Questions tagged [x-forwarded-for]

Use for questions regarding X-Forwarded-For, a HTTP header used by HTTP proxies to send the originating request's IP address.

The X-Forwarded-For (XFF) header is a de-facto standard header for identifying the originating IP address of a client connecting to a web server through an HTTP proxy or a load balancer.

This header is used for debugging, statistics, and generating location-dependent content and by design it exposes privacy sensitive information, such as the IP address of the client. Therefore the user's privacy must be kept in mind when deploying this header.

A standardized version of this header is the HTTP Forwarded header.

X-Forwarded-For is also an email-header indicating that an email-message was forwarded from another account.


MDN web docs

76 questions
1 answer

HAProxy: Take the middle IP from X-Forwarded-For into a new header

In haproxy.cfg I'm trying to extract the proper IP address from x-forwarded-for header into a new custom header. my input request header would be something like X-Forwarded-For:,, And my expected new header would be something…
Ben Diamant
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Traefik, EKS, TLS Termination, X-Forwarded-For

Deploying Traefik on EKS cluster. Need to terminate the TLS session using the ALB and also pass the X-Forwarded-For header. Running Traefik v2.4.8 using official helm chart ( traefik/traefik from ) There is already an…
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SignalR reverse proxy server apache. Error 400 – Bad Request – Invalid Hostname

We are facing this problem: we have a self host application, written in C# and using .Net 4.7, that runs a signalR server, and a signalR client, written in javascript (2.1), hosted in a web application, running under IIS. There is a load balancer…
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AWS ELB Apache Get Client IP, Avoid X-Forwarded-For Spoofing

From apache docs ( we implemented the following assignment on our server: RemoteIPHeader X-Forwarded-For to get a client's IP rather than the ELB's IP. However, we didn't notice that the ELB…
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Azure Function X-FORWARDED-FOR Header format IPV6?

What is the format of the X-FORWARDED-FOR header of an HTTP-triggered Azure Function, when client makes request from an IPV6 endpoint? IPV4 headers come across as... 111.222.333.444: I'm imagining IPV6 headers come across…
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enable X-Forwarded-for on oracle cloud private loadbalancer

the traffic is accepted at firewall then forwarded to private load-balancer on oracle cloud, the forwarded to internal web servers. the problem is that client IP address at we server is seen as load-balancer IP address. is there a way to add…
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Varnish: Multiple IPs compare to ACL using Tilde

What would happen in Varnish if multiple IPs are in an X-Forward-For header which is compared to an ACL using the tilde operator? Dummy example: The request has the following HTTP header: X-Forward-For:, The Varnish config…
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Kong :: Client IP missing in X-FORWARDED-FOR

Using Kong ingress controller (v2.1) in Kubernetes. Running in Digital Ocean. The problem is that client IP is missing in X-FORWARDED-FOR header for HTTPS request, yet present on the HTTP request. I need to be able to see the IP on the HTTPS…
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Deny request on nginx behind load balancer

I have my website on nginx behind AWS Load Balancer. I want to block Some IP's to access my website. I tried a lot but nginx not recognized original client IP and I failed to block IP's. Please help me to achieve this. My nginx virtual host file is…
1 answer

Need to get remote ip of one who is accessing the web application

I am trying to log website visitor application in tomcat logs I have tried adding below lines of code in server.xml
2 answers

How to select origin ip for X-Forwarded-For field using log parser studio?

I am trying to write a query that gets the first value of the X-Forwarded-For field. There is multiple IPs in that field due to load balancers. Is there any way just to get the first value, which is the origin IP? I've looked into information on…
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Restrict unknown reverse proxies with UseForwardedHeaders

When using a reverse proxy for web app the docs says that we should use forwarded headers to obtain info about the real request. And that we need to add our proxy server to the known proxy servers list. But i haven't found any information regarding…
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X-Forwarded-For is not displayed in chrome headers while using squid proxy

I am using squid proxy to test some application in my company. I have a use cases where I need to use the X-Forwarded-For header from squid proxy I tried by editing the squid configuration file and including acl localhost src…
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AWS Api Gateway Lambda proxy integration, how to get source port from client request

I'm using AWS Api Gateway to invoke my Lambda functin in proxy mode. Event object contains X-Forwarded-Port information but it contains destination port of client request whereas I need the source port (i.e remote port). I couldn't figure out how to…
0 answers

How to find IP of client system?

I tried many ways - via INET class, javascript RTC peer connection, http request remote address, requested x-forwarded-for params also but nothing works. Some works on intranet only and some works on internet.On Internet, I am getting server IP.…