Questions tagged [web-inspector]

Web Inspectors are a built-in set of developer tools in all modern browsers. Please only use this tag if your question is strictly about these tools and make sure to include a tag for the browser you are using. Do NOT use this tag if you used the web inspector but the problem is unrelated to it.

Web Inspectors are a built-in set of developer tools in all modern browsers. They can be accessed through the context menu and provide a range of functionalities to inspect and debug currently-loaded HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

496 questions
3 answers

Chrome Web Inspector: Find and Replace

Is there a "Find and Replace" function in Chrome Web Inspector? If it exists, where can I find it? I'm using Chrome 26.0.1410.64, if it matters.
2 answers

Shortcut for switching between tabs in Chrome Developer Tools

Is there a pre-built shortcut that allows you to switch tabs in a similar manner you would with browser tabs?: cmd + shift + { cmd + shift + } Referring to these tabs below: Looked on the dev tools site but to no avail. If there's not a shortcut…
2 answers

Safari Web Inspector network throttling

I'm currently remote-debugging a website on my iPhone using Safari v8 and need to simulate different network speeds. The Chrome Developer Tools have the functionality to throttle the network connection (simulate 3G, wifi etc.) or even to completely…
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How do I find what Javascript is running on certain events?

I'll pick Chrome for this example, but I'm open to a solution from any browser. Use Case: I have an update button on my website that is used to update item quantities in a shopping cart. I'd like to allow a user to enter a 0 and click update in…
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When iOS simulator starts, is it possible to automatically load the Web Inspector?

I'm using iOS 6 simulator with the shiny new Web Inspector in Safari. Question: Is it possible to automatically load the Web Inspector when the iOS 6 web application loads? I'm using PhoneGap/Cordova and have a lot of javascript loading on startup. …
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6 answers

Is it possible to inspect CSS3 animation keyframes with a browser inspector?

I have encountered a few sites, now, that take advantage of CSS3 keyframe-style animation, and decided to test it on my own sites. However, this leads me to a conundrum: Usually before I commit a CSS file to the site, I'll use the browser's…
Ben Leggiero
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1 answer

Multiple detached webview instances seen in chrome devices while navigating in hybrid android app

We have an hybrid android application. I am trying to navigate from a WebView to a Native context back and forth. Using chrome://inspect/#devices I get to notice that multiple instances of device inspected are detached while one of all would be…
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How do we emulate touch events in Safari Responsive Design Mode?

Chromium has this feature Device Mode, and interaction is how it would be on a touch device. I've tried Safari's Responsive Design Mode, but I don't see a way to emulate touch (without pointer events). It just behaves like I'm using a mouse, but I'd…
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8 answers

Use desktop webinspector to clear cache in mobile safari?

Is it possible to clear mobile safari cache using the desktop web inspector in Safari? I know I can go to the settings in the iphone, but it's a bit of a hazzle and since the phone already is teathered to the computer while debugging, it would be…
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7 answers

How do you determine what is overriding your style?

When fiddling around with styles of sample code, I find the code has styles that will override my style because they will use a higher priority reference (e.g.: .div .class > .class). I will encounter situations like this: How do I find out what…
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7 answers

Safari Web inspector is blank

I try to use the Web Inspector to debug a remote iOS app. The 1st time I use the Develop menu, the window does not open. The 2nd time, the window opens but is empty. Any idea please? (macOS 10.12.6)
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1 answer

Safari Web Inspector doesn't debug JavaScript in iOS 7 Simulator

I have Safari 6.0.5 (8536.30.1) and WebKit nightly (8536.30.1, 538+) and I'm trying to debug a website in iOS 7 iPad simulator ( XCode Version 5.0 (5A1413). I choose Develop->iPad simulator in Safari, Web Inspector starts showing me the website's…
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3 answers

Adding a breakpoint in the middle of a line with Chrome Web Inspector

Say I have some JavaScript code like this: function breakpointInside() { console.log("How do I add a breakpoint here?"); } breakpointInside(); Assume I can't edit the source file. I would like to debug breakpointInside, but I cannot figure out how…
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10 answers

is there a way to save css/js changes of remote resource between page reloads or map remote resource to local in devtools?

I know about Workspaces recently introduced in DevTools but that is not that i need. For example: page uses jquery that is loaded from CDN, i modify jquery library code, press ctrl-s, reload page -> modifications are lost. Or i want to debug some…
2 answers

Is there any tool that can show how a CSS property is computed, if it's not inherited or set directly on the element?

If I have a table cell that's X pixels high, can I see what exactly makes it so – whether it's the height of a sibling or it has a child div somewhere with the height of X pixels? Basically, I have and I want to see why it's 172 pixels and…
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