Questions tagged [applepay]

A payment method created by apple to pay for goods online or offline.

Apple Pay was made available in iOS 8. It uses Touch ID for security as well as track shipping and payment information all in one place.

More Information:

576 questions
3 answers

Integrating Apple Pay JS Into A Website

I'm looking into integrating Apple Pay into a website using the new Apple Pay JS SDK. The documentation is currently pretty minimal, concerning just the API declarations and how to instantiate a new ApplePaySession object. Is there any example code…
Martin Costello
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4 answers

How do you show an UIAlertView above the Apple Pay PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController?

Using the standard UIAlertView code below will show the alert underneath the Apple Pay PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController sheet. [[[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"Payment Error" message:[error…
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0 answers

ApplePay error `Connection to remote alert view service failed` on iOS 13

I have a fully working implementation of ApplePay. all works well on iOS10, 11 and 12. Since the first beta of iOS 13 and Xcode 11 and up until now (iOS13GM and Xcode 11GM) the ApplePay authorization modal doesn't show up. My PKPaymentRequest should…
Tal Cohen
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2 answers

How do you test Apple Pay in Safari?

I am setting up Apple Pay on the web with Stripe and want to use the Sanbox Tester account we setup in iTunes Connect to test on both iOS and macOS in Safari. On the test device (2017 iPad) I have logged in to iCloud with the Sandbox Tester account…
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2 answers

How to verify ios device supports Apple Pay

I'm starting an Apple Pay integration project and have been able to wire up a transaction on the device, and use Stripe to authorize the payment. The part I'm actually struggling with is the proper way for the device to test whether Apple Pay is…
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2 answers

Apple Pay - returns error 153 only when live, sandbox works

After searching a lot of articles i couldn't find a solution for my problem. I have integrated ApplePay button on my site and successfuly made transactions in sandbox mode. I'm using php SDK to generate the request. The problems…
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2 answers

How to create PKPaymentButton in IB?

The following code is from WWDC 2015 Session 702 Apple Pay Within Apps - Emporium: A Simple Shopping Experience with Apple Pay if PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController.canMakePaymentsUsingNetworks(ProductTableViewController.supportedNetworks) { …
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1 answer

Apple Pay will not display prefilled information

While trying to setup Apple Pay in an iOS app we've run into an issue with the API and pre-filling information. Our user flow allows the user to manually set their address, email and phone prior to paying with Apple Pay, so we want to be sure to…
Nathan Taylor
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1 answer

Apple Pay Payment certificate is not trusted

I am working on implementing Apple Pay in my ios app, For that I tried to create certificates on the apple account. I followed this setting_up_apple_pay_requirements link. and followed the exectly these three steps 1.) Create a merchant…
Parv Bhasker
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1 answer

Is a subscription payment model usable with Apple Pay?

Can I create subscription payment model with Apple Pay? I see a lot of examples with a single transaction. But what about subscriptions? For example, each month bill $10 to the user.
4 answers

convert iso 4217 numeric currency code to currency name

I have a an ISO 4217 numeric currency code: 840 I want to get the currency name: USD I am trying to do this: Currency curr1 = Currency.getInstance("840"); But I keep getting java.lang.IllegalArgumentException how to fix? any ideas?
Asaf Maoz
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4 answers

Implementing Apple Pay with SwiftUI

This is my first time working with PassKit and with SwiftUI on a big project. I'm trying to implement Apple Pay SwiftUI and since there isn't a native way to do so yet, I tried wrapped the PKPaymentAuthorizationViewController in…
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6 answers

How to Collect Charitable Donations from a Native iOS App?

I am working on an app that needs to have functionality to collect charitable donations. Apple Pay on the Web: Acceptable Use Guidelines I found at the above link that collection of charitable donations is prohibited with Apple Pay. App Store Review…
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3 answers

Can we test Apple pay in simulator

I know that Apple pay testing we use Apple pay stubs in iOS 8, but please let me know how to use Apple pay without ApplePayStubs in iOS 9 in simulator. Thanks in advance
Gopal Devra
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1 answer

Create Token With Apple Pay Without Payment

I have two questions: Is there a way to create an STPToken using Apple Pay without a payment? In my iOS app, the customer either enters in their payment info or decides to use Apple Pay when registering. When the customer decides to make a…
Josh Gafni
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