Questions tagged [ios13.2]

29 questions
0 answers

Xcode 11, iOS 13.2 - “libMobileGestalt MobileGestalt. c:1647: Could not retrieve region info” Map Error

In the iOS simulator, when running my mapKit view, the debugger goes crazy with a long string of updates and the map never loads, but the GPS does. This appears to have started after installing cocoa pods with Firebase and Facebook…
Thom Sides
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2 answers

File size is 0 only for videos in Ionic on iOS 13.2 when selecting videos from Photo Library

In my Ionic3 application I am calculating file size as follows. HTML

Size: {{ size }}

TS file:…
Sudarshana Dayananda
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Process kill() returned unexpected error 1 Xcode 11.2 - iOS 13.2 - Swift 5

Text translated by google I am using a webview and when I upload the data to the webview it shows me these messages. What should I modify, is it a mistake, can it cause problems for my application? import UIKit import WebKit class…
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How to solve TextField text Not displaying in IOS Version 13.2.3?

I create an app in XCode 10.2. Currently, Apple released a new OS version 13.2.3, I update ios Version in a real device and I check my app in the real device. not displaying text in my textField How to fix this. Anybody can help me.
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iOS 13.2 message: nehelper sent invalid result code [1] for Wi-Fi information request

My app uses locationservices for tracking and geofencing in the background. Now with iOS 13.2 I see every second the following message in the console: Anchorwatch nehelper sent invalid result code [1] for Wi-Fi information request My app does…
Michael Konz
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MPRemoteCommandCenter doesn't appear on iOS13

I have a video player that show a .m3u8 stream. I've tried to implement the Remote Control but the widget doesn't appear both in lock screen, in the Notification Center and in the Command Center. I need only to have play-pause, volume controls and…
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iOS 13.2.3 pdfViewGestureRecognize and PDFkit

Here is my Code it work perfectly in iOS 12 but for iOS 13 code can't give exactly values let pdfViewGestureRecognizer = PDFViewGestureRecognizer() pdfView.autoScales = true pdfView.displayMode = .singlePage …
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UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.addSubview not working

UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.addSubview not working in ios13 i try many options but not find any solutions. i want every screen status bar make blue color form AppDelegate . i try this code. if #available(iOS 13.0, *) { /* let window =…
Khushal iOS
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App terminated due to cpu use in iOS 13.2

I have a location service based tracking and geofencing app which would run for days and weeks in the background on and iOS 12.2 ff device. Now with iOS 13.2 the app gets terminated after a variable amount of time, but at least several hours, due to…
Michael Konz
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1 answer

TintColor not changing for UIBarButtonItem for .normal stage in case of iOS 13.2

I have tried the almost max solution and it did not help, selected state color is applying but for a normal state, it's not applying. This issue I am facing specifically in iOS13.2 only. …
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clang: error: no such file or directory: 'UIKit'

I am getting this error when I build my iOS app using Xcode 11.3 and Swift 5. clang: error: no such file or directory: 'UIKit' I have deleted DerivedData folder, removed the app from the simulator, ran it in a different Simulator, cleaned the…
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iOS - Customisations on my UICollectionViewCell are not applied

I'm programming an iOS application using multiple horizontal UICollectionViews stacked in a StackLayout inside a ScrollView. I want to display imaged in theses collection views but my custom UICollectionViewCell is not showing anything. Here is what…
0 answers

convert string to date but output wrong date

I convert string to date but output wrong date. I change format date from json (30/12/2019) by replace / to - symbol (30-12-2019) But value after convert string to date show output 23-12-2018 output wrong date why date change from …
1 answer

Memory issue while downloading images Swift5 iOS13

Overall memory growth Whenever i get memory warning i'm clearing caches func applicationDidReceiveMemoryWarning(_ application: UIApplication) { print("Memory warning...") imageCache.countLimit = 0 imageCache.totalCostLimit…
Neelam Pursnani
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1 answer

ios 13 UIContextMenu shows shortened UIAction titles

I decided to addUIContextMenuInteraction to my UITableViewCell, it works fine, but the title that has 9+ letters (without image) or 6+ letters(with image) is getting shortened like this: Implementation of delegate method: extension MyCustomCell:…