Questions tagged [number-theory]

Questions on advanced topics - beyond those in typical introductory courses: higher degree algebraic number and function fields, Diophantine equations, geometry of numbers / lattices, quadratic forms, discontinuous groups and and automorphic forms, Diophantine approximation, transcendental numbers, elliptic curves and arithmetic algebraic geometry, exponential and character sums, Zeta and L-functions, multiplicative and additive number theory, etc.

Number theory is concerned with the study of natural numbers. One of the main subjects is studying the behavior of prime numbers.

We know that by the prime number theorem, the number of primes less than $x$ is approximately $\frac{x}{\ln(x)}$. Another good approximation is $\operatorname{li}(x)$. Despite these estimates, we don't know much about the maximal prime gaps. The weaker conjectures, such as Legendre's conjecture, Andrica's conjecture and Opperman's conjecture, imply a gap of $O\left(\sqrt{p}\right)$. Stronger conjectures even imply a gap of $O(\ln^2(p))$. The Riemann Hypothesis implies a gap of $O\left(\sqrt{p} \ln(p)\right)$, though proving this is not sufficient to show the RH. The minimal gap is also a subject of research. It has been shown that gaps smaller than or equal to $246$ occur infinitely often. It is conjectured that gaps equal to $2$ occur infinitely often. This is known as the twin prime conjecture.

Another subject in number theory are Diophantine equations, which are polynomial equations in more than one variable, where variables are integer valued. Some equations can be solved by considering terms modulo some number or by considering divisors, prime factors or the number of divisors. Other equations, such as Fermat's Last Theorem, are much harder, and are or were famous open problems. Recent progress usually uses algebraic number theory and the related elliptic curves.

Another subject is the study of number theoretic functions, most notably $\tau(n)$, the number of divisiors of $n$, $\sigma(n)$, the sum of divisors of $n$ and $\varphi(n)$, the Euler-phi function, the number of numbers smaller than $n$ coprime with $n$.

For questions on elementary topics such as congruences, linear Diophantine equations, greatest common divisors, quadratic and power residues, primitive roots, please use the tag. This tag is for more advanced topics such as higher degree algebraic number and function fields, Diophantine equations, geometry of numbers / lattices, quadratic forms, discontinuous groups and and automorphic forms, Diophantine approximation, transcendental numbers, elliptic curves and arithmetic algebraic geometry, exponential and character sums, zeta and L-functions, multiplicative and additive number theory, etc.

38388 questions
2 answers

Efficient way to find squares mod a prime power?

Assume we are given the problem of say finding all squares modulo $3^4$. Is there any efficient way to compute this without having to check a ton of cases? For just a prime we can use quadratic reciprocity, but that doesn't do any good here. A…
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3 answers

Prove the lecturer is a liar...

I was given this puzzle: At the end of the seminar, the lecturer waited outside to greet the attendees. The first three seen leaving were all women. The lecturer noted " assuming the attendees are leaving in random order, the probability of that is…
1 answer

Why are odd $n$ such that $2^n\equiv1\pmod{2n-1}$ so rare compared to even?

It is not (particularly) rare that $$ 2^n\equiv1\pmod{2n-1} $$ This happens 81 times for n less than a million, to wit: 1, 2, 8, 128, 228, 648, 1352, 1908, 3240, 4608, 5220, 5976, 11448, 13160, 13920, 21528, 22050, 23760, 23940, 24840, 30960, 31284,…
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2 answers

eigenvalues of integral matrices

Is it possible that a $3$-by-$3$ matrix with integer values and determinant 1 has a real eigenvalue with algebraic multiplicity 2, that is not equal to $\pm 1$? Doing some elementary computations one can rephrase the question as follows. Do there…
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5 answers

Integral solutions to $y^{2}=x^{3}-1$

How to prove that the only integral solutions to the equation $$y^{2}=x^{3}-1$$ is $x=1, y=0$. I rewrote the equation as $y^{2}+1=x^{3}$ and then we can factorize $y^{2}+1$ as $$y^{2}+1 = (y+i) \cdot (y-i)$$ in $\mathbb{Z}[i]$. Next i claim that…
4 answers

Solve $3^x + 28^x=8^x+27^x$

The equation $3^x + 28^x=8^x+27^x$ has only the solutions $x=2$ and $x=0$? If yes, how to prove that these are the only ones?
3 answers

How to prove Euler's pentagonal theorem? Some hints will help

Euler's pentagonal theorem is the following equation: $\prod\limits_{n=1}^{+\infty}(1-q^n)=\sum\limits_{m=-\infty}^{+\infty}(-1)^m q^{\frac{3m^2-m}{2}}$ where $|q|<1$ is a complex number. I hope that someone will me some hints on this.
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1 answer

On the equation $3x^3 + 4y^3 + 5z^3 = 0$

How can I show that the equation $$3x^3 + 4y^3 + 5z^3 = 0$$ has nonzero solutions modulo every integer but not in $\mathbb{Z}$?
Amir Parvardi
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2 answers

How does one attack a divisibility problem like $(a+b)^2 \mid (2a^3+6a^2b+1)$?

In my current line of investigation, I am running into [many] divisibility questions like the one in the title, i.e. $$ (a+b)^2 \mid (2a^3+6a^2b+1), \qquad(\star) $$ where $a > b \ge 1$ are integers. For example, maxima calculations suggest that…
Kieren MacMillan
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1 answer

Are differences between powers of 2 equal to differences between powers of 3 infinitely often?

Consider the equation $2^a-2^b=3^c-3^d$ where $a>b>0$, $c>d>0$, and $a,b,c,d$ are all integers. A computer search for solutions with $a,c\le20$ only finds 8-2=9-3, 32-8=27-3, and 256-16=243-3. I would really like there to be only finitely many…
3 answers

Ring of $p$-adic integers $\mathbb Z_p$

There are a few ways to define the $p$-adic numbers. If one defines the ring of $p$-adic integers $\mathbb Z_p$ as the inverse limit of the sequence $(A_n, \phi_n)$ with $A_n:=\mathbb Z/p^n \mathbb Z$ and $\phi_n: A_n \to A_{n-1}$ (like in Serre's…
3 answers

What does $\!\bmod(n,x^r-1)$ mean? [in AKS primality test]

Where does a layman go to get a basic understanding of AKS primality testing. I am not talking about the optimal choice of $r$ (which I am told is the hardcore number-theoretic part of the algorithm). I mean basic things, like what does $\bmod(n,…
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2 answers

Does $n \mid 2^{2^n+1}+1$ imply $n \mid 2^{2^{2^n+1}+1}+1$?

There are two ways to try to prove this. One is in the title, the other is its de Morgan counterpart: $n \nmid 2^{2^{2^n+1}+1}+1 \implies n \nmid 2^{2^n+1}+1$. Disproving it requires only one example of course. Tried using $\gcd(2^a+1, 2^b+1) =…
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3 answers

Take any number and keep appending 1's to the right of it. Are there an infinite number of primes in this sequence?

Ignoring sequences that are always factorable such as starting with 11, Can we take any other number such as 42 and continually append 1s (forming the sequence {42, 421, 4211, ...}) to get a sequence that has an infinite number of primes in it?
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0 answers

Weak version of Fortune's conjecture

Let $p\#=2\cdot3\cdot5\cdots p$ denote the primorial and $N(x)$ the smallest prime greater than or equal to $x$. Then Fortune's conjecture is that $N(p\#+2)-p\#$ is prime for all $p$. (Heuristic: to be composite the difference must be greater than…
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