Questions tagged [xcode11.3]

This tag should only be used for questions specific to the usage and features of Xcode 11.3. Do not use this tag just because you are using Xcode to develop your app. General Xcode questions should use the non-version specific xcode tag. Use tags appropriate for the OS such as ios or macos.

116 questions
1 answer

Xcode 11.3 not opening projects

Xcode is refusing to open any projects, every time a project is opened the spinning wheel starts and Xcode freezes and has to be force quit. On a rare occasion the project might open after a minute or two. I have undertaken many things to rectify…
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Type 'UIColor?' has no member ".myCustomColor" Swift 5.0

I have all my colors in a dedicated color asset. This allows me to define named constants that supports "Any Appearance" and "Dark Appearance". Existing color assets works (previously defined), but if I try to define new ones (eg. myCustomColor) or…
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Xcode 11.3: Framework embeding / signing problem

After upgrading to Xcode 11.3, I can no longer embed frameworks. To investigate the situation, I created a new single view project, and executed it under a simulator. Then I added in Targets / General / Frameworks, Libraries and Embedded Content a…
Reinhard Männer
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How to debug Objective C for an iOS application in Xcode 11

I am trying to debug an IOS application developed in Objective C. When using messages with NSLog or print instructions, they are ignored and my console is always empty.
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3 answers

iOS: 13 - remove space between status bar and scrollview

Recently, I Updated my Xcode from 10.1 to 11.3, and I noticed that some of the features were change, when I ran my app on an Simulator with iOS 13, I saw that the there is a space between the status bar and the scrollview I used for the main page,…
1 answer

Xcode 11.3 does not have latest iOS version

Any reason the latest version of iOS is not available in the update version of Xcode ? 13.3 is missing and this allowed for me to upload a tested version of an application which was subsequently approved and then once released caused a crash.
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Xcode: change Object from Exit to View Controller

I have an issue when I dragging and dropping from Assistant Editor to code button that button has automatically set Object to Exit but I need to set to View Controller. The issue is in the picture below. Is there any solution to solve it? Issue in…
1 answer

Universal link redirect me to the safari instead of my app in iOS 13

I am implementing Universal link to my app.My problem is when I press link take me to safari and show my pop up screen ask me to downlaod apple -app-site-asscoiation instead of open the app, I am using real device not the simulator this is the…
1 answer

Not able to set constraints in XIB - Xcode 11.3.1

I created a project in Swift. I added view controller file and one XIB using right click on the project - > Add Files to projectname -> Empty (xib) file. After adding the xib file, i removed the view and added View Controller. Under the View…
cto platform
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How to install node package on MacBook for Socket.IO?

I have downloaded Node from Here for MacBook. Now when I double click on package, it is giving me error. Anyone knows about this ? Or can you give me other way to install node on MacBook ?
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1 answer

the working copy is currently not on a branch in Xcode 11.3

I somehow have been committing all changes with Xcode somewhere not on any branch if I understand the message (in the title) correctly. I do not remember how and when it happened, probably when I was trying to checkout a version from the master…
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