Questions tagged [zend-framework3]

Zend framework 3 is the new version of Zend Framework. It includes a reviewed version of the MVC components and it includes also Expressive, a new microframework for building PSR-7 middleware applications

Zend Framework 3 is an initiative encompassing a number of strategies and projects. Official release statement

Release Date : 28 June 2016

The main component of Zend Framework 3 remains the MVC components, which now is composed of many separeted components. This allows more code reuse and independent development cycles among the various components. Also many performance improvements were made with respect to the previous version of the framework.

The main news of the framework appearing in this version is Expressive, a microframework for building PSR-7 middleware applications based on the new PSR-7 specification, which abstracts HTTP messages.

767 questions
3 answers

How can you add query parameters in the ZF2 / ZF3 url view helper

I'm attempting to create a url with a query string using a route, like so: $this->url('users') -> /users $this->url('users', ['sort' => 'desc']) -> /users?sort=desc However this doesn't seem to work (the second helper actually outputs /users).…
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3 answers

How to reduce the number of database connections in tests in PHPUnit and ZF3?

I'm writing integration/database tests for a Zend Framework 3 application by using zendframework/zend-test 3.1.0, phpunit/phpunit 6.2.2, and phpunit/dbunit 3.0.0 My tests are failing due to the Connect Error: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1040] Too many…
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5 answers

Doctrine2 Update Caused AnnotationRegistry registerLoader Error in Zend Framework 3

I'm working on a CMS based on Zend Framework 3.0 to manage a DB I with Doctrine. What is my problem when managing packages with composer? Recently, I updated all the packages to newest versions and sent it to server, nothing was changed in other…
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1 answer

Dispatch Error Event Not Connecting to Shared Event on AbstractController

My Error Page is not working as planned. I have an event that I create inside my Application Module with the onBootstrap Method that handles populating my design assets. It works on all pages except for the page where a route does not match I think…
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How can I migrate Zend Framework 1 to 3

Has anyone please describe how much architecture changed by Zend from Ver 1 to 3. Recently zend released ZF3 but no information provide how to migrate from zf1 to zf3. I have an application was developed in zf1, now looking for upgrade it to using…
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Deprecated: Retrieve service locator in functional system - ZF2

I'm developing a ZF2 system and it was working very well, but after I clone the repository in other computer this deprecated error has appeared: You are retrieving the service locator from within the class Module\Controller\Controller. Please be…
2 answers

ServiceManager in ZF3

I know that this has been covered extensively in other threads, but I'm struggling to work out how to replicate the effect of $this->getServiceLocator() from ZF2 controllers in ZF3 ones. I have tried creating a factory using the various other…
1 answer

ZF2 Deprecated: ServiceManagerAwareInterface

Today i updated my project and i got this warning : Deprecated: ServiceManagerAwareInterface is deprecated and will be removed in version 3.0, along with the ServiceManagerAwareInitializer. Please update your class X to remove the…
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zend framework 3 session not working

I'm trying to set up a zend framework 3 MVC web app to use session storage. Following the information from this website -- It all works well.…
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ZF3 redirection after ACL authorization failed

I have a new ZF3 application with ACL. Now I need, in case of unauthorized access, to redirect to an error page (403 for example). I think the best way is to fire an event, then catch it, but I failed... All is in my User module, in Module.php…
Al Foиce ѫ
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1 answer

Console route in Zend3 is not matching

I have a console route in my module.config.php file 'console' => [ 'router' => [ 'routes' => [ 'remove' => [ 'type' => 'simple', 'options' => [ …
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0 answers

Zend Framework 2/3 model with relations to itself and another model

First I've read the following two stackoverflow questions, but they didn't really give me an answer: How to extend the ZF2 skeleton application - entities with foreign keys Zend Framework 2 model foreign keys In my application I have an employee…
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1 answer

Zend framework not able to route the translated child routes

I am new to Zend framework 3 and was trying to translate the routes and i have partially succeeded.I am able to translate the main route and redirect it to the required location but for child routes the translation works but the redirection doesn't.…
3 answers

ZF3 zend-mvc-skeleton internationalization not working

I'm trying to evaluate if it's already the right time to start moving to ZF3 (or keep developing my application with ZF2). Therefore, I installed the mvc-skeleton application and walked through the MVC tutorial (here) which worked perfectly until I…
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Zend Framework 3 - route based on query string

In Zend Framework 3, is it possible to route to a controller depending on whether a URL contains a query string? For example, I have these two URLs: /users /users?name=Bob I would like the first route to call a UsersController and second route to…
Leo Galleguillos
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