Questions tagged [webdriver-io-v4]

Use tag only for questions particular to problems with version 4 of WebdriverIO. Always add the general [webdriver-io] tag to your question.

Use tag only for questions particular to problems with version 4 of WebdriverIO. Always add the general tag to your question.

23 questions
1 answer

Webdriverio Error on Window10 basedir=$(dirname "$(echo "$0" | sed -e 's,\\,/,g')") ^^^^^^^ SyntaxError: missing ) after argument list

When i try to run npm run then i got below error I am using below configuration : webdriverio v4.14.4 node v8.5 npm v5.3 Windows 10 below is my config file "scripts":{ "web": "node node_modules/.bin/wdio…
1 answer

close a specific tab in browser window using web driver io

browser.close(window handle) - i tried this but its closing the entire window. How to close a specific tab from a browser window which has multiple tabs using web-driver io. I am working on chromedriver.
2 answers

How can I access localStorage of Cordova App via WebdriverIO and Appium?

I'm currently trying to write some automated tests for our cordova app written in Angular. My current setup is the following: Versions: appium: 1.7.2 wdio-appium-service: 0.2.3 webdriverio: 4.11.0 wdio.conf.js exports.config = { port: 4723, …
Justin H.
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webdriverIO - add junit reporter

I have an issure according to adding the junit reporter to wdio.conf.js. Whenever I try to implement any reporter I'm getting following output and my test is failling: ERROR @wdio/local-runner: 2019-06-04T10:01:13.337Z ERROR @wdio/local-runner:…
Jaw. M.
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3 answers

ReferenceError: $ is not defined (WebdriverIO)

I'm launching native apps with the help of WebdriverIO and mocha, but unable to communicate with the device, but able to launch the application but not interact with the element. android_app_test.js const webdriverio = require('webdriverio'); const…
2 answers

How to handle Iframe content using webdriverIO js and mocha

I want to be able to click on Agree button to give my consent for cookies on a website, I know how to do this in selenium webdriver, however, I have no idea on how to do this using js and mocha as I am trying to learn any help is appreciated. I…
0 answers

getLocationInViewPort(), moveToElement() is not working on the mobile automation

What is the alternate of getLocationInViewport()? I am working on a mobile automation framework with webdriverio with node.js and I am stuck between scrolling down the element, becoz Some element is not properly displayed on the viewPort but he will…
1 answer

css selector for webdriverio to capture data from table

I have got an assignment to capture all apple stock history values in table. Link is this - On inspecting table section, it is covered by this class="Pb(10px) Ovx(a) W(100%)" data-reactid="32" As you…
1 answer

Webdriverio 6 - How to right click at X and Y location

Webdriverio 6 - How to rightclick at X and Y location. Could not find the rightclick command in WebdriverIO version 6 docs. this is the code showing in WebdrivewrIO v4 but not working in V6 browser.rightClick(elementXpath,5,184); Error showign…
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1 answer

Find all clickable elements using webdriverio

I am new to webdriver io and I want to get all clickable elements using webdriver io and iterate through them. I came across 'browser.findElements' API, but could not get it to work. Can anyone provide me a sample code ? var assert =…
0 answers

Webdriverio - TEXT disappears after send key commands gets executed in Internet Explorer

I am using the below capabilities for my internet explorer driver browserName: 'internet explorer', 'se:ieOptions' : { nativeEvents: false, ignoreZoomSetting: true, …
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2 answers

how to use custom class names in WebDriverIO

how to find an element with custom class name in WebdriverIO how to find element with this particular class name ng-repeat="document in documentsUploaded"
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1 answer

how to use mock in webdriverIO to send response as string

I have a POST API that returns the response as a string. when I tried mocking as browser.mock('**/validate').respond('SUCCESS', { statusCode: 200 }); It's not getting mocked instead original API is hit Can someone help me in this??.
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Inspecting ng-click with href using webdriverio

Can you please share how can I inspect and click on Review or complete using webdriverio?
Anita Pandey
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1 answer

Creating a new config parameter in wdio.config.js in Node.js

I am writing an automation framework and wondering how to create environment properties file like Java. I know wdio.config.js is the place where we hold baseURL and other stuff. Say I would like to create new placeholders like "Login" which accepts…
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