Questions tagged [acl]

An access control list (ACL), with respect to a computer file system, is a list of permissions attached to an object.

An access control list (ACL) specifies which users or system processes are granted access to objects, as well as what operations are allowed on given objects. Each entry in a typical ACL specifies a subject and an operation.

When a subject requests an operation on an object in an ACL-based security model the operating system first checks the ACL for an applicable entry to decide whether the requested operation is authorized. A key issue in the definition of any ACL-based security model is determining how access control lists are edited, namely which users and processes are granted ACL-modification access. ACL models may be applied to collections of objects as well as to individual entities within the system hierarchy.

Benefits of ACLs include:

  • easy to implement
  • easy to understand
  • extremely fine-grained: down to the user and the resource

Drawbacks of ACLs include:

  • too fine-grained and thus too hard to manage. The ACL management is on a per-object level
  • not context-aware: ACLs do not take time, location, or other attributes into consideration
  • doesn't scale: ACLs only work on a small set of objects and users.

Other access control models include and which aim to address the shortcomings of .

More information can be found on Wikipedia's definition of access control lists.

2604 questions
5 answers

Setting default permissions for newly created files and sub-directories under a directory in Linux?

I have a bunch of long-running scripts and applications that are storing output results in a directory shared amongst a few users. I would like a way to make sure that every file and directory created under this shared directory automatically had…
David Dean
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3 answers

How can I implement an Access Control List in my Web MVC application?

First question Please, could you explain me how simpliest ACL could be implemented in MVC. Here is the first approach of using Acl in Controller...
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1 answer

Symfony2: how to get all entities of one type which are marked with "EDIT" ACL permission?

Can someone tell me how to get all entities of one type which are marked with "EDIT" ACL permission? I would like to build a query with the Doctrine EntityManager.
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12 answers

S3: make a public folder private again?

How do you make an AWS S3 public folder private again? I was testing out some staging data, so I made the entire folder public within a bucket. I'd like to restrict its access again. So how do I make the folder private again?
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7 answers

How to determine fragment restored from backstack

Been searching for this issue for a while to no avail now: How to determine fragment is being restored from backstack? I'm using the compatibility library and a ListFragment inside a FragmentActivity. When an item inside ListFragment is selected, a…
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4 answers

Amazon S3 ACL for read-only and write-once access

I'm developing a web application and I currently have the following ACL assigned to the AWS account it uses to access its data: { "Statement": [ { "Sid": "xxxxxxxxx", // don't know if this is supposed to be confidential "Action":…
Jake Petroules
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4 answers

How to protect "master" in github?

I have a few contributors in my github project. I want to allow only one of them to "push" to master. And this guy is not me (the owner of the repository). Is it possible to do?
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5 answers

Can I modify the ownership for a shared folder in vagrant?

I use vagrant and chef to develop my own blog in a virtual machine. To have easy access to the wordpress folder I created a shared folder. Basically the wordpress folder is on my host and gets mounted as shared folder in /var/www/wordpress in the…
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5 answers

Why does Set-Acl on the drive root try to set ownership of the "object"?

I would like to change the ACL of the C: drive. What im trying to do is remove the permission that a user can create a folder directly on the drive. I tested the script on another folder while writing it. It worked without a problem. After…
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9 answers

Django role based views?

I'm looking for some input on how others would architect this. I'm going to provide class (django group) based views. For example, a user's group will determine what views/templates he or she will have access to. I'm thinking of perhaps storing…
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4 answers

How do one use ACL to filter a list of domain-objects according to a certain user's permissions (e.g. EDIT)?

When using the ACL implementation in Symfony2 in a web application, we have come across a use case where the suggested way of using the ACLs (checking a users permissions on a single domain object) becomes unfeasible. Thus, we wonder if there exists…
3 answers

Need guidance to start with Zend ACL

I am currently working on a site that requires ACL and as I am using Zend, it makes sense for me to make use of their ACL class but I have little to zero idea of how to do this. I have read the docs but it confused me further...basically all I want…
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3 answers

Database schema for ACL

I want to create a schema for a ACL; however, I'm torn between a couple of ways of implementing it. I am pretty sure I don't want to deal with cascading permissions as that leads to a lot of confusion on the backend and for site administrators. I…
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2 answers

Symfony2 ACL combined with another criteria

I'm wondering if anyone knows of an elegant way to achieve this using the Symfony2 ACL system. I have a Comment entity (my domain object) which needs to be editable by ROLE_USER but this is only allowed within 5 minutes of the comment being posted -…
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3 answers

Self hosted OWIN and urlacl

I've created a self hosted Nancy/SignalR application self-hosted in OWIN using Microsoft.Owin.Host.HttpListener and Microsoft.Owin.Hosting Things work perfectly fine locally but as soon as I try to use anything but localhost to access the app I get…
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