Questions tagged [lp-spaces]

For questions about $L^p$ spaces. That is, given a measure space $(X,\mathcal F,\mu)$, the vector space of equivalence classes of measurable functions such that $|f|^p$ is $\mu$-integrable. Questions can be about properties of functions in these spaces, or when the ambient space in a problem is an $L^p$ space.

$L^p$ spaces are defined for $p\in(0,\infty]$ as follows. Let $(X,\mathcal F,\mu)$ be a measure space. For $p$ with $0 < p<\infty$ we write $L^p(X,\mu)$ ($L^p(X)$ or $L^p$ when there is no ambiguity), for the vector space of equivalence classes (for equality almost everywhere) of measurable functions $f$ such that $\int_X|f|^pd\mu$ is finite. When $1\leq p<\infty$ we endow $L^p$ with the norm $\lVert f\rVert_p:=\left(\int_X|f(x)|^pd\mu(x)\right)^{1/p}$, while for $0 < p < 1$ we write $\lVert f\rVert_p:=\int_X|f(x)|^pd\mu(x)$, which induces a metric on $L^p$.

For $p=+\infty$, $L^\infty$ is the space of equivalence classes of functions $f$ such that we can find a constant $C$ with $|f(x)|\leq C$ almost everywhere. Then $\lVert f\rVert_{\infty}$ is the infimum of constants $C$ satisfying the latter property, and is called the essential supremum of $|f|$.

These spaces are sometimes called Lebesgue spaces. If we work with counting measure on, for example, the set $\mathbb N$, we get sequence spaces $\ell^p$ and $\ell^\infty$ as special cases.

4956 questions
4 answers

$L^p$ and $L^q$ space inclusion

Let $(X, \mathcal B, m)$ be a measure space. For $1 \leq p < q \leq \infty$, under what condition is it true that $L^q(X, \mathcal B, m) \subset L^p(X, \mathcal B, m)$ and what is a counterexample in the case the condition is not satisfied?
3 answers

Limit of $L^p$ norm

Could someone help me prove that given a finite measure space $(X, \mathcal{M}, \sigma)$ and a measurable function $f:X\to\mathbb{R}$ in $L^\infty$ and some $L^q$, $\displaystyle\lim_{p\to\infty}\|f\|_p=\|f\|_\infty$? I don't know where to start.
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2 answers

If $f_k \to f$ a.e. and the $L^p$ norms converge, then $f_k \to f$ in $L^p$

Let $1\leq p < \infty$. Suppose that $\{f_k\} \subset L^p$ (the domain here does not necessarily have to be finite), $f_k \to f$ almost everywhere, and $\|f_k\|_{L^p} \to \|f\|_{L^p}$. Why is it the case that $$\|f_k - f\|_{L^p} \to 0?$$ A…
2 answers

The Duals of $l^\infty$ and $L^{\infty}$

Can we identify the dual space of $l^\infty$ with another "natural space"? If the answer is yes, what can we say about $L^\infty$? By the dual space I mean the space of all continuous linear functionals.
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5 answers

How do you show monotonicity of the $\ell^p$ norms?

I can't seem to work out the inequality $(\sum |x_n|^q)^{1/q} \leq (\sum |x_n|^p)^{1/p}$ for $p \leq q$ (which I'm assuming is the way to go about it).
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2 answers

Why is $L^{\infty}$ not separable?

$l^p (1≤p<{\infty})$ and $L^p (1≤p<∞)$ are separable spaces. What on earth has changed when the value of $p$ turns from a finite number to ${\infty}$? Our teacher gave us some hints that there exists an uncountable subset such that the distance of…
3 answers

On the equality case of the Hölder and Minkowski inequalities

I'm following the book Measure and Integral of Richard L. Wheeden and Antoni Zygmund. This is problem 4 of chapter 8. Consider $E\subseteq \mathbb{R}^n$ a measurable set. In the following all the integrals are taken over $E$, $1/p + 1/q=1$, with…
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Is there an explicit isomorphism between $L^\infty[0,1]$ and $\ell^\infty$?

Is there an explicit isomorphism between $L^\infty[0,1]$ and $\ell^\infty$? In some sense, this is a follow-up to my answer to this question where the non-isomorphism between the spaces $L^r$ and $\ell^s$ for $1 \leq r,s \lt \infty$, unless $r$…
1 answer

$\frac{1}{p}+\frac{1}{q}=1$ vs $\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{p^n}=q$

It just occurred to me that conjugate exponents, i.e. $p,q\in(1,+\infty)$ such that $$\frac{1}{p}+\frac{1}{q} =1$$ also satisfy the relations: $\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{p^n}=q;$ $\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{1}{q^n}=p.$ I never saw this fact used in…
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1 answer

The $ l^{\infty} $-norm is equal to the limit of the $ l^{p} $-norms.

If we are in a sequence space, then the $ l^{p} $-norm of the sequence $ \mathbf{x} = (x_{i})_{i \in \mathbb{N}} $ is $ \displaystyle \left( \sum_{i=1}^{\infty} |x_{i}|^{p} \right)^{1/p} $. The $ l^{\infty} $-norm of $ \mathbf{x} $ is $…
2 answers

"Scaled $L^p$ norm" and geometric mean

The $L^p$ norm in $\mathbb{R}^n$ is \begin{align} \|x\|_p = \left(\sum_{j=1}^{n} |x_j|^p\right)^{1/p}. \end{align} Playing around with WolframAlpha, I noticed that, if we define the "scaled" $L^p$ norm in $\mathbb{R}^n$ to be \begin{align} \| x \|_p…
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2 answers

When exactly is the dual of $L^1$ isomorphic to $L^\infty$ via the natural map?

The dual space to the Banach space $L^1(\mu)$ for a sigma-finite measure $\mu$ is $L^\infty(\mu)$, given by the correspondence $\phi \in L^\infty(\mu) \mapsto I_\phi$, where $I_\phi(f) = \int f \cdot \phi \,d\mu$ for $f \in L^1(\mu)$. Now, we…
Ben Passer
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1 answer

Strong and weak convergence in $\ell^1$

Let $\ell^1$ be the space of absolutely summable real or complex sequences. Let us say that a sequence $(x_1, x_2, \ldots)$ of vectors in $\ell^1$ converges weakly to $x \in \ell^1$ if for every bounded linear functional $\varphi \in (\ell^1)^*$,…
2 answers

Why are $L^p$-spaces so ubiquitous?

It always baffled me why $L^p$-spaces are the spaces of choice in almost any area (sometimes with some added regularity (Sobolev/Besov/...)). I understand that the exponent allows for convenient algebraic manipulations, but is there more behind it…
5 answers

Why is $l^\infty$ not separable?

My functional analysis textbook says "The metric space $l^\infty$ is not separable." The metric defined between two sequences $\{a_1,a_2,a_3\dots\}$ and $\{b_1,b_2,b_3,\dots\}$ is $\sup\limits_{i\in\Bbb{N}}|{a_i-b_i}|$. How can this be? Isn't the…
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