Questions tagged [calculus-of-variations]

This tag is for problems relating to the calculus of variations that deal with maximizing or minimizing functionals. This problem is a generalization of the problem of finding extrema of functions of several variables. In fact, these variables will themselves be functions and we will be finding extrema of “functions of functions” or functionals.

The calculus of variations seeks to minimize or maximize an entire functional's worth of parameters instead of changing just one parameter. It achieves this by applying standard calculus techniques to the integral of a functional, thereby reducing $\mathbb R \to \mathbb R$ to just one parameter $\in\mathbb R$.

In symbols one considers $\displaystyle\max \int f(x) \ker(x)$ $dx$ rather than $\max f(s)$.

Two famous applications of the calculus of variations are the brachistochrone problem and deriving the catenary shape of a rope hanging between two poles.

Some basic problems in the calculus of variations are:

$(i)$ find minimizers

$(ii)$ find necessary conditions which minimizers must satisfy

$(iii)$ find solutions (extremals) which satisfy the necessary conditions

$(iv)$ find sufficient conditions which guarantee that such solutions are minimizers

$(v)$ qualitative properties of minimizers, like regularity properties

$(vi)$ how do the minimizers depend on parameters?

$(vii)$ stability of extremals depending on parameters.

Application: A huge number of problems in the calculus of variations have their origin in physics where one has to minimize the energy associated to the problem under consideration. Nowadays many problems come from economics.


2612 questions
1 answer

What's the largest possible volume of a taco, and how do I make one that big?

Let $f$ be a continuous, even function over some interval $I=[-a,a]$ such that the total arc length of $f$ over $I$ is at least $2$, $f(0)=0$, and $f$ is increasing on $(0,a)$. [You might imagine something like $f(x)=x^2$.] View the graph of…
13 answers

Arc length contest! Minimize the arc length of $f(x)$ when given three conditions.

Contest: Give an example of a continuous function $f$ that satisfies three conditions: $f(x) \geq 0$ on the interval $0\leq x\leq 1$; $f(0)=0$ and $f(1)=0$; the area bounded by the graph of $f$ and the $x$-axis between $x=0$ and $x=1$ is equal to…
0 answers

What is the largest volume of a polyhedron whose skeleton has total length 1? Is it the regular triangular prism?

Say that the perimeter of a polyhedron is the sum of its edge lengths. What is the maximum volume of a polyhedron with a unit perimeter? A reasonable first guess would be the regular tetrahedron of side length $1/6$, with volume…
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5 answers

Can this ant find its way back to the nest?

So the puzzle is like this: An ant is out from its nest searching for food. It travels in a straight line from its nest. After this ant gets 40 ft away from the nest, suddenly a rain starts to pour and washes away all its scent trail. This ant has…
6 answers

Introductory text for calculus of variations

I am currently working on problems that require familiarity with calculus of variations. I am fairly new to this field. Please suggest a good introductory book for the same that could help me pick up the concepts quickly. edit: I would prefer books…
9 answers

Why does a circle enclose the largest area?

In this wikipedia, article its stated that the circle is the closed curve which has the maximum area for a given arc length. First, of all, I would like to see different proofs, for this result. (If…
3 answers

Conceptual difference between strong and weak formulations

What are the conceptual differences in presenting a problem in strong or weak form? For example for a 2D Poisson problem the strong form is: \begin{split}- \nabla^2 u(\pmb{x}) &= f(\pmb{x}),\quad \pmb{x}\mbox{ in } \Omega, \\ u(\pmb{x}) &=…
7 answers

Why is it useful to show the existence and uniqueness of solution for a PDE?

Don't get me wrong, I understand that it is important in mathematics to qualitatively study the problems given. But I would like to know to what extent this helps, for example, to actually solve the problem. I am reading books that deal with…
1 answer

Constrained variational problems intuition

Problem: minimise $F(x,y,y')$ over $x$, constrained by $G(x,y,y')=0$. $$J_1(x,y,y')=\large \int_{x_0}^{x_1}F(x,y,y')+ \lambda (x) G(x,y,y')dx$$ I understand the Euler-Lagrange equation and Lagrange multipliers in multivariable (i.e. not variational)…
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1 answer

Functional differential equation (from Quantum Field Theory).

I have a certain differential equation that includes functional derivatives. I know the solution, but I'm having a hard time to show that the equation is indeed solved by the solution. The background for this question is quantum field theory (in…
3 answers

What's the minimum of $\int_0^1 f(x)^2 \: dx$, subject to $\int_0^1 f(x) \: dx = 0, \int_0^1 x f(x) \: dx = 1$?

The question is as in the title: what's the minimum of $\int_0^1 f(x)^2 \: dx$, subject to $\int_0^1 f(x) \: dx = 0, \int_0^1 x f(x) \: dx = 1$? (Assume suitable smoothness conditions.) A problem in the textbook for the course I am TEACHING (not…
Michael Lugo
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3 answers

How can $y$ and $y'$ be independent in variational calculus?

In variational calculus, functionals are written as \begin{eqnarray} F = \int f(x,y,y') dx \end{eqnarray} Where $F$ depends upon choice of $y,y'$. But for smooth regular functions specifying the $y$ also specifies $y'$, so how can they be…
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2 answers

Euler-Lagrange, Gradient Descent, Heat Equation and Image Denoising

For an image denoising problem, the author has a functional $E$ defined $$E(u) = \iint_\Omega F \;\mathrm d\Omega$$ which he wants to minimize. $F$ is defined as $$F = \|\nabla u \|^2 = u_x^2 + u_y^2$$ Then, the E-L equations are…
0 answers

Lagrange multipliers in Calculus of Variations

I am trying to learn about Calculus of Variations and I am beginning to see some constrained optimization problems in the domain of functionals, by using Lagrange multipliers. It seems that things work like in the finite-dimensional calculus but I…
1 answer

A variation of the isoperimetric problem in the plane

The isoperimetric problem in the plane: « The classical isoperimetric problem dates back to antiquity. The problem can be stated as follows: Among all closed curves in the plane of fixed perimeter, which curve (if any) maximizes the area of…
Sebastien Palcoux
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