Questions tagged [p-adic-number-theory]

In mathematics the $p$-adic number system for any prime number $p$ extends the ordinary arithmetic of the rational numbers in a way different from the extension of the rational number system to the real and complex number systems.

This tag is for $p$-adic number systems. Read more in this Wikipedia article.

1994 questions
14 answers

Why does an argument similiar to 0.999...=1 show 999...=-1?

I accept that two numbers can have the same supremum depending on how you generate a decimal representation. So $2.4999\ldots = 2.5$ etc. Can anyone point me to resources that would explain what the below argument that shows $999\ldots = -1$ is…
0 answers

Finding primes so that $x^p+y^p=z^p$ is unsolvable in the p-adic units

On my number theory exam yesterday, we had the following interesting problem related to Fermat's last theorem: Suppose $p>2$ is a prime. Show that $x^p+y^p=z^p$ has a solution in $\mathbb{Z}_p^{\times}$ if and only if there exists an integer $a$…
3 answers

How far are the $p$-adic numbers from being algebraically closed?

A few days ago I was recalling some facts about the $p$-adic numbers, for example the fact that the $p$-adic metric is an ultrametric implies very strongly that there is no order on $\mathbb{Q}_p$, as any number in the interior of an open ball is in…
Asaf Karagila
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6 answers

A resource for learning p-adic numbers

I'm looking for a good resource for learning p-adic numbers. I'm familiar with analysis, topology and overall with noncommutative algebra.
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1 answer

Are there p-adic manifolds?

Is there anything resembling a manifold on the field of p-adic or complex p-adic fields? If so is there a connection to algebraic geometry as rich as in the reals?
6 answers

Can one show a beginning student how to use the $p$-adics to solve a problem?

I recently had a discussion about how to teach $p$-adic numbers to high school students. One person mentioned that they found it difficult to get used to $p$-adics because no one told them why the $p$-adics are useful. As a graduate student in…
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2 answers

Galois group over $p$-adic numbers

Can one describe explicitly the Galois group $G=\operatorname{Gal}(\overline{\mathbb Q_p}/\mathbb Q_p)$? I only know the most basic stuff: unramified extensions of $\mathbb Q_p$ are equivalent to extensions of $\mathbb F_p$, so the Galois group of…
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1 answer

Why is there "no analogue of $2i\pi$ in $\mathbf C_p$"?

In his paper Fonctions L p-adiques, Pierre Colmez says: Tate a montré qu'il n'existait pas dans $\mathbf C_p$ d'analogue $p$-adique de $2i \pi$ et donc par conséquent que les périodes $p$-adiques des variétés algébriques ne pouvaient pas vivre dans…
3 answers

An automorphism of the field of $p$-adic numbers

Is an automorphism of the field $\mathbb{Q}_p$ of $p$-adic numbers the identity map? If yes, how can we prove it? Note:We don't assume an automorphism of $\mathbb{Q}_p$ is continuous.
Makoto Kato
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1 answer

Can $\pi$ be defined in a p-adic context?

I am not at all an expert in p-adic analysis, but I was wondering if there is any sensible (or even generally accepted) way to define the number $\pi$ in $\mathbb Q_p$ or $\mathbb C_p$. I think that circles, therefore also angles, are problematic in…
1 answer

Are all $p$-adic number systems the same?

After just having learned about $p$-adic numbers I've now got another question which I can't figure out from the Wikipedia page. As far as I understand, the $p$-adic numbers are basically completing the rational numbers in the same way the real…
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1 answer

p-adic Lie groups vs. algebraic groups over $\mathbb{Q}_p$

I am somewhat confused about the following two concepts and the relations between them- One concept is a Lie group $G$ over the $p$-adic field. This is defined in a similar fashion to a (real) Lie group - using atlases of charts, while making sure…
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1 answer

what are the p-adic division algebras?

Is there a classification of division algebras over $\mathbb{Q}_p$? There are field extensions of $\mathbb{Q}_p$, but are there any others? In particular, I want to know if they are all commutative. When I posed this question commuting algebra of an…
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4 answers

Dedekind-Like construction of p-adic numbers

Recently I've been studying p-adic numbers. I understand the idea of a cauchy completion of the rationals with respect to the metric defined by the norm $\vert\vert \cdot \vert \vert_p $. When I was studying the real numbers I found that…
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2 answers

Tensor products of p-adic integers

These are relatively simple questions, but I can't seem to find anything on tensor products and p-adic integers/numbers anywhere, so I thought I'd ask. My first question is: given some $\mathbb{Z}_p$, $\mathbb{Q}_p$ can be constructed as its field…
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