Questions tagged [wdio-v6]

25 questions
2 answers

WebdriverIO and Angular, writing e2e tests in typescript that import classes (Cannot use import statement outside a module)

I am trying to get a wdio set of e2e tests working. Some of the tests use some utility classes written in typescript. When the test is being compiled it is falling over this error: Spec file(s):…
Rob Gansevles
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0 answers

Why do webdriverIO functions are not working in wdio-v7?

I have just started a new project using wdio-v7, but none of the webdriverIO functions (e.g.: .click(), .waitForDisplayed()) are working anymore and I receive "TypeError: is not a function"
0 answers

Wdio, Mocha. How to create(randomly generate) global variable and use it in every test

Help with info pls In my work I use with mocha. Right now my work folder has such structure Tests 1.1 - pageobjects - folder with page.js classes 1.2 - resources - contain - index.js with values 1.3 - specs - folder with tests 1.4 -…
0 answers

Access chrome driver devtools in Selenium Grid 4 alpha 6,

I have a selenium grid 4 set up and have a local code which runs test cases that access chrome devtools (e.g. performance, Loading size, etc) I can't seem to find a way to make it work. Is this even possible? there isn't much documentation for this.…
0 answers

Find Function with await does not work while using Webdriverio

I am trying to select an item from a pull-down menu as shown in the picture. temp1 below contains an array consisting of elements. There are two items and I am trying to find() with getText() to match the selection (one of the two items). Challenge:…
0 answers

Using find() with await/async

I am trying to click() on the second item in a pull-down menu. The selector returns an array. I am able to click the second item in the pull-down menu by using the index. I cannot interact/click the second item while using the .find() function. I…
0 answers

Create communication bridge between chrome extension and Automation test

I have created a react website and extension which are communicate with each other using window message passing ( window.postMessage and window.addEventListener ) So right now I am trying to write automation test for this communication, in which I…
0 answers

I have to get text and verify table values from a webpage using wdio javascript. How to do it using hash map?

header1 header2 header3 header4 First row row row Second row row row
1 answer

WebdriverIO - How to add custom headers to all requests

I need to add custom headers to all requests in order to access the web app which is normally hidden behind corporate proxy and vpn and be able to run E2E tests. As an automation tool we user WebdriverIO. So far I tried to set up custom header in…
1 answer

how to add context for cucumber scenarios like in mocha?

I was wondering if there is a way to wrap some of the cucumber scenarios inside one context same as in mocha in order to use a certain hook such as beforeAll, before(() => { this will run once beforeAll }); it('01.…
amr kamel
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0 answers

WDIO can not mock error response with status code 422, 0

The mock request just hangs forever if I tried to mock a failed response. If mock doesn't provide a way to mimic error response. Any alternative? sampleMock = browser.mock('**/create',{ method: 'post' }) …
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1 answer

How I can pull data from a Cucumber table in Javascript?

I want to perform a test case where I'm trying to login with different credentials and check the error message. How this can be done in Cucumber? Feature: Login Login Test Suite Background: Given I'm on the login page Scenario: 01. Should not…
amr kamel
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0 answers (wdio) PerformanceTotal service is returning an empty results index

We are trying to install and use wdio's PerformanceTotal service by following wdio's docs here: First, I installed the PerformanceTotal package: npm install wdio-performancetotal-service…
0 answers

How to start edge in webdriver io using selenium standalone service

I am trying to run a sample test on Chromium Edge using selenium standalone service, I have update below configuration in wdio.conf.js path: '/', capabilities: [{ maxInstances: 5, browserName: 'MicrosoftEdge', acceptInsecureCerts:…
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0 answers

How to declare a nodejs global variable to avoid race condition between proceses

Question: How can I declare a Nodejs global variable that gets updated multiple times in a session for a process? I am using this global variable in multiple processes. And wants to keep the data of this global variable separated between the…
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