Questions tagged [passkit]

Passkit is an API aimed towards businesses and developers to help them create, distribute and manage coupons, tickets, store cards, membership cards and much more for Apple Passbook. Source: Apple 2013

For usage, check the reference:

207 questions
0 answers

ApplePay error `Connection to remote alert view service failed` on iOS 13

I have a fully working implementation of ApplePay. all works well on iOS10, 11 and 12. Since the first beta of iOS 13 and Xcode 11 and up until now (iOS13GM and Xcode 11GM) the ApplePay authorization modal doesn't show up. My PKPaymentRequest should…
Tal Cohen
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1 answer

Invalid DeviceToken Length when sending passkit push by PushSharp

I try to use PushSharp in an Apple passkit related project. My current problem is about passkit pushes. When I try to create my notification, it says device tokent length is invalid (exact exception message: Invalid DeviceToken Length. var notif…
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0 answers

Why does PKPass take an error pointer?

According to Apple's documentation, initializing a PKPass in Swift requires two elements, the Pass data and an error pointer. init(data data: NSData, error error: NSErrorPointer) According to Apple's Swift documentation, Error Handling…
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4 answers

Implementing Apple Pay with SwiftUI

This is my first time working with PassKit and with SwiftUI on a big project. I'm trying to implement Apple Pay SwiftUI and since there isn't a native way to do so yet, I tried wrapped the PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController in…
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1 answer

The registration token is not a valid FCM registration token

I'm trying to send a message to my device using a token I've gotten from a ticket saved in my PassWallet app in my Android device. The device sends all the information required to update a pass using apple's wallet spec. However, I'm using FCM to…
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1 answer

App shows "support wallet" in App store even though wallet is turned off in capabilities

We recently launched iOS app on the app store. Some of code files reference Passkit framework. Also Entitlements has been added with key and respective team id. But inside app capabilities we have…
Vishnu gondlekar
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0 answers

Can removing reference to Passkit will allow me to transfer App from One Developer Account to another Developer account?

I am not able to transfer my iOS App from one Developer Account to another as it contains reference to PassKit.framework. Will it be possible to transfer app if I remove PassKit.framework. My app does not contain Wallet entitlement of any kind.
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1 answer

Apple Wallet NFC encryptionPublicKey

In Apple's documentation for the keys available for a Wallet pass, there's an option for a dictionary for NFC-related data. I understand that use of this key requires special permission from Apple. Regardless ... message is straight forward --…
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1 answer

"Access to PassKit Shared Cache file denied. ..."?

My app under iOS 11 is logging: Access to PassKit Shared Cache file denied. Please verify sandbox exceptions and/or file a Radar. Haven't seen that before. Does anyone have an idea where this comes from? (My app uses low level keychain methods not…
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1 answer

Can you control the order of passes while adding it to Apple Wallet?

I am using this API to add multiple grouped passes to Apple Wallet. I realized that added passes in the wallet doesn't follow the order of array [PKPass] that I gave it to this API. public func addPasses(passes: [PKPass], withCompletionHandler…
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1 answer

iOS PassKit partial update and privacy

We would like to send iPhone Wallet cards to users containing important health information that they need to have with them at all times. Because of privacy concerns, we would like to just use a web form, have the user input the required fields,…
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3 answers

Error: Apple pay not completed

I have implemented apple pay in my iOS application using Passkit framework. I did all of these things fully to set up apple pay. I am using sandbox account. I added cards in Wallet application and these cards are testing cards which I copied from…
ajeet sharma
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1 answer

Apple Pay crash with on PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerExportedObject authorizationDidFinishWithError

When I use Apple Pay with Stripe's iOS SDK, it crashes on following method after payment? -[PKPaymentAuthorizationControllerExportedObject authorizationDidFinishWithError:] + 76 What am I doing wrong?
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1 answer

How to properly present PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController in a SwiftUI only project?

I have visited this answer already and the present method proposed here doesn't work (anymore?). When I use a UIViewControllerRepresentable and then show it as a sheet it looks pretty awful: If I use overlay it looks exactly like I want it to looks…
Departamento B
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1 answer

How to implement PKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate in Xcode 9 for iOS 8 backwards compatibility?

I'm trying to build an app that uses Apple Pay on Xcode 9. The deployment target is iOS 8. Up until Xcode 8.3.3 (and the iOS 10 SDK) this worked perfectly: extension MyViewController: PKPaymentAuthorizationViewControllerDelegate { func…
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