Questions tagged [zend-framework3]

Zend framework 3 is the new version of Zend Framework. It includes a reviewed version of the MVC components and it includes also Expressive, a new microframework for building PSR-7 middleware applications

Zend Framework 3 is an initiative encompassing a number of strategies and projects. Official release statement

Release Date : 28 June 2016

The main component of Zend Framework 3 remains the MVC components, which now is composed of many separeted components. This allows more code reuse and independent development cycles among the various components. Also many performance improvements were made with respect to the previous version of the framework.

The main news of the framework appearing in this version is Expressive, a microframework for building PSR-7 middleware applications based on the new PSR-7 specification, which abstracts HTTP messages.

767 questions
1 answer

I 'm new to zend 3 . When i'm installed zend and hit the url (localhost/zf3/public) then i got this error

Fatal error: Method Zend\View\Helper\HeadTitle::__toString() must not throw an exception, caught Zend\I18n\Exception\ExtensionNotLoadedException: Zend\I18n\Translator component requires the intl PHP extension in…
2 answers

Calling member function of other controller in zend framework 3 for sending email?

Calling member function of other controller in zend framework3?
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