Questions tagged [zend-framework3]

Zend framework 3 is the new version of Zend Framework. It includes a reviewed version of the MVC components and it includes also Expressive, a new microframework for building PSR-7 middleware applications

Zend Framework 3 is an initiative encompassing a number of strategies and projects. Official release statement

Release Date : 28 June 2016

The main component of Zend Framework 3 remains the MVC components, which now is composed of many separeted components. This allows more code reuse and independent development cycles among the various components. Also many performance improvements were made with respect to the previous version of the framework.

The main news of the framework appearing in this version is Expressive, a microframework for building PSR-7 middleware applications based on the new PSR-7 specification, which abstracts HTTP messages.

767 questions
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Zend 3 - return function or access to var in view MVC

Which method is correctly to show data in view? Protected var in model and functions which returns parameter $album->getAlbumTitle(); or public var in model with private tableGateway $album->album_title;
2 answers

zend framework 3 ajax adjust select options

I just started working with Zend Framework 3. I'm struggling with a more advanced issue. I have selectlist one with options 1 and 2 And I have selectlist two with options 1, 2, 3 and 4. When option 1 is selected in selectlist one only option 1 and 2…
Jilco Tigchelaar
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get zend FlashMessenger message as string

I have following code in controller as below: public function indexAction(){ $this->flashMessenger()->addMessage('hi'); } In view page : $messages = $this->flashMessenger()->getMessages(); foreach($messages as $message) { …
Gautam Rai
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move_uploaded_file two or more different image names moves only one

i am trying to move five different files in one form at the same time but only one image moves. I have five columns for each filename in my database table. The uploaded image names saves in the database column but the only problem is only one file…
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zend framework 3, multiple db tables in one controller

I have a ZF3 project and an index controller that accesses a single postgres table. I have the usual factories setup return array( 'factories' => [ Model\IsdepotstockTable::class => function($container) { …
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Migrating ZF2 to ZF3: How to adapt navigation view?

In my ZF2 application I have a this navigation view script: $routeMatch = $this->getHelperPluginManager() ->getServiceLocator() ->get('Application') ->getMvcEvent() ->getRouteMatch(); $currentRoute = $routeMatch instanceof…
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HTMLPurifier does not work

I use htmlpurifier as a filter for forms. But it does not work after migrating zf2->zf3. "A plugin by the name "htmlpurifier" was not found in the plugin manager Zend\Filter\FilterPluginManager". Though in module config htmlpurifier is…
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ZF3 unable to populate select field from db

Can anyone explain me the easiest way to populate select field in form from db? ChartsForm.php

2 answers

Where is the composer.json file located for a Zend Framework 3 application?

I'm looking at a Zend Framework 3 application on a server, and I don't see any composer.json file in the root. I'm trying to download the entire application and add it to GitHub, but I don't want to download the vendor files (which I assume I can…
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Create Classes and Derived Classes in any folder of Zend

I want to ask some questions about the Zend framework. if someone knows please answer it will be a great help. Q1. Can we create classes, abstract and derived classes in any folder of the Zend Project? Q2. If Q1 answer is yes how we can database…
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How can I Implement Zend Framework 3 + Ajax Pagination?

Does anyone know how to implement Ajax Pagination with Zend Framework 3 (zf3)? I used Doctrine ORM to retrieve data from database.
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ZF3 get date/time format based on locale

I'm looking for a way to get the date and time or date/time format based on the user locale I have. Like: de_DE will have d-m-Y (21-10-2017) en_US will have Y/m/d (2017/10/21) Is there a way in ZF3 to get this or do I need to use some PHP based…
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ZF3 What to do with getServiceLocator()->get('translator') in AbstractContoller

I have an abstract controller in my app (ZF3) which extends all my module controllers. I'm calling here my base translator and apply the translator also per module but as getServiceLocator() is removed from ZF3 I'm wonder what I can do to create a…
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Zend Framework 2/3 Secure REST API

I am trying to build a zend framework application tied to angular. So I am thinking to go with the RESTful approach. Do you have any references on examples on how to this securely?
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Change controller and action in class module

How to change controller and action in class Module in file Module.php? It is necessary to restrict access without a redirect. The URI should remain unchanged. Thus it is necessary to override not just the template output, namely controller and…
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