Questions tagged [prime-factorization]

For questions about factoring elements of rings into primes, or about the specific case of factoring natural numbers into primes.

A natural number is prime if it has no positive divisors besides $1$ and itself. The fundamental theorem of arithmetic states that every natural number $n>1$ can be factored uniquely, up to a reordering of the factors, as a product of distinct prime numbers each raised to some power.

This concept holds in a more general setting though. A ring is called a unique factorization domain (UFD) if every non-unit element can be factored uniquely as a product of prime elements in the ring. The ring of integers is an example of a UFD.

1894 questions
1 answer

Are $14$ and $21$ the only "interesting" numbers?

The numbers $14$ and $21$ are quite interesting. The prime factorisation of $14$ is $2\cdot 7$ and the prime factorisation of $14+1$ is $3\cdot 5$. Note that $3$ is the prime after $2$ and $5$ is the prime before $7$. Similarly, the prime…
2 answers

Do most numbers have exactly $3$ prime factors?

In this question I plotted the number of numbers with $n$ prime factors. It appears that the further out on the number line you go, the number of numbers with $3$ prime factors get ahead more and more. The charts show the number of numbers with…
2 answers

Can I search for factors of $\ (11!)!+11!+1\ $ efficiently?

Is the number $$(11!)!+11!+1$$ a prime number ? I do not expect that a probable-prime-test is feasible, but if someone actually wants to let it run, this would of course be very nice. The main hope is to find a factor to show that the number is…
1 answer

Find a prime factor of $7999973$ without a calculator

How would you go about finding prime factors of a number like $7999973$? I have trivial knowledge about divisor-searching algorithms.
6 answers

Can a number be equal to the sum of the squares of its prime divisors?

If $$n=p_1^{a_1}\cdots p_k^{a_k},$$ then define $$f(n):=p_1^2+\cdots+p_k^2$$ So, $f(n)$ is the sum of the squares of the prime divisors of $n$. For which natural numbers $n\ge 2$ do we have $f(n)=n$ ? It is clear that $f(n)=n$ is true for the…
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1 answer

Is there any other number that has similar properties as $21$?

It's my observation. Let $$n=p_1×p_2×p_3×\dots×p_r$$ where $p_i$ are prime factors and $f$ and $g$ are the functions $$f(n)=1+2+\dots+n$$ And $$g(n)=p_1+p_2+\dots+p_r$$ If we put $n=21$ then $$g(f(21))=g(231)=21.$$ I checked it upto $n=10000$, I did…
2 answers

A conjecture regarding prime numbers

For $n,m \geq 3$, define $ P_n = \{ p : p$ is a prime such that $ p\leq n$ and $ p \nmid n \}$ . For example : $P_3= \{ 2 \}$ $P_4= \{ 3 \}$ $P_5= \{ 2, 3 \}$, $P_6= \{ 5 \}$ and so on. Claim: $P_n \neq P_m$ for $m\neq n$. While working on…
0 answers

Have I discovered an analytic function allowing quick factorization?

So I have this apparently smooth, parametrized function: The function has a single parameter $ m $ and approaches infinity at every $x$ that divides $m$. It is then defined for real $x$ apart from a finite set of arguments. The animation above…
2 answers

What are examples of irreducible but not prime elements?

I am looking for a ring element which is irreducible but not prime. So necessarily the ring can't be a PID. My idea was to consider $R=K[x,y]$ and $x+y\in R$. This is irreducible because in any product $x+y=fg$ only one factor, say f, can have a…
3 answers

Numbers that are the sum of the squares of their prime factors

A number which is equal to the sum of the squares of its prime factors with multiplicity: $16=2^2+2^2+2^2+2^2$ $27=3^2+3^2+3^2$ Are these the only two such numbers to exist? There has to be an easy proof for this, but it seems to elude me. Thanks
barak manos
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2 answers

Is the "cyclotomic diagonalization" always squarefree?

For every integer $n\ge 2$ , define $$f(n):=\Phi_n(n)$$ where $\Phi(n)$ is the $n$ th cyclotomic polynomial. This can be considered as the "cyclotomic diagonalization" Prove or disprove the conjecture that $f(n)$ is squarefree for every integer…
6 answers

How many primes do I need to check to confirm that an integer $L$, is prime?

I recently saw the 1998 horror movie "Cube", in which a character claims it is humanly impossible to determine, by hand without a computer, if large (in the movie 3-digit) integers are prime powers, i.e. they are divisible by exactly one prime…
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3 answers

Can it be proven/disproven that there are highly composite numbers that prime-factorize into larger primes such as $9999991$?

Of course, following the rules found by Ramanujan, such a highly composite number would need to factorize into all primes ascending up to 9999991 (with descending powers as the primes progress) so the highly composite number would be insanely…
4 answers

Number of distinct prime factors, omega(n)

Is there a formula that can tell us how many distinct prime factors a number has? We have closed form solutions for the number of factors a number has and the sum of those factors but not the number of distinct prime factors. So for…
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3 answers

Is $\frac{3^n+5^n+7^n}{15}$ only prime if $n$ is prime?

Let $f(n)=3^n+5^n+7^n$ It is easy to show that $\ 15\mid f(n)\ $ if and only if $\ n\ $ is odd. I searched for prime numbers of the form $g(n):=\frac{3^n+5^n+7^n}{15}$ with odd $n$ and found the following $n$ leading to a prime number :…
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