I'm launching native apps with the help of WebdriverIO and mocha, but unable to communicate with the device, but able to launch the application but not interact with the element.


const webdriverio = require('webdriverio');
const androidOptions = require('../../../helpers/caps').androidOptions;
const assert = require('chai').assert;

androidOptions.capabilities.appPackage = "com.google.android.calculator"
androidOptions.capabilities.appActivity = "com.android.calculator2.Calculator"

describe('Create Chrome web session', function () {
    let client;

    before(async function () {
        client = await webdriverio.remote(androidOptions)

    after(async function () {
        await client.deleteSession();

    it('should create and destroy Android browser session', async function () {
        const elem = await $('#digit_2')

        await client.touchClick('digit_2');


var Mocha = require('mocha'), fs = require('fs');

var mocha = new Mocha({
    reporter: 'mochawesome-screenshots',
    reporterOptions: {
        reportDir: 'customReportDir',
        reportName: 'customReportName',
        reportTitle: 'customReportTitle',
        reportPageTitle: 'customReportPageTitle',
        takePassedScreenshot: true,
        clearOldScreenshots: true,
        shortScrFileNames: true,
        jsonReport: false,
        multiReport: false
    timeout: 600000,

var file = ['./test/basic/app/']; //location of the test js

for (var i = 0; i < file.length; i++) {
    fs.readdirSync(file[i]).forEach(function (filename) {
        mocha.addFile(file[i] + filename);

mocha.run(function (failures) {
    process.on('exit', function () {


"scripts": {
    "test": "mocha config.js"

Not sure about that, i think something was wrong in my configuration or else

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3 Answers3


The $ global is added through the WebdriverIO test runner. Since you're using wdio through standalone mode, you don't get access to those globals. Try this instead:

const elem = await client.$('#digit_2')
Kevin Lamping
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  • Hey @Kevin , i had tried but unable to click on that element `const elem = await client.$('#digit_2')` `await elem.click();` and found below error `invalid selector: Locator Strategy 'css selector' is not supported for this session` – Make May 10 '19 at 05:56
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    Ah, that's because CSS selectors don't work inside of mobile apps (which is what's leading to that error). Here are the selector strategies available: https://appium.io/docs/en/commands/element/find-elements/#selector-strategies – Kevin Lamping May 10 '19 at 19:40

$ is usually used as a shorthand to run JQuery functions (such as your $('#digit_2'), in the "android_app_test.js" file).

From the WebdriverIO's doc:

The $ command is a short way to call the findElement command in order to fetch a single element on the page. It returns an object that with an extended prototype to call action commands without passing in a selector. However if you still pass in a selector it will look for that element first and call the action on that element.

To fix this you have to install JQuery with this commands:

In a terminal run:

npm install --save jquery
npm install --save-dev @types/jquery

then import it at the top of your "android_app_test.js" file like this

import * as $ from "jquery";

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Make sure you're using the newest version of Webdriver.io. Webdriver.io v5 is the latest version that also implements the $('selector') shortcut.

If you're using Webdriver.io v4 - you may still need to use browser.element('selector') to find your elements.

It appears from the tags in your question, and the code you posted you maybe on version 4.