Questions tagged [safari-web-inspector]

The Web Inspector allows you to view the page source, live DOM hierarchy, script debugging, profiling and more!

157 questions
15 answers

Safari Web inspector keeps disconnecting

I've Safari 8.0.6 with iOS 8.3 on my iPad, while debugging through Web Inspector on my Mac (10.10.3), the connection keeps on disconnecting (I don't see the device name under Develop menu upon disconnection) but can resume if I quit safari followed…
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14 answers

iPhone not appearing in Develop menu in Safari

On my "Develop" menu, in Safari, the iPhone no longer appears after updating Safari to the latest version, making it impossible to inspect and debug sites and apps. I restarted the iPhone, killed and relaunched Safari, restarted my Mac too, but the…
Francesco Frapporti
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5 answers

Safari web inspector is only showing Sources, Console and Audit

After upgrading to Xcode 11.3.1, I am having problems using Safari web inspector with the iOS 12.1 simulator. Every time that I run an app inside of an iOS 12.1 simulator device, it will show up in the Safari debug menu and allow me to connect to…
2 answers

How do we emulate touch events in Safari Responsive Design Mode?

Chromium has this feature Device Mode, and interaction is how it would be on a touch device. I've tried Safari's Responsive Design Mode, but I don't see a way to emulate touch (without pointer events). It just behaves like I'm using a mouse, but I'd…
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4 answers

Safari - WebInspector Network Tab - An error occurred trying to load the resource

I am seeing the error in the image below in Safari's Developer Tools (Network Tab) for the XHR/Fetch. The response body is not visible. It always throws the red text 'An error occurred trying to load the resource'. My initial thought was that the…
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7 answers

Safari Web inspector is blank

I try to use the Web Inspector to debug a remote iOS app. The 1st time I use the Develop menu, the window does not open. The 2nd time, the window opens but is empty. Any idea please? (macOS 10.12.6)
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2 answers

Cookies don't show up in developer console of Safari/Chrome with Set-Cookie Header, but exist when looking at server logs

I am storing cookies for my web app using the 'Set-Cookie' header response from my python backend. Here is my ajax call on the client-end to the function: In developer tools in Chrome and Safari, when I look for the cookies, the cookies don't…
2 answers

Debugging iOS7 Safari CSS issues with web inspector

I followed the steps to set up debugging webpage on iOS. It worked. However I see an issue with the inspector - it doesn't let me check the DOM and corresponding CSS. Anyone else has this issue? (Exact same issue when debugging using the…
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4 answers

Missing "Web Inspector" Settings in simulator

After doing a "Reset All Content And Settings.." on the simulator the setting to enable using the web inspector in safari has disappeared, and I have no idea how to get it back: Does anyone have an idea how to get this back, and "remote" debug a…
3 answers

Safari Developer Tools: Preserve Network Log on Navigation

When using Safari Web Inspector to view the Network Log, the log is reset upon navigation, i.e. navigating to a different page clears the log. In the Chrome Developer Tools, I can easily persist the network log by checking the "Preserve log"…
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1 answer

Safari web inspector doesn't show redirects

I'm trying to debug web traffic via safari web inspector on mac book (OS X yosemite 10.10.2, safari version 8.0.2), however I can't see request-response traffic for redirects (HTTP response code 301, 302, or javascript redirects). Lets say page A…
Tomas Bartalos
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1 answer

Safari - CORS OPTIONS preflight requests not showing in dev tools

Does anyone know how to get Safari to display CORS pre-flight OPTIONS requests in the dev tools network tab? IIRC they used to show up, and I know the requests are being made as we can see them logging on the server. We had the same problem…
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7 answers

iOS Simulator to test website on Mac

I need to test my site on an iOS device from a Mac. Is there a desktop simulator available to do this?
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2 answers

How can you export a har file on Safari?

I have instructions to give to customers for how to send in har files for debugging SSO issues for all common browsers but Safari. Remote debug is not an option. My current instructions basically say "you can't do this on Safari"; I've seen others…
Barbara Jensen
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4 answers

Safari Web Inspector - Long string values truncated

In Safari (9.1), I am looking at a long string value (should be about 500 characters), but only shows me the first hundred or so followed by "...". I think it's just a local setting because I have another machine running safari and I can see more on…
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