Questions tagged [esx]

ESX is VMware's bare-metal hypervisor and forms the basis of its enterprise virtualization platform.

95 questions
1 answer

Which VMware API should I use?

I'm trying to write a fairly simple application in C# (or at least, I think it should be simple) that polls a vCenter for all of its ESX servers, then each ESX server for all of its VMs. It will collect some simple, real-time statistics and plop 'em…
The Maniac
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5 answers

How can I tell if I'm running in a VMWARE virtual machine (from linux)?

I have a VMWARE ESX server. I have Redhat VMs running on that server. I need a way of programatically testing if I'm running in a VM. Ideally, I'd like to know how to do this from Perl.
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5 answers

How to distribute Python/Django App via RPM

I've read over this question and I think that is a great start, but I'm looking for more insight. I have written an application using Python 2.6 and Django 1.2.1. I would like to deploy this application on a system that does not have Python 2.6 or…
Nick Presta
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5 answers

XenServer vs VMware Infrastructure

Does anyone have experience of comparing Xen Server 5 and VMWare Infrastructure 3. I'm planning a virtualization project and looking at the Enterprise edition of both. They both seem to offer very comparable functionality so am unsure which is the…
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1 answer

Automatic VM deployment

I have an idea to streamline deployments of prototypes within our team using VMs. The idea would be that a developer would be able to deploy their artifacts to Maven, then use a Web interface to pull them onto a development VM for…
Robert Wilson
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2 answers

How can I perform HTTP PUT uploads to a VMware ESX Server in PowerShell?

VMware ESX, ESXi, and VirtualCenter are supposed to be able to support HTTP PUT uploads since version 3.5. I know how to do downloads, that's easy. I've never done PUT before. Background information on the topic is here:…
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1 answer

Creating datastore using pyvmomi on ESX

I am trying to create a VMFS datastore using the devicepath on my ESX host. Based on suggestions from the internet, I tried to use the 'QueryVmfsDatastoreCreateOptions' with devicePath as a parameter and then use the output of the above call (spec)…
2 answers

How to determine vCenter Server from a HostSystem object?

I am querying ESX hosts, some of which are managed by a vCenter server, and some are not. I want to find out the name of the vCenter server that manages this host, if it there is one. I'm using the Python psphere module, but all I want is the types…
Jerry Penner
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2 answers

Snmpwalk Linux Bash doesn't return an array

I am running a nagios server on opensuse linux linking via snmp to an esx 3.5 server I am trying to get snmpwalk to return an array but it only returns a single value. On the esx box I ahve the following shell to find the sizes of all of the…
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2 answers

Shared mount point between virtual machines in vmware

We are currently running vmware esx server in our office network. Our vmware guest machines are running Ubuntu Server 11.04. What we're looking for is a way to share a storage space accessible by guest machines by using a virtual disk. If one of…
Ron Buenavida
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0 answers

Issue with SFCB, the python-binding layer and python providers in ESX 4.0

We are writing SFCB providers in python, Since SFCB talks to only C++ providers we need to have an intermediate layer(cmpi-bindings, a python extension module) which can talk to SFCB and start the provider when needed. The same cmpi layer is working…
1 answer

VMware Virtual Infrastructure Remote CLI finding unused machines/disks in ESX/i

In VMware ESX/i, how can I use the VMware Virtual Infrastructure Remote CLI to find unused machines/disks? I have a huge inventory and many files on disk, and I want to find files that are candidates for deletion. What I want is to determine whether…
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4 answers

What is the recommened HW specs for virtualizations?

We are a startup company and doesnt have invested yet in HW resources in order to prepre our dev and testing environment. The suggestion is to buy a high end server, install vmware ESX and deploy mutiple VMs for build, TFS, database, ... for…
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1 answer

How to replace vmdk files in a ova file

I have a ova file, i want to replace a disk.vmdk from it with disk2.vmdk How i can achieve it, what are the steps and procedure to be done like changing values of it in .mf file and .ovf file ....etc Thanks in advance
Anil Kumar
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1 answer

Web Service URL for a ESXi Server

I am trying to run the Java samples from Vsphere Web Services SDK and for many of them it requires URL of the Web Service. What is it for an ESXI Server and How to find it? I have already tried with url as…
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