Questions tagged [windows-networking]

83 questions
2 answers

Why is .NET's File.Open with a UNC path making excessive SMB calls?

I have a block of code that needs to open and read a lot of small text files from a NAS server using UNC paths. This code is part of a module that was originally written in C++ but is now being converted to C#. The C# version is significantly…
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13 answers

Unable to ping vmware guest from another vmware guest

I would like to ping one vmware guest from another one. Both are Windows XP and use NAT. I set IP manually for VMnet8 to (no using Obtain IP address automatically). Also I'm not able to ping neither guest1 nor guest2 from host. I'm…
Vladislav Krejcirik
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4 answers

NETSH port forwarding from local port to local port not working

I'm trying to use NETSH PORTPROXY command to forward packets sent to my XP PC (IP on port 8001 to port 80 (I've a XAMPP Apache server listening to port 80). I issued the following: netsh interface portproxy add v4tov4 listenport=8001…
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3 answers

AF_UNIX in windows

I have an application that I wish to use over windows. I am using AF_UNIX family un windows. I wish to know that AF_UNIX family is available in windows. If not then is there any alternate to AF_UNIX ? Thanks Arpit
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2 answers

LLMNR on Windows vs. Zeroconf vs. Bonjour

Link-Local Multicast Name Resolution (LLMNR) is a Microsoft tech for service discovery based on multicast DNS. Is it compatible with Bonjour/Zeroconf? If so, where's the API? The service discovery, I take it, is somehow rolled into vanilla DNS…
Seva Alekseyev
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1 answer

C# UDP client reading multicast IP (local interface), and sending unicast UDP to VPN

I have a VPN client that works fine for sending unicast UDP packets over the VPN pipe but does not do that for multicast IP (UDP) packets (OpenVPN). So I thought I could write this little shim that would take the IP (port 3000) multicast and send…
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3 answers

Client Socket Connections Being Denied By Server on Windows Host For Small Number (16 < x < 24) of Simulataneous Client Connection Attempts

We are experiencing a problem where our incoming client socket connections to our socket server are being denied when a relatively small number of nodes (16 to 24, but we will need to handle more in the future) are trying to connect…
Burton Samograd
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4 answers

How can I add a Windows firewall rule with a custom group name?

I know I can use netsh advfirewall firewall add rule or wf.msc to create new firewall rules; but when I create a rule this way, it will NOT have a groupName and thus I can't manage multiple rules at the same time. Is there a way to specify a…
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0 answers

Windows Raw sockets capturing packets in wrong order

I am developing a packet sniffer based on windows raw socket on windows 7. The program captures packet from IP layer. The issue i am facing here is, Program captures all packets but some of them are captured in wrong order, for eg. for a tcp…
1 answer

Determining the local intranet ip address in .NET

I am trying to get the local intranet ip of a machine from code running on that machine Is there a definitive way to do this? I have tried getting all the IPs and filtering by…
Anthony Johnston
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1 answer

Mapping a network drive (WebDAV) doesn't work with Windows XP

i've got a problem mapping a network drive (WebDAV) under Windows XP using API method WNetAddConnection2. Under Windows 7 or it works like a charme. My code: function ConnectDrive(Drive: string; Folder: string; Username: string; Password: string;…
Action Heinz
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2 answers

Network Drive Not Available On Startup

I have a C# application which loads at startup, and logs data to a network drive, which is mounted as X: When the machine first boots, the application throws an error that X:\ is not available. If I restart the app, same error. However, if I open…
1 answer

https delay between "Change Cipher Spec" and "Application Data"

I am using .NET 4.5 on Windows 7 (client) to make https calls to lighttpd running on an embedded system (server). The first https request is +-120ms slower than subsequent requests. It is normal the first request is slower because the connection is…
Tom Deseyn
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2 answers

::createFile winApi fails with error 5 (access_denied) . Is shell Programming or other solution or any hint.

I found this question somewhere on internet now facing same problem. With little change i already have modfied question below. Question: I want to access a file on remote machine(, but i couldnt understand how to login to that machine in…
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1 answer

Transmitting and receiving ARP data on Windows from user mode programs

(ARP = Address Resolution Protocol - RFC 826) Is there a way to send and receive ARP traffic on Windows through user world programs? On Linux, we can just create raw sockets to send ARP traffic, but on Windows, my research suggests that we need to…
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