Questions tagged [xcode11.3]

This tag should only be used for questions specific to the usage and features of Xcode 11.3. Do not use this tag just because you are using Xcode to develop your app. General Xcode questions should use the non-version specific xcode tag. Use tags appropriate for the OS such as ios or macos.

116 questions
0 answers

clang: error: no such file or directory: 'UIKit'

I am getting this error when I build my iOS app using Xcode 11.3 and Swift 5. clang: error: no such file or directory: 'UIKit' I have deleted DerivedData folder, removed the app from the simulator, ran it in a different Simulator, cleaned the…
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crash in iOS 10 and iOS 9 with CoreFoundation - common_removeAllObjects

Crashed: EXC_BAD_ACCESS KERN_INVALID_ADDRESS 0x0000000000000020 common_removeAllObjects CoreFoundation common_removeAllObjects + 156 The above given is the stack trace.Not able to find a reference in the code. I am not able to…
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1 answer

How to install Xcode 11.3 on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6?

Currently I am using Xcode 10.1 on macOS High Sierra 10.13.6, on a Early 2011 MacBook Pro with 4GB RAM. Problem is that I am unable to upgrade to macOS Catalina. Is it possible to install Xcode 11.3 in the macOS High Sierra? Or is there any other…
Faiz Fareed
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1 answer

SwiftUI Application crashes even though I added NSCameraUsageDescription in info.plist

I’m using Xcode 11.3.1 (11C504) and iOS 13 I am using camera to upload photos on my app, app crashes with following very known message: This app has crashed because it attempted to access privacy-sensitive data without a usage description. The…
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Use .smallCaps() in SwiftUI

Im trying to change my text to small caps in SwiftUI. But I don't understand how to apply the Method to my text. I've tried different ways, here are two of…
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In Xcode 11.3 storyboard and nib size is almost double

The .nib files and the storyboard files binary generated via Xcode 11.3 is almost double than those generated by Xcode 10.1. This increases the size of the app. The size increase is due to nib file has two formats The .nib files binary generated via…
1 answer

dynamical math for coverting values between multiple units

This is the function I'm using now for converting a value of of one unit to another. I'm looking for a more dynamic option of doing this. I want to make the function be able to covert from for example: 1 kilo gram to ounces, but the why I'm doing…
Petter Braka
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1 answer

Canvas preview doesn't show when accessing environmentObject containing array of objects

Preview usually works fine with environment object but I'm having trouble when accessing within the object an array of objects. The following view doesn't show in preview but works fine insimulator import SwiftUI struct ScoreCell: View { …
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1 answer

An error occurs in the overridden function of XCUITest

An error occurs in the overridden function of XCUITest. I have never mentioned XCUITest. The error is: "Method does not override method in superclass". This happens when you change Xcode from version 11.4 beta 2 to 11.3.1 and build. what should I…
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0 answers

This app could not be installed at this time. Extra info about plist: ACL=

Hi i am facing a issue while installing application i have tried different possible solution like. 1- uninstalling and reinstalling cocoapods 2- de-integrating pod 3- re-installing xcode This app could not be installed at this time. Domain:…
Zeeshan Ahmed
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2 answers

No visible @Interface for 'FBSDKLoginManager' declares the selector 'loginWithReadPermissions:fromViewController:handler:'

[Xcode 11.3, Facebook SDK : Version 6.0.0 I'm not able to login with Facebook for my app, and then I updated pod "FBSDKLogin" to Version 6.0.0, the errors in the image came out and made me not able to build app. Anyone can help me on this, please?…
0 answers

Migrate swift 3 code to swift 5 using Xcode Version 11.3.1

I have an old code developed at Xcode 8 with swift3, Now with Xcode 11.3.1 , i am trying to upgrade it but it gives me below error. Any process to direct migrate without using Xcode 10.1
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1 answer

Xcode 11.3 could not attach to the pid: without internet

Error Prompt Xcode 11.3 not able to run the simulator when the lab being "offline" I need to connect to the internet to make the Xcode run the simulator. I found this is hard, please note I try to the following possible solutions but no one solve…
Ahmed Eid
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1 answer

How to stop SwiftUI DragGesture from dying when View content changes

In my app, I drag a View horizontally to set a position of a model object. I can also drag it downward and release it to delete the model object. When it has been dragged downward far enough, I indicate the potential for deletion by changing its…
Rob N
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SWIFT : How to Share multiple Photos or Video on Facebook using FBSDKShareKit?

I am using FBSDKShareKit to share video and images on facebook. Here is the code:- if self.postObject.videoUrl.count > 0 { let content = ShareMediaContent() for VideoData in self.postObject.postedMedia { …
iOS Developer
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