Questions tagged [web-inspector]

Web Inspectors are a built-in set of developer tools in all modern browsers. Please only use this tag if your question is strictly about these tools and make sure to include a tag for the browser you are using. Do NOT use this tag if you used the web inspector but the problem is unrelated to it.

Web Inspectors are a built-in set of developer tools in all modern browsers. They can be accessed through the context menu and provide a range of functionalities to inspect and debug currently-loaded HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

496 questions
1 answer

If a click on an iframe can be captured in Chrome's console using monitorEvents(), why can't I track it in Google Tag Manger?

The title pretty much captures it, but here's what I'm trying to do: my employer would like to know how many clicks are happening on iframe-embedded Google maps on their site. I know iframes pose challenges in this regard, but since I'm able to…
1 answer

Unfold/open complete DOM tree in Developer Tools

I have a website where I don't know where a certain width comes from. It's probably a small div hidden deep in the DOM tree, so I am wondering if it's possible to unfold the complete DOM tree when in the Developer Tools.
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Is it possible to add a new tab in the inspect element window of chrome?

I want to add a new tab in the inspect element window of chrome using javascript. Just like elements and console. Is it possible to do that?
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Tool to replace the Opera Dragonfly Screenshot Utility

In Opera Dragonfly (the Dev tools used in Opera Presto), there is a tab called Utilities. In that tab, you can "take a screenshot" which loads an image screenshot of the current page into the dev tools. You can then zoom in/out and use the color…
2 answers

Is there any way to see the font loaded for a website?

This question has already been asked four years ago, but I just want to see if something new technically has arised: In the css declaration block I can read out the font-families specified, but those names could represent anything. Is there any…
Fellow Stranger
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5 answers

Looking for a IDE plus SDK of JavaScript

I am interested to know the best way to develop en JS. If I could get a list of tools for developing and debugging in JS. I am not sure if there. Currently, I am using: Sumariing :) Notepad++ JLint N++ pluggin Chrome web inspector WebStrom Sublime…
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Leave 2 pricing table instead of 4 and center them?

and sorry for my noobness, I am pretty new in the sphere!! I have the following issue : Here I have 4 pricing tables : 4 pricing tables But when I just delete the code of 2 pricing tables to leave only 2 in the middle (it came from a template) its…
Alex Lanez
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How to inspect code on real mobile (Mobile debugging)

I want to inspect my code on mobile but there is no option on the mobile device to inspect code.
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HTML elements out of place while inspecting them

Here's a picture of the issue. Just picture my mouse as the painted red mouse as print screen does not capture the mouse. For some reasons, the element is highlighted even though the mouse is not directly on it. Has anyone experienced something…
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Div class showing up as random string instead of name in google chrome web inspector

I'm trying to follow an intro tutorial on web scraping ( and it is working with the game of thrones reddit page In the…
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3 answers

Css links are displayed inside the body tag instead of displaying in head tag

Am giving all my css links inside the head tag.But when I inspect the webpage, all css links are apppeared inside the body tag instead of displayed in head tag.What am doing wrong?
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How to inspect element of Zebkit UI

As part of automation testing, we want to inspect the element in a website which is made of using the Zebkit UI framework. We are unable to find the element using zebra.ui examples can be found here Can someone help us on inspecting the element
Srinivas M
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How to see webpage code if it does not let me right click on it and inspect?

this JS alchemy game is what i want to copy, it s open source and has its code on github. However, I want to see its code on webpage, right clicking when playing does not show context menu, I can not do "inspect source". How do I inspect the actual…
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Phonegap Android viewing console logs

I have this Phonegap application I'm working. Unfortunately, I having problems pertaining to a particular feature at the moment. I tried deploying on any iOS device, the error is present. Though by default, we programmers, should solve this problem…
David B
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3 answers

Inspect Element (Chrome) Questions for my class

I am taking a computer science class and we are currently looking at the inspect element tool and its capabilities. I have been assigned to ask developers and javascript programmers about their experience with the inspect element tool. I would…
Alex Feinstein
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