Questions tagged [voyager]

Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder, and more.

Voyager is a Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder, and more.


366 questions
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New Roles doesn't get assigned to user( role_id in users table set to null)

I create a new role and tried to assign to the new user , it works perfectly but when i tried to do login with the new user credentials i got logged in but i got error. Please check the screenshot: The error appears because it sets the role_id to…
2 answers

Unable to recreate DataRow for relationship in Laravel Voyager

I upgraded to laravel 5.5 and Voyager 1.0 and am using mysql on a vagrant box. I want to add an entry on the data_rows table for a relationship between a User and a Store. I'm able to create the entry using Voyager's gui. Which creates the…
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Laravel Voyager Package installation error

I'm trying to install voyager package on my fresh laravel 5.5 installation but I'm keeping take this error (php 7.0.22, mysql ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.19, on ubuntu) jack@jo:~/Desktop/laravel$ php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy Setting up the…
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1 answer

How to use Git on Laravel with Voyager?

Can someone help me using admin Voyager using git? For example, If you need to add new content type, how to add git for future push and deploy it on the remote server?
2 answers

voyager php artisan voyager:install --with-dummy error

[Illuminate\Database\QueryException] SQLSTATE[42000]: Syntax error or access violation: 1071 Specified key was too long; max key length is 1000 bytes ( SQL: alter table translations add unique …
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Voyager : VoyagerBreadController not found

I want to create custom controller in Voyager admin package, but I got this error message : Class 'App\Http\Controllers\Back\VoyagerBreadController' not found I added the new controller name to the bread. I created a namespace a folder /Back…
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Problem with Voyager admin panel routing and Vue js router in laravel

I`m developing locally SPA application using Vuejs V2 in Laravel V8 framework. My routes/web.php file have this codes: Route::group(['prefix' => 'admin'], function () { Voyager::routes(); }); //for disallow accessing route from anywhere alse…
Pejman Kheyri
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2 answers

Dropdown is required even informing value - Voyager Laravel

I'm using Voyager Laravel, in a selectbox relation field with another table, even selecting an option is showing an error that the field is required. What to do? Relationship: Relationship image Form: Form Image
1 answer

How can i solve this Exception that occurs when i migrate my Voyager (admin panal ) BadMethodCallException date_time_set does not exist

BadMethodCallException : Method Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint::date_time_set does not exist. at // C:\wamp64\www\NewsApp\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Support \Traits\Macroable.php:104 100| */ 101| …
1 answer

Laravel Voyager SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'id' doesn't have a default value

I'm using voyager as admin panel in my backend getting this type of error while creating BREAD SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1364 Field 'id' doesn't have a default value (SQL: insert into `data_types` (`name`, `display_name_singular`,…
3 answers

Laravel Voyager Avatar not showing in AWS EC2

AWS EC2 is not showing the avatar in Laravel Voyager. Typically when this kind of error pop ups in local server we used to change the APP_URL in .env to fix the problem. But I have no idea now in the case of AWS EC2. I think it’s the problem with…
Jashan PJ
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1 answer

Laravel Voyager Route Restriction

How to do this: 1. Access route only when user is login. 2. Redirect to voyager login when accessing the restricted page. Route::get('/call_sheet', 'CallSheetsController@index'); the route returns a view.
Warren Clarin
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Laravel Voyager: Translation not working on posts and pages

I'm trying to add ar language to my website but I have a problem the body is not saving it saves


I have the request printed how I receive it when updating a post with 2 languages ar, en. The request is as this with some dummy…
Alaa M. Jaddou
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Laravel Voyager v1.1 date format not working

I tried to make the date field with different format on Laravel Voyager 1.1 as shown below: and yet the upon creation of the record its still using the default format:
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Mysql import of laravel voyager database error - Specified key was too long; max key length is 767 bytes

Cant seem to upload a laravel database to a live server because of the specified key is too long. SQL ERROR example shows that the key constraint is too long, however it is not just on one table it is on many. Is there a way to update this or change…
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