Questions tagged [remote-debugging]

Remote debugging is the process of running a debug session in a local development environment attached to a remotely deployed application.

While developing applications, developers often need to run the applications on other machines than their development machine. Reasons could be many: big environment setup to run the application (server grade), running on different OSes, preventing the development machine from any damage, actual run on production-like environment and so on,

A remote debugger is installed on remote machine, which is then connected to development machine. Remote debugger allows debugging in debugger just like local process debugging.

For debugging, the developer builds the executable (and dependent modules) locally, copies them (manually or with script) to remote machine, and then begins debugging.

2421 questions
6 answers

Remote debugging a Java application

I have a java application running on linux machine. I run the java application using the following: java myapp -Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:server=y,transport=dt_socket,address=4000, suspend=n I have opened port 4000 for TCP on this Linux machine. I use…
8 answers

Work on a remote project with Eclipse via SSH

I have the following boxes: A Windows box with Eclipse CDT, A Linux box, accessible for me only via SSH. Both the compiler and the hardware required to build and run my project is only on machine B. I'd like to work "transparently" from a…
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24 answers

Accessing localhost (xampp) from another computer over LAN network - how to?

I have just set up a wi-fi network at home. I have all my files on my desktop computer ( and want to access localhost over there from another computer ( On my desktop I can access localhost through the normal…
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8 answers

Adb over wireless without usb cable at all for not rooted phones

I want to debug Android APPs on my phone (LG nexus 4). I'm travelling and I forgot my USB cable. When I work at home I can do it just connecting the USB cable and executing the command 'adb tcpip 5555'. Then I can unplug the USB cable and connect…
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16 answers

How to debug web sites on mobile devices?

How do people debug websites on mobile devices? I'd like to be able to manipulate the HTML and CSS similar to using the Inspector in a desktop browser, and debug JavaScript.
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3 answers

Java remote debugging, how does it work technically?

I really like the remote debugging facilities of the JVM. But I wonder how it works internally. My assumption: It is done through a JVM feature where the running process is downloading/using the source-code from the attached remote-debugger (like…
manuel aldana
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6 answers

How to wait until remote .NET debugger attached

Today I ran into a problem were I needed to remote-debug a program. The program was launched from another system, so I really don't have an opportunity to interact with it on the command line. I could change its source easily though. What I needed…
Clinton Pierce
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6 answers

How to set up remote debugging on a machine without Visual Studio

Is there a way to set up Remote Debugging (Msvscom.exe) on a machine that does not have Visual Studio installed? I would like to attach to the service running on the VM so I can debug an issue in the code. I've done this before but both machines…
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4 answers

Remote debugging with XE2 - display of strings

I'm remote debugging a large app between DElphi XE2 (update #4) and a Windows XP target. PAServer is running on the target and the application works fine and stops at breakpoints (you would NOT believe how hard just that achievement was - hint -…
Brian Frost
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3 answers

How do I start up remote debugging with PyCharm?

I'm trying to get debugging up between PyCharm (on windows host) and a debian virtual host running my django application. The instructions say to install the egg, add the import, and then invoke a command. I assume these things need to be done on…
John Mee
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2 answers

Running java with JAVA_OPTS env variable has no effect

In a shell script, I have set the JAVA_OPTS environment variable (to enable remote debugging and increase memory), and then I execute the jar file as follows: export JAVA_OPTS="-Xdebug -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,address=8001,server=y,suspend=n…
Ashika Umanga Umagiliya
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5 answers

How do I attach a remote debugger to a Python process?

I'm tired of inserting import pdb; pdb.set_trace() lines into my Python programs and debugging through the console. How do I connect a remote debugger and insert breakpoints from a civilized user interface?
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3 answers

Visual Studio remote debugger "invalid access to memory location" feature

This is another attempt to resolve the problem stated here. Unfortunately the topic was closed without adequate resolution found, as apparently the original poster had issues with symbols, not with visual studio problem itself. Problem Statement:…
14 answers

Why are no Symbols loaded when remote debugging?

I want to use remote debugging. The program that I want to debug runs on machine b. Visual Studio runs on machine a. On machine b I have a folder with the following…
Sebastian Müller
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19 answers

msvsmon.exe crashed when debugging

When I debugging in VS2013 update3, msvsmon.exe crashed when hit at a breakpoint. It shows "The debugger's worker process (msvsmon.exe) unexpectedly exited. Debugging will be aborted". I'm not using remote debug. Is it possible to shut down the…
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