Questions tagged [voyager]

Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder, and more.

Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder, and more.


366 questions
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Laravel Voyager How to make a custom field translated?

How to make a custom field translated? I add a custom field id_post to the table categories and display it with BREAD. But translations are not included in the table translations namespace App; use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model; use…
2 answers

Laravel Voyager admin menu links are not correct

I installed the new Laravel voyager and set it up as the documentation said but I'm facing a problem in the links of the admin menu for example, "http://localhost:8080/mywebsite/admin" is showing as "http://localhost:8080/admin" in my .env file,…
Moneer Kamal
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Laravel Voyager / S3 Storage - can't retrieve avatar

I have set my laravel/voyager so that It will upload the user avatar to S3. Uploading was successful but user avatar is broken. I got 403. What is wrong ? config/voyager.php storage' => [ 'disk' => 's3', ], config/filesystems.php 's3' => [ …
Warren Clarin
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Illegal string offset 'locale' error in Laravel Voyager new user login

I'm using Laravel Voyager for my web app. When I added a new contributor user and tried to enter his dashboard. I got the "Illegal string offset 'locale'" error. Error path: /home/turongro/public_html/vendor/tcg/voyager/src/Models/User.php Error…
2 answers

Creating a data import page for Laravel Voyager

I am using Voyager for a basic BREAD admin to a small web application I am building for a small non-profit. Yearly they need to import 300-500 new semi-complex entries into the database from Excel, so I want to build an admin script that will store…
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How to hide edit option in dx datagrid from normal user

I'm using data grid table in voyager Laravel.. its working properly how ever I need to disable or hide editing options to normal user on the basis of roles Assigned. onCellPrepared: function(e) { var role = "
Uddyan Semwal
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4 answers

The controllers namespace must start with your application namespace: App

I found this error when wanting to publish my namespace in the file voyager.php with the instruction, `php artisan voyager:controllers route: voyager.php 'controllers' => [ 'namespace' => 'TCG\\Voyager\\Http\\Controllers', 'namespace' =>…
Ulai Nava
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2 answers

Conditional BREAD in Laravel / Voyager

Is there a way to apply certain conditions to the list of records displayed by Voyager's BREAD? For example, only display records where a certain column is blank (i.e. WHERE 'col_name' IS NULL)?
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laravel-voyager custom views for role

Laravel Version: 5.26.27 Voyager Version: 1.1.3 PHP Version: 7.2.1 Database Driver & Version: MySQL 5.6.38 Description: I'm new to Voyager but have already managed to create tables, populate them and configure their access privileges for BREAD. But…
Jorge Iraira
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1 answer

Laravel voyager policy based on user role

I can't find out how to determine user role in voyager. I am trying to do some policy check based on user role like this: public function browse(User $user) { $user->role == 'admin'; } But this returns false (This action is unauthorized.) even…
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deploy web application with laravels voyager admin panel

i developed a Website using Laravel 5.5 and Voyager Admin panel. Now i want to deploy my website to a DigitalOcean server. While developing I created tables via Voyagers Database Tool. I also set my relations between the tables there. This worked…
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Route [voyager.database.bread.edit] not defined. Voyager Laravel 5.6

Can someone tell me what is this about? It works fine on my local server(i use valet) and on a live website. But on staging server when I try to open a database in the voyager admin panel it "Whoopses" and throw me this route not defined error.…
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CSV Upload Voyager

I'm a newbie to voyager, is there a way I can upload users via CSV in voyager. I imagine I would have to make a custom template for this, anyone that can point me on the right direction on this, I would highly appreciate it.
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Laravel voyager - requirements could not be resolve

I used laravel 5.4 for my project and install voyager admin package It shows an errors. How can I fix these errors? PHP version - PHP 5.6.31 Your requirements could not be resolved to an installable set of packages. Problem 1 - tcg/voyager…
Ariel Pepito
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ace-editor DO NOT SHOW in Laravel Voyager

I have a problem with the Voyager Laravel in the BEARD section. ACE-Editor is not displayed in OPTIONAL DETAILS. Here is what is shown right now:
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