Questions tagged [windows-phone-8]

Windows Phone 8 is a version of Windows Phone (Oct 29, 2012 - present) that succeeds Windows Phone 7.5 and includes many new features.

Windows Phone 8 ("WP8") is a mobile operating system developed by Microsoft, and is the successor to Windows Phone 7.5. Unlike Windows Phone 7 which was based on Windows CE, Windows Phone 8 uses the Windows NT kernel found in Windows 8.

Supported development platforms include C#/VB.Net with XAML, HTML, CSS and Javascript or Typescript and C++ with Direct3D. Although XNA applications can still be developed, they can only target Windows Phone 7.5 instead of Windows Phone 8 and are kept only for legacy purposes. Windows Phone 8 also supports building Windows Phone Runtime Components and has access to APIs also present in Windows 8, making development for both platforms simultaneously easier.

Download the development tools and SDK.

New features include C++ support, Direct3D, multiple resolutions, Micro SD card, NFC, Bluetooth, Multi-core processing, In-app purchase, text-to-speech, speech-to-text, voice commands, Wallet Hub, app2app communication, new background functionality, contacts and calendar write-access, lock screen integration, new tile templates, new camera APIs, built-in maps control, and much more.

Read about what's new in the Windows Phone 8 SDK.

More information

Learning resources


18315 questions
1 answer

Windows Phone alarm constantly turning itself back on

I'm trying to write an alarm clock app for Windows Phone that requires the user to solve a math problem upon the ringing of the alarm. Right now I'm stuck, I've got the MainPage containing the settings for turning on the alarm, and when the alarm…
1 answer

changing zindex of elements in itemscontrol windows phone

This is a question with many different answers, but have not found one working for Windows Phone. So here goes: I have an Items Control that displays UserControls. I bind an ObservableCollection to this ItemsControl like this:
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3 answers

Windows Phone 8: AdMob Interstitial Ads don't display correctly

When trying to display an interstitial ad on our app, the ad doesn't display correctly. When the app runs on the 720p emulator then the ad displays with the correct size: On the WVGA the ad gets cut off in one quarter (seems that the size of the ad…
Marco Batista
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Dynamic Lost Focus Event for a text Box throws error

Lost Focus Event Code: public void myTextBox_LostFocus(object sender, System.Windows.Input.GestureEventArgs e) { string name = ((TextBox)sender).Name; string strl = "tbox" + name.Substring(4); TextBox text =…
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Trying to run PhoneGap WP8 app in emulator fails "MSBUILD FAILED TO COMPILE CordovaDeploy.exe"

I have created a PhoneGap WP8 project and am trying to run it in the emulator. phonegap local build wp8 works. phonegap local run wp8 gives ERROR: MSBUILD FAILED TO COMPILE CordovaDeploy.exe. I can tell from the printout that building the…
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1 answer

ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder.CreateFileAsync throws UnauthorizedAccessException

I am trying to store a file to the app's storage in a Windows Phone 8.1 app, but it always fails with a System.UnauthorizedAccessException. The exception occurs on the following line (no related code before that): StorageFile storageFile = await…
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1 answer

Listpicker cannot go fullscreen mode Windows Phone

I am trying to allow the listpicker dropdown to go to a full screen mode. When i enter the expansion mode to fullscreen only it will crash with the first chance expection. Below is my…
Gene Lim
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2 answers

Unable to reference Microsoft.Device namespace

I'm unable to reference the Microsoft.Devices namespace to use this class to vibrate. I can manually reference it from assembly Microsoft.Phone.dll, found in: c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft…
1 answer

Windows Phone 8 ApplicationBar

Is there really a 4 icon item limit on the applicationbar in windows phone 8? I tried to create a 5th element and it gave me an error in visual studio 2012 for windows phone that too many items were in the list.
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Windows Phone 8 Slider Control step length

I'd like to make a slider like this: Notice there are little "|" between each slider values, and the user can only select those value. But I found it is no use to set the SmallChange and LargeChange.
Edi Wang
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1 answer

Custom live tile for windows phone 8

I created an app that has my own custom live tile in it. There are three size of live tile user controls created but added here is only one size(see codes) and I need to add the same for other two sizes(Medium and Small tile). Here's the source -…
3 answers

C# System.NullReferenceException during setting slider value to text property

I have this simple slider project. I wanna show slider value in TextBox.
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3 answers

HttpWebRequest get 404 page only when using POST mode

First of all: I know this has been asked over 100 times, but most of these questions were eigher caused by timeout problems, by incorrect Url or by foregetting to close a stream (and belive me, I tried ALL the samples and none of them worked). So,…
1 answer

Building Windows phone app using the command line or shell

My windows phone 8 application is successfully built from compilation button of Visual Studio. Also I can built the application using the command line successfully with the following commands. cd /d…
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Adding an Appbar in xaml (Universal App)

How do I add an appbar with buttons to a Windows Phone 8.1 app using the Hub template? I do not see any clear examples of how to do this. Specifically, using the Hub template, I want to add appbar menu items to the ItemsPage.xaml.
Scott Nimrod
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