Questions tagged [continuous]

A random variable X is called continuous if its set of possible values is uncountable, and the chance that it takes any particular value is zero (P(X=x)=0 for every real number x). A random variable is continuous if and only if its cumulative probability distribution function is a continuous function.


From Mood et al. (page 60, 1974):

"A random variable X is called continuous if there exists a function fX (.) such that

enter image description here

for every real number x. The cumulative distribution function FX (.) of a continuous random variable X is called absolutely continuous".

Mood, A. M., Graybill, F. A., & Boes, D. C. (1974). Introduction to theory of statistics. (B. C. Harrinson & M. Eichberg, Eds.) (3rd ed., p. 564). McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Excerpt reference: Glossary of Statistical Terms from

Tag usage

Questions on tag should be about implementation and programming problems, not about the statistical or theoretical properties of this type of data. Consider whether your question might be better suited to Cross Validated, the Stack Exchange site for statistics, machine learning and data analysis.

393 questions
16 answers

Identify groups of continuous numbers in a list

I'd like to identify groups of continuous numbers in a list, so that: myfunc([2, 3, 4, 5, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 20]) Returns: [(2,5), (12,17), 20] And was wondering what the best way to do this was (particularly if there's something inbuilt into…
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10 answers

Splitting a continuous variable into equal sized groups

I need to split/divide up a continuous variable into 3 equal sized groups. Example data frame: das <- data.frame(anim = 1:15, wt = c(181,179,180.5,201,201.5,245,246.4, …
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1 answer

ggplot: arranging boxplots of multiple y-variables for each group of a continuous x

I would like to create boxplots of multiple variables for groups of a continuous x-variable. The boxplots should be arranged next to each other for each group of x. The data looks like this: require (ggplot2) require…
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7 answers

Continuous Looping Page (Not Infinite Scroll)

I'm looking for resources that create scrolling functions like the ones found on these sites: Outpost Journal Unfold Once the scroll bar hits the bottom of the page, I want it to loop back to the top. I'm familiar with with the infinite scroll, and…
Brian Metcalf
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7 answers

How to get a continuous Touch Event?

My class extends View and I need to get continuous touch events on it. If I use: public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent me) { if(me.getAction()==MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN) { myAction(); } return true; } ... the touch event is…
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1 answer

Video recording to a circular buffer on Android

I'm looking for the best way (if any...) to capture continuous video to a circular buffer on the SD card, allowing the user to capture events after they have happened. The standard video recording API allows you to just write directly to a file, and…
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1 answer

jquery make div repeatedly fade in and out

hello i have a series of divs created in a for loop like so: var myDiv ='#bannerHolder' var fib_str = '1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13' var widths_str = '33px, 31px, 35px, 9px,…
Dizzy Bryan High
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2 answers

Animate bubbles upwards continuously with CSS3?

See the following image: See those transparent circles in the background? What i want to do is make them animate from the bottom up, and then manually jump down (off screen) and re-start the animation. The circles are…
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1 answer

continuous testing with gradle

Is there a plugin or some nice way to make gradle compile and test my application in the background? I know there are some plugins for intellij and eclipse(infinitest amongst others), but I am looking for a general gradle solution regardless of the…
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1 answer

joining two Bézier curves smoothly (C2 continuous)

(Follow-up of this question.) Given a sequence of cubic Bézier curves, how can I modify them minimally to make them join in a C2-continuous way? Input: curve P with control points P0, P1, P2, P3 curve Q with control points Q0, Q1, Q2, Q3 if it…
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4 answers

Creating a continuous heat map in R

I have a series of x and y coordinates that each have a distance attached to them. I would like to create a heat map that displays the average distance for every point within the x and y ranges as a heat map. Since the points are not spaced evenly…
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2 answers

Best way to fetch the continuous list with PostgreSQL in web

I am making an API over HTTP that fetches many rows from PostgreSQL with pagination. In ordinary cases, I usually implement such pagination through naive OFFET/LIMIT clause. However, there are some special requirements in this case: A lot of rows…
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2 answers

How to include google benchmark in continuous integration

I like to include google benchmark tests within out continuous integration environment. How can I check if the code under test has not become slower than it was before? Do I have to manually process the json output of the benchmark? Is there an…
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3 answers

How to draw a continuous curved line from 3 given points at a time

I am trying to draw a continuous curved line in flash. There are many methods but none of the ones I have found so far quite fit my requirements. First of all, I want to use the flash graphic api's curveTo() method. I DO NOT want to simulate a…
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1 answer

What's the basic ideas of *continuous physic simulation* like box2d/bullet3d?

Traditional physics simulation in games or graphics industry was basically discrete. But engines nowadays such as box2d or bullet3d implement continuous physics simulation. I know basic principles of discrete simulation, but I have no idea about…
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