Questions tagged [voyager]

Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder, and more.

Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder, and more.


366 questions
4 answers

I have issue in creating admin user for Voyager Admin panel package in Laravel 5.4

after voyage package installation with this command : php artisan voyager:install I needed to create admin user with this command : php artisan voyager:admin --create and then entering the name and the password The problem is after…
Ali Beshir
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1 answer

Create migration file while creating table in Laravel Voyager

I am using Voyager framework for Laravel. Wherenever I create table from Database Manager its creating table but its not creating any migration file. And its not good user interface who works on git repository(share the application's database…
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1 answer

How to prefill voyager BREAD form with currently logged in user?

[SOLVED] I have a simple listing in my laravel 5.7 project,and used voyager to manage its data. and i want to make a fully working created_by and last_edit_by BREAD table but still have no idea to get the currently logged in user. i currently using…
Mafaza SP
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3 answers

How to create custom controller in Laravel Voyager

I am very new in Voyager. I have got all the controllers inside TCG\\Voyager\\Http\\Controllers while installing Voyager but didn't find other controllers those I have created using BREAD. Besides that I want to create custom controller in my…
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1 answer

Laravel Voyager: Dropdown that shows conditional relations

I am using Laravel with Voyager for the back-end. I made a relationship between Posts model and Categories model. When adding a new Post, I can choose an according category using a dropdown. How can I make this dropdown show Categories according to…
10 answers

Voyager for Laravel 5: Wrong paths for images

Having created a new user via Voyager, the avatar was showing as a broken image. I uploaded a new image, but the image remained broken. I checked with Console in Google Chrome and found 3 404 errors: 2017-06-19 10:53:50.159 …
Wayne Smallman
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2 answers

How to safely uninstall Voyager in Laravel?

After update Laravel to 5.8.* Voyager is completely broken Suddenly BREADS are broken, searchable is Undefined variable Call to a member function getTranslatedAttribute() on null appears every time... I am thinking about completely uninstall…
Marcello Patto
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2 answers

Implementing REST API with Laravel Voyager Admin Package

I am creating a CMS using Laravel Voyager Package ( and have successfully installed it, now I need to use the content to generate pages in my mobile apps and for this, I need to implement REST APIs in my Laravel…
Sanny Srivastava
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2 answers

Image field in edit mode still asking for image as a 'required' field

In the voyager backend, i set an image field as required in the BREAD section: This works well in 'add' mode. image field will be validated if empty Issue occurs in 'edit' mode. The image appears but on clicking on 'save', a prompt is thrown…
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0 answers

How do I assign specific pages permissions to specific roles using Laravel Voyager

We are using Voyager as content admin on our Laravel website. We were able to assign roles to have various BREAD permissions on the Pages module, e.g. author can add pages while the editor can edit/delete pages. We need to set up a permission…
Jaime Dolor jr.
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1 answer

How can I create a custom voyager Form Field from package?

I'm trying to create a repository composer package to create a custom form field for Voyager, and I found this example: , but this it doesn't work for me. So, how do I build a custom field form for…
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1 answer

How to handle symmetrical relationship to same table in laravel?

I have a product table in my Laravel project, products. I have another table, product_assocs: CREATE TABLE `product_assocs` ( `id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, `product_id_primary` bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL, …
1 answer

Implementing Multi-tenancy in Laravel

I am using Laravel 5.4 with having Laravel Voyager Installed. The main requirements of the project are to have the multi-tenant domain based application i.e. and {client} I have been trying to load configurations based on a subdomain…
Saad Bhutto
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1 answer

How can I let user do CRUD only on the record created by him/ Her in Voyager Laravel?

I am new to laravel and voyager I have one question about voyager. The thing is .. I want to let user do CRUD only on the records created by him/her, so records of other users won't be accessible to him/her but can do add-edit-delete ONLY on his…
Darek P
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3 answers

403 Forbidden Laravel on shared hosting

I have a shared hosting and I'm trying to make my laravel project works on it, I'm using voyager to the admin panel. I put my app public folder inside the /public_html and the rest of the project on the same level of the /public_html, so it looks…
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