Questions tagged [vmdk]

34 questions
2 answers

How to check the uuid of a virtualbox vdi?

How can I check the uuid of a vdi or vmdk? There should be some command line on VBoxManage to show it. I know I read it some place in the docs, but now for some reason I can't find it...
Radagast the Brown
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7 answers

Mounting VMDK disk image

I have a single vmware disk image file with vmdk extension I am trying to mount this and explore all of the partitions (including hidden ones). I've tried to follow several guides, such as :…
Without Me It Just Aweso
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2 answers

convert vmdk to ova using ovftool

I am trying to convert vmdk file to ova uisng ovftool This is the command I type. C:\Program Files\VMware\VMware OVF Tool>ovftool -st=vmdk "C:\Windows Server 2016\win2trg1-1.vmdk" -tt=ova "C:\Windows Server 2016\win2trg1-1.ova" However it did not…
Abdullah Naina
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VBoxManage cant get vm ip address

I'm trying to get vm ip address with VBoxManage guestproperty enumerate but get this result : Name: /VirtualBox/HostInfo/GUI/LanguageID, value: en_US, timestamp: 1592898609729744000, flags: RDONLYGUEST Name:…
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Yocto sumo, meta-virtualization with vmdk

I try to build a custom linux distro with yocto sumo, that will include docker. I downloaded yocto core, and added meta-virtualization layer (from sumo branch). I am able to build and run it successfully. The problem is that I want to create a vmdk…
Alkis Mavridis
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AWS ec2 import-instance error-No valid partitions. Not a valid volume.[Client error]

I am trying to import a SO VMDK file(OVA/OVF) of Ubuntu server 14.04 to AWS ,But facing the below error , even though the machine seems to have proper partitioning and volumes . This happens only in case of Ubuntu server, while Windows server…
1 answer

How to replace vmdk files in a ova file

I have a ova file, i want to replace a disk.vmdk from it with disk2.vmdk How i can achieve it, what are the steps and procedure to be done like changing values of it in .mf file and .ovf file ....etc Thanks in advance
Anil Kumar
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Recover lost data from VirtualBox/Vagrant after host crash

Our linux server has been rebooted after server crash/freeze. Trying to use a virtual machine (using vagrant up) , I've noticed the VM (created with vagrant) reverted to a prior version (version of the first week since vm creation). I 'm now trying…
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1 answer

VMDK to ISO file converter

I am using virtualbox and creating a VMDK file. I am creating ova file using virtualbox. but there is no any option to create iso file.Please suggest how I am convert this VMDK to ISO.
1 answer

Can't import disk image to Google Cloud Platform

I'm trying to import image to Google Cloud Platform from vmdk file: gcloud compute images import jira-vmdk --source-file gs://r-vm/jira_0-flat.vmdk.gz --os debian-9 OS pre-verified by import_precheck utility: import_precheck screen But an error…
1 answer

Why we have to mention ACCESS KEY and SECURITY KEY two time when we import vmdk files to ec2

Following is the code I found in web ec2-import-volume xxx.vmdk -f vmdk -b -O -W -o -w -z --region
Nisal Edu
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1 answer

Recover project from vmdk file

I want to recover project from vmdk file, am using vmware and it has catalina installed on it. After restarting the vmware i was not able to open catalina again it keep saying macos 15.5.0 not installed on this device. I don't understand why it says…
Show Time
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1 answer

Qemu-img 5.2.91 can't open vmdk, Failed to lock byte 100: Input/output error, but qemu-img 2.5 work

openstack:~/qemu-6.0.0-rc1/build$ qemu-img --version qemu-img version 2.5.0 (Debian 1:2.5+dfsg-5ubuntu10.51), Copyright (c) 2004-2008 Fabrice Bellard openstack:~/qemu-6.0.0-rc1/build$ sudo qemu-img check /mnt/esxi/name.vmdk No errors were found on…
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Unable to Import VMDK as an AMI without booting

I'm trying to import my Linux VM VMDK(Virtual Machine Disk) as an AMI(Amazon Machine Image). Steps I followed: Uploaded my VMDK into s3 bucket Used aws-cli to import vmdk into AMI. Although the AMI is getting created successfully, the AMI…
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0 answers

AWS import images vhd,vmdk

I have problem with import vm images to aws. I getting problem like this below. I checked many times roles, polices and etc. I try many images and none of them worked { "ImportImageTasks": [ { "Description": "TC", …
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