Questions tagged [webjob]

Used in cloud hosting services like Microsoft Azure

150 questions
0 answers

MSBuilld copies unwanted files from Azure WebJob to another WebJob

We have 2 Azure Webjobs connected to our ASP WebApi application. None of them is using any dependencies from the other one. And yet, after publishing, one of them has executables from the other one. It's worth mantioning that this only happens on…
Sebastian Budka
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1 answer

How can I configure an Azure WebJob to run from a git deployed exe, rather than from an upload?

I have a deployment process that places everything needed within a repository which my azure AppService is already configured to pull from. This deployment process is fully automated and works well. I would like to amend this deployment process to…
Rory Becker
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2 answers

azure webjob connect to remote mssql instance. Access Denied

Hi I want to use a web job to call the following code: using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConfigStore.RemoteConnectionString())) { using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(xxxxxx, con)) { cmd.CommandType =…
  • 31
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1 answer

Azure webjob Error only on deployment :The account credentials for xxx are incorrect

Hi when I test the standard code for azure web job static void Main() { var config = new JobHostConfiguration(); var host = new JobHost(config); host.RunAndBlock(); } And I debug the code public static void…
  • 31
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1 answer

Write log in text files using log4net in WebJobs it is not working on scheduling it only works at the time of deployment

public class Program { private static readonly log4net.ILog Log = log4net.LogManager.GetLogger( System.Reflection.MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType); static void Main() { log4net.Config.XmlConfigurator.Configure(); …
  • 849
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1 answer

Azure webjobs suddenly stopped working

From one day to the other, my manually triggered Azure webjobs does not work anymore. I am trying to trigger them using the "Run" button in the Azure portal. My WebJob does not do anything "fancy", they just read from an Azure blob queue, do some…
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Call MVC action method from Console Client - how to setup the url

I am trying to call a method on a controller from my main project via a console from the client. Trying to send putdata through to the controller. Here is what I tried case "6": //PUT data (Data Controller) must already exist... …
Andre Q
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2 answers

Azure continuous webjob fails in some cases

I have a continuous webjob that is running on azure that after a larger deployment 8 hours ago gets the status never finished in some cases and in other cases completed the job. I have enabled all logging I could find and have been spending quite a…
Dennis C
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1 answer

How to run a PHP file in an Azure WebJob from a bat file with your .user.ini and custom extensions?

If you try to use third party software (e.g., Piwik) using the WebJobs feature provided by Azure, you might run into the issue that PHP neither loads the custom .user.ini nor the user extensions you enabled in the Azure portal. Since you might also…
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1 answer

Running powershell script in Webjob

I am running below powershell script in Azure Webjob to conenct to Storage account and upload a file Write-Output "Getting Azure storage context..." $storageContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName "awemigcitest" -StorageAccountKey…
ravi shanker
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2 answers

Webjob getting 'System.OutOfMemoryException'

I have a webjob running on Azure on their S3 standard platform meaning it has 7 gb of ram available to run my app. On the machine 3 jobs are running of which one is the one doing all the processing and the other two handles small tasks. My problem…
Dennis C
  • 71
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1 answer

Configure a dbContext from a webjob

I have a website that takes input from emails that go out to users (an email is sent to everyone, they click a link which calls a controller action). I want to use a webjob to send the emails out, but I need to cycle through all the users in the…
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The scale down doesn't work azure

I build a webjob that fetch messages from services bus, after that, this service sends the messages to webapi. The webapi is hosted on App Serivice plan.This plan is setting with Premium P3 and 10 instance, where there are copies of webapi. When…
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problems publishing webjobs to azure

I've created 3 webjobs and have been developing and testing locally using the storage emulator. I'm now ready to deploy and test these webjobs to azure. when I try to publish, I'm getting this below error: the database provider is not specified…
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1 answer

Timeout while deploying Azure Web Application

I’m writing a script to deploy my Azure Web Application. Msbuild works great for when I have the source code and want to compile and upload it to the WebApp. On other occasions I want to upload a build drop that doesn’t contain the source code but…
Ravit D
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