Questions tagged [wallet]

(Apple) Wallet tag is applicable for questions relating to Apple Wallet (formally Passbook), Apple Pay, and Apple's PassKit framework. Wallet makes use of APNS to trigger push updates to pass content.

Apple Wallet (referred to as simply Wallet) is a default application in iOS. Introduced under the name Passbook in iOS6, it was renamed as Wallet in iOS9. Wallet allows users to store coupons, boarding passes, event tickets, store cards and, starting with iOS 8.1, credit cards, loyalty cards, and debit cards for users holding compatible credit cards, in territories where Apple Pay is available.

Apple Wallet Developer's guide

326 questions
3 answers

Could we consider non-plugins web-based crypto wallets as safe?

I know a bunch of crypto wallets which works in IFRAMEs and similar technologies right inside a web browser without needing to install any plugins: But are they…
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1 answer

iOS App Entitlement '' does not get incorporated in build in Xcode 9

I am developing an App that allows a user to provision a payment pass in the Wallet via the App. In order to do this you must request Apple to add the following entitlement to your development team…
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App shows "support wallet" in App store even though wallet is turned off in capabilities

We recently launched iOS app on the app store. Some of code files reference Passkit framework. Also Entitlements has been added with key and respective team id. But inside app capabilities we have…
Vishnu gondlekar
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Can removing reference to Passkit will allow me to transfer App from One Developer Account to another Developer account?

I am not able to transfer my iOS App from one Developer Account to another as it contains reference to PassKit.framework. Will it be possible to transfer app if I remove PassKit.framework. My app does not contain Wallet entitlement of any kind.
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2 answers

How to add a credit/debit card into apple wallet from the ios App

I would be really helpful if anyone provides a solution to know, how do we add the credit/debit card details to Wallet from our App. I have the credit/debit card details for the user and when user tap on Apple Pay option in my App, the Add Card…
Prasanth Raj
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1 answer

Can you control the order of passes while adding it to Apple Wallet?

I am using this API to add multiple grouped passes to Apple Wallet. I realized that added passes in the wallet doesn't follow the order of array [PKPass] that I gave it to this API. public func addPasses(passes: [PKPass], withCompletionHandler…
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1 answer

iOS PassKit partial update and privacy

We would like to send iPhone Wallet cards to users containing important health information that they need to have with them at all times. Because of privacy concerns, we would like to just use a web form, have the user input the required fields,…
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0 answers

Apple Pay In App Provisioning : LinkAndProvisionResponse API

In the implementation document of Apple Pay In-app Provisioning, it refers to the LinkAndProvisionResponse API. Please share your inputs for this API; and where and how exactly it need to be invoked.
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iPhone wallet not giving back device ID and Push token

I ran into a problem while integration "Registering a Device to Receive Push Notifications for a Pass" web service on my server for Apple Passes. Link Below:…
Vineet Ravi
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0 answers

Open another app from apple wallet pass

I need to add an interactive image in a pass that redirects to my app on tap. This has already been implemented in other apps like Book My Show. But I'm not able to work out how it's done.
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creating pkpass files for Apple Wallet/Passbook on server-side

I'm new to iOs development, I am android developer. I followed the apple developer instruction and managed to create working boarding pass(pkpass file). But it's static and i built it using my macbook. What i want is to generate somehow the pkpass…
Jenya Kyrmyza
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0 answers

Is it possible to use NFCVASReaderSession to read Apple Wallet passes?

I am trying to use the new NFCVASReaderSession API on iOS 13 beta using an iPhone XR. NFCVASReaderSession.readingAvailable is returning false, but when I call session.begin() it launches the scan UI. A couple of questions: Is there additional…
Scott Condron
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1 answer

How to add "Add to Apple Wallet" button with PKAddPassButton - swift

Sorry if this sounds dumb, complete swift noob here, I'm trying to create the "Add to Apple Wallet" button. But I can't figure out how. I've tried the code snippet here, but nothing showed up on my screen in the simulator. My current code: import…
Albert Portnoy
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Apple Pay In App Provisioning -Add to wallet

Using Apple Test card, I was able to add card in the SandBox environment. However, if I try to check the the status using canAddPaymentPassWithPrimaryAccountIdentifier; it is always returning true. Please advise. Below is the code for the same: …
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My iPhone does not offer to add a .pkpass file to my Apple Wallet

I created a pass using the following node module: Everything seems to work well. However, when I send it to myself on email and click on it on my iPhone in the mail client, I'm not offered to add it to the…
Nikola Schou
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