Questions tagged [windows-networking]

83 questions
1 answer

How to get list of system IP addresses in Windows 2008 and .NET that INCLUDES "skipassource" addresses?

I have some existing code that worked fine under Windows 2003, to obtain the list of IP addresses bound to the server: foreach (IPAddress addr in (Dns.GetHostEntry(Dns.GetHostName())).AddressList) { // Code here to act on each address } When I…
Mason G. Zhwiti
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1 answer

How do I detect whether DNS servers have been specified programmatically in .net?

How can I programmatically detect whether DNS servers are explicitly defined in windows 7: Static ip addressing can be identified using IPv4InterfaceProperties::IsDhcpEnabled but I can't find a similar setting for the dns. I've tried…
Jon Cage
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2 answers

WSL2 network unreachable

A couple of weeks ago, WSL suddenly could not reach any IP addresses nor resolve any domains. Even internal network IPs are not reachable. >lsb_release -a Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS Release: 20.04 Codename: …
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Windows Docker Container has no NAT IP Address. Cannot access container locally

First to be clear, my docker container has an IP address under NetworkSettings.Networks.bridge. That IP is However I cannot access the container via after running it with docker run -p 3000:3000 node:8.10.0 My…
Scott Clark
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7 answers

Browsing for SQL Servers

I'm writing a database application that connects to SQL server. I'd like to implement a similar connection dialog box like the one in SQL Management Studio. I've already found a way to get the list of databases on a server, but I'd really like to…
Joe Chin
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How do I give a service running as SYSTEM shared directory network access over EC2 hosts running Windows Server 2012?

The scenario is as follows: I have TeamCity set up to use AWS EC2 hosts running Windows Server 2012 R2 as build agents. In this configuration, the TeamCity agent service is running as SYSTEM. I am trying to implement FastBuild as our new compilation…
0 answers

QEMU on Linux works, but on Windows (probably 7/8) fails when -redir parameter is used

I'm shipping my project via qemu static build and a Linux VM. My project uses port 4848 for server configuration and port 8080 for HTTP (tools) and ephermal ports (49152+) for spawned sub-projects that use p2p websockets. Note that the qemu binary…
0 answers

What can cause data written to a TCP socket on windows to be altered before transmiission?

Something is altering data written to TCP sockets on my Windows (Windows 7) machine - specifically, when the bytes follow a specific HTTP POST pattern, the pattern is repeated when the bytes are read from the corresponding listener socket side of…
1 answer

Is the OVERLAPPED::hEvent set even if pipe connection is immediate with ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED?

If, after an asynchronous ConnectNamedPipe(), one gets ERROR_PIPE_CONNECTED from GetLastError(), will the event in the OVERLAPPED structure passed to the function still be set, or does it only get set if the result was ERROR_IO_PENDING? A secondary…
Display Name
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1 answer

List of network interface names, using C with Winsock?

In Windows' C API, how can you get a list of network interface names? (Equivalent to getifaddrs() in Linux) The WSAIoctl(sock, SIO_GET_INTERFACE_LIST_EX, ...) function seems to only return IP addresses, plus a little metadata.
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1 answer

Network address inaccessible if ran by the Task Scheduler

I have a C# program that does this: Directory.Exists(@"\\PcName\SomeDir"); and prints whether that path is accessible (exists) or not. This is the problem: I run this app via the Task Scheduler right after log-in (auto-log-in user), using the "On…
0 answers

Determine whether a name is a Workgroup or a Domain in a Windows forest

My app is running on client's network, where they have a windows forest with multiple Domains and Workgroups. We're using NetServerEnum function, with the flag SV_TYPE_DOMAIN_ENUM, for enumerating all of these "sub-networks" - domains and…
1 answer

Windows App Store - System.Net namespace - equivalent objects

I know that Windows App Store applications have limited support for the System.Net namespace. I know that for TCP and UDP protocols, the Windows.Networking namespace contains equivalents such as StreamSocket, DataReader, DataWriter, etc. There are a…
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1 answer

Binding multiple times to the same port?

Why doesn't the following code throw a " Address already in use: JVM_Bind" exception? import; import; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) throws…
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3 answers

Maximum number of systems in a LAN

I am developing a web application. I want to deploy it in a LAN. I would like to know what will be the maximum number of systems possible in a LAN?
Sarin Jacob Sunny
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