^a-a^3)+1=7^b$.

The problem is to find all positive integers $a$ and $b$ such that $a^2(2^a-a^3)+1=7^b$. I found a=10, and my intuition tells me there are no more solutions. I've also shown that $a=42k+10$ for some nonnegative integer $k$, but I can't prove anymore…
Is Ne
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1 answer

The largest possible prime gap?

What is the largest possible prime gap if we observe only 1000-digits numbers? There are few conjectures about this question but is there something that we can say and be absolutely sure of it?
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1 answer

Does $19,199,1999,\dotsc$ contain infinitely many prime numbers?

Are there infinitely many primes of the form $F_n =2\times10^n-1$? That is, does this sequence, $$19,199,1999,\dotsc$$ contain infinitely many prime numbers? I think about Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions, but the problem is difficult…
ziang chen
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2 answers

$12345679$ and friends

We can see that in the decimal system each of $12345679\times k$ $(k\in\mathbb N, k\lt 81, k\ \text{is coprime to $9$})$ (note! not $123456789$) has every number from $0$ to $9$ except one number as its digit numbers . $$12345679\times…
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1 answer

Prime chains with large gaps

It is well known that the gap between consecutive primes is unbounded. Is this still true for a chain of consecutive primes ? More Formally : Is the following statement true for all natural numbers m and n ? There are m consecutive primes…
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2 answers

product is twice a square

For every positive integer $n$, there exists a set $S\subset \{n^2+1,n^2+2,\dotsc,(n+1)^2-1\}$, such that $$\prod_{k\in S}k=2m^2$$ for some positive integer $m$ I have no clue about it. Could anyone help me? Thanks a lot. p.s. Whether or not the…
ziang chen
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3 answers

Generalization of Bertrand's Postulate

Bertrand's postulate states that there is a prime $p$ between $n$ and $2n-2$ for $n>3$. According to Dirichlet's theorem we have that a sequaence $$a\cdot n+b$$ has infinite primes iff $a$ and $b$ are relatively prime. So in some sense, Bertrand's…
Josué Tonelli-Cueto
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6 answers

Why every prime (>3) is represented as $6k\pm1$

Why is every prime (>3) representable as $6k\pm1$? Afterall, by putting values of k, we don't just get primes but also composites. Then why not $2k+1$ or $3k+2$ or $4k+1$ etc. Is it because of probability? Is there a proof for it?
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6 answers

How to represent XOR of two decimal Numbers with Arithmetic Operators

Is there any way to represent XOR of two decimal Numbers using Arithmetic Operators (+,-,*,/,%).
Dungeon Hunter
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1 answer

What does this music video teach us about 863?

This delightful animation by Stefan Nadelman depicts "the additive evolution of prime numbers", set to Lost Lander's song "Wonderful World": (If you haven't watched it, you may want to do so before reading…
Chris Culter
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1 answer

Divisibility of binomial coefficient by prime power - Kummer's theorem

Let's say we have binomial coefficient $\binom{n}{m}$. And we need to find the greatest power of prime $p$ that divides it. Usually Kummer's theorem is stated in terms of the number of carries you perform while adding $m$ and $n-m$ in base $p$. I…
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