Questions tagged [multisets]

For questions about or related to multisets, a notion similar to sets with the difference that elements can be repeated.

A multiset, also called a bag, is a generalization of a set in which elements can appear more than once. Formally, a multiset can be defined as a pair $(A, m)$ where $A$ is a set and $$m : A \to \{1, 2, 3, ...\}$$

For each $a \in A$, the number $m(a)$ is called the multiplicity of $a$, and counts how many times $a$ appears in the multiset.

Reference: Multiset.

328 questions
6 answers

Why does mathematical convention deal so ineptly with multisets?

Many statements of mathematics are phrased most naturally in terms of multisets. For example: Every positive integer can be uniquely expressed as the product of a multiset of primes. But this theorem is usually phrased more clumsily, without…
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2 answers

Extended stars-and-bars problem(where the upper limit of the variable is bounded)

The problem of counting the solutions $(a_1,a_2,\ldots,a_n)$ with integer $a_i\geq0$ for $i\in\{1,2,\ldots,n\}$ such that $$a_1+a_2+a_3+\ldots+a_n=N$$ can be solved with a stars-and-bars argument. What is the solution if one adds the constraint that…
1 answer

Distributing groups of objects into boxes

How can I enumerate the number of ways of distributing distinct groups of identical objects (but various cardinality) into $k$ boxes such that at most one box is empty $(1)$ and no combination of objects is repeated between boxes ? The order of…
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3 answers

Combinatorics: Number of possible 10-card hands from superdeck (10 times 52 cards)

I have the following problem from book "Introduction to Probability", p.32 A certain casino uses 10 standard decks of cards mixed together into one big deck, which we will call a superdeck. Thus, the superdeck has 52 · 10 = 520 cards, with 10…
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3 answers

How to find the number of $k$-permutations of $n$ objects with $x$ types, and $r_1, r_2, r_3, \cdots , r_x$ = the number of each type of object?

How can I find the number of $k$-permutations of $n$ objects, where there are $x$ types of objects, and $r_1, r_2, r_3, \cdots , r_x$ give the number of each type of object? I'm still looking for the solution to this more general problem out of…
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5 answers

Stirling numbers of the second kind on Multiset

Stirling numbers of the second kind $S(n, k)$ count the number of ways to partition a set of $n$ elements into $k$ nonempty subsets. What if there were duplicate elements in the set? That is, the set is a multiset?
2 answers

How many permutations of a multiset have a run of length k?

Background $\newcommand\ms[1]{\mathsf #1}\def\msP{\ms P}\def\msS{\ms S}\def\mfS{\mathfrak S}$Suppose I have $n$ marbles of $c$ colors, where $c≤n$. Let $n_i$ denote the number of marbles of color $i$. Let $\msP=(1^{n_1} 2^{n_2} \dots c^{n_c})$ be…
1 answer

What is the number of bijections between two multisets?

Let $P$ and $Q$ be two finite multisets of the same cardinality $n$. Question: How many bijections are there from $P$ to $Q$? I will define a bijection between $P$ and $Q$ as a multiset $\Phi \subseteq P \times Q$ satisfying the…
1 answer

A variation on the Look and Say Sequence and some questions about it.

For information on the sequence mentioned in the title, see This is an original problem. Suppose instead of "describing" the numbers in a string in order, one counts the digits globally and, for…
Alexander Sibelius
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2 answers

permutations of a multiset having symbols with fixed multiplicity

Let $N$ be a multiset of $n$ distinct objects having the same multiplicity $k$. For instance, $N=\{a,\,a,\,b,\,b\}$ where $n=2$ and $k=2$. I was looking for the problem of counting the number of all the permutations of all the non-empty subsets of…
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1 answer

Odd number of reals with equal partitions

Consider the following problem: You are given a multiset (a set with repetitions allowed) of $2n+1$ real numbers, say $S = \{r_1, \dots, r_{2n+1}\}$. These numbers are such that for every $k$, the multiset $S - \{r_k\}$ can be split into two…
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3 answers

Number of possible sets for given N

How many possible valid collections are there for a given positive integer N given the following conditions: All the sums from 1 to N should be possible to be made by selecting some of the integers. Also this has to be done in way such that if any…
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2 answers

Combinatorial proof for identity $\left(\!\!\binom{n\vphantom{1}}{k}\!\!\right)=\left(\!\!\binom{k+1}{n-1}\!\!\right)$ (multiset coefficients)

In class we have recently started using combinatorial proofs. I have tried this problem that our teacher has assigned as a "challenge". I understand how to receive the left hand side, but am struggling with the right. I do no see how the k is now on…
5 answers

How to find unique multisets of n naturals of a given domain and their numbers?

Let's say I have numbers each taken in a set $A$ of $n$ consecutive naturals, I ask myself : how can I found what are all the unique multisets, which could be created with $k$ elements of this set $A$? For example I've got $A=[1,2,\dots,499]$. If I…
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3 answers

Give a combinatorial proof for a multiset identity

I'm asked to give a combinatorial proof of the following, $\binom{\binom n2}{2}$ = 3$\binom{n}{4}$ + n$\binom{n-1}{2}$. I know $\binom{n}{k}$ = $\frac{n!}{k!(n-k)!}$ and $(\binom{n}{k}) = \binom{n+k-1}{k}$ but I'm at a loss as to what to do with the…
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